Duration: 01:23 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-17 14:16:20
Comments |
dianasatyr 2008-03-30 20:11:30
Hey Jetig1239, ever heard of a "baptism by fire"? That's what they call a soldier's first fighting action. If he gets through that he'll probably be OK with being a soldier.
Well, idiots saying mean things to you around this video is yours, and so far you're handling it great.
More evidence that women are tougher than men, even when they're 11 ! __________________________________________________ |
70sfusion 2008-03-30 00:18:14
You look 11. Your profile however says 29, hence the confusion. Keep going though, you're doing good work. __________________________________________________ |
70sfusion 2008-03-30 00:15:39
And it's OK to talk to a kid this way because....??? __________________________________________________ |
shadowlightt 2008-03-29 06:17:27
mariam is 2x years old you shouldnt be uploading vids of little girls freack __________________________________________________ |
x0adam0x 2008-03-28 17:15:10
Don't listen to him, Point go across. Pretty funny.
P44 if you say she's too young then their is something wrong with you. If her parents are okay with it then it's fine. It's a great way to get experience if she wants to go for the film industry. Or maybe she's just having fun or wants to share these with her friends?
Keep it up despite what ever people say. __________________________________________________ |