Saturday, August 11, 2007

Wind powered cars

Duration: 181 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-04 17:55:54
User: IanCrossland
:::: Favorites

Let me know what you think about this concept

GuiltySpark347 ::: Favorites
the only thing thats gonna power cars in the future is electricity. The highway systtem in the US in the future will be rail system.
07-05-26 05:16:23
twelfthsign ::: Favorites
This would be a dope concept if it actually worked!
07-06-02 14:22:29
MindReaper91 ::: Favorites
you are such a dumbass
07-06-13 05:37:36
energyadvertiser ::: Favorites
A combination of a car with solar panels and wind generators left on all day could charge a battery for a car to travel the average distance of the average person per day. FACT. The only drawback is the expense. The expense of the batteries, the solar panels and the wind generator. However, now that the western world has evolved a conscience they are using these technologys more now. Green is the new black, green is cool. Brad Pitt turned up at a premiere in a BMW Hydrogen 7.
07-06-18 09:27:02
Vanostran ::: Favorites
Don't you think the windmill would slow the car down? You could put a kite on a skateboard.
07-06-20 18:13:09
OrangeBull ::: Favorites
Newtown's laws explain why this won't work. Ian, go read just a little bit about Newtonian Physics, please.
07-07-10 16:08:17
ZKMX7 ::: Favorites
It's perpetual motion. Perpetual motion ideas are banned by the patent office.
07-07-24 16:47:22
energyadvertiser ::: Favorites
Solar and wind powered van!
07-08-05 18:32:19
energyadvertiser ::: Favorites
Watch my solar and wind powered van video!
07-08-05 18:33:09
energyadvertiser ::: Favorites
Also you could have a trailer with a built in vertical axis wind turbine that rises out of the top when it is stationary.
07-08-05 18:34:37

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