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Duration: 02:28 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-19 15:00:06 User: g0at :::: Favorites |
Video Cam Direct Upload |
Comments | |
anniegrrrltooblonde ::: Favorites Get a hot date at > WEBFLINGTODAY . COM < 07-08-27 17:03:49 _____________________________________________________ | |
roboramma ::: Favorites I don't see it - either there is a "first cause" which certainly shouldn't be called god by any definition that anyone would accept, or there isn't, in which case no god either. 07-08-20 12:42:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
stevecc628 ::: Favorites 4) The existence of moral values and personal beings in the universe indicate that the "beginner" is morally good and personal. 5) Conclusion: We end up with a creator of the universe that is non-physical, powerful, intelligent, morally good, and personal --- i.e., we end up with God. I basically stole these arguments from William Lane Craig, a Christian philosopher, but I tried to put them in my own words. That's it for now. 07-08-19 21:27:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
g0at ::: Favorites 4, nope it just means there is universally preffered behavior. 07-08-21 14:26:58 _____________________________________________________ | |
stevecc628 ::: Favorites Yes, I catch your drift. But do you really think so? Do you really think that the statement "people should act justly towards one another" is merely a universal preference? Actually, its not that much of a universal preference since it's rarely followed in this world. But don't we sort of know that it is a behavioral mandate that is imposed on us? And don't we know that choosing love over malice is not the same as choosing chocolate over butter pecan? Anyway, thanks for the feedback. 07-08-21 18:44:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
stevecc628 ::: Favorites Okay, here goes: 1) The physical universe had a beginning. If time goes back forever, how did we ever get here? Also, current cosmology suggests a beginning to the universe at the Big Bang. 2) Things that have a beginning have a "beginner". Things generally don't pop into being out of nothing. 3) Given the physical qualities of the universe, the beginner must have extraordinary power and intelligence. -- I will continue in the next post due to space limitations. 07-08-19 21:05:54 _____________________________________________________ | |
g0at ::: Favorites so the beginner doesn't need a beginning? 07-08-19 21:17:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
stevecc628 ::: Favorites Nope, not if he's eternal. I never said that "everything" needs a beginning. Physical things do, because of the problem with infinity. And by the way, youtube is not letting me post the rest of my argument - frustrating!! lol. I do think you have some very interesting and thought provoking videos. Thanks. I will keep trying to post. 07-08-19 21:26:49 _____________________________________________________ | |
052leise ::: Favorites believing in god makes you feel like you will live an eternal life in heaven instead of ceasing to exist when you die.. pretty good reason 07-08-10 19:45:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
g0at ::: Favorites " Makes you feel like"..... No, if you understand that your beliefs have no affect on reality, you will not feel better believing in fairy tales. 07-08-18 18:28:16 _____________________________________________________ | |
052leise ::: Favorites it depends on how you define the word reason. i think no one would admit that the thing i wrote earlier is a reason for them to believe in god, but it may very well be a reason they believe in god. i know i'm reaching with that one.. you were asking for someone to give a reason, and this is not one you can accept consciously. 07-08-18 19:08:06 _____________________________________________________ | |
roboramma ::: Favorites How do you know that "jesus died and rose again"? 07-08-07 11:25:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
g0at ::: Favorites Don't you know rob, there is an empty tomb! lol Cause if jesus didn't exist their would be a full tomb! ... wait... 07-08-07 13:15:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
jdvhal ::: Favorites That Christianity survived is strong evidence. 07-08-18 13:52:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
g0at ::: Favorites So has islam 07-08-18 18:26:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
jdvhal ::: Favorites Yes so has Islam...? I am not convinced Muhammed was lying. However whether what he saw was from God or not is more the question. The very kyrigma of Christianity, which is that Jesus died and rose again, remains intact. 07-08-18 19:28:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
roboramma ::: Favorites How about hinduism, buddhism, jainism, sikhism, etc.? Are they all correct? If not, how is their survival any less evidence that they are correct than the survival of christianity? Aristotle's cosmology survived for something like 2000 years as well - was that correct? 07-08-20 12:37:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
jdvhal ::: Favorites "Jesus does not give recipes that show the way to God as other teachers of religion do. He is himself the way." Barth. If you look at the other religions then you will see there is a single lie/misunderstanding by one person that enables the religion to develop. Christianity rests on the claim of many people that Jesus rose again. Also to compare something like Buddhism to Christianity is just ignorance. 07-08-20 13:15:41 _____________________________________________________ | |
roboramma ::: Favorites So your evidence that jesus died and rose again is that some people say so? Which people? Why do you believe them? Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. 07-08-20 21:40:34 _____________________________________________________ | |
jdvhal ::: Favorites Which people? People who were willing to die for those claims. 07-08-21 06:13:16 _____________________________________________________ |
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Re: A Question for g0at and other atheists
The Wraith-part 6
Urfa da trafik kazası 52 yaralı
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Duration: 04:47 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-10 13:11:06 User: mentortr :::: Favorites |
Şanlıurfa da meydana gelen kazada 52 tarım işçisi yaralandı |
Comments | |
kahramankentli46 ::: Favorites abi urfadada trafik kurallarına uyan yokki. allah yardımcıları olsun inşallah en kısa zamanda iyileşir yaralananlar 07-07-11 01:42:25 _____________________________________________________ |
Bush compares WWII's U.S. occupation of Japan to Iraq
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Duration: 07:57 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-25 04:53:36 User: researchris2 :::: Favorites |
Very interesting segment on Olbermann where they show Bush comparing the occupation of Japan to Iraq. The historian that Bush quoted was on this newscast. |
Comments | |
22cmonkey22 ::: Favorites Today on Cmonkey Theater: Watch "Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve" at google video Good Luck America 07-08-26 12:40:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
Kaptainess ::: Favorites Chinese Proverb I think. 07-08-26 00:21:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
tobiaswhately ::: Favorites Evidently Bush has spoken and removed all doubt in regards to his foolhardiness. 07-08-25 19:20:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
greatbroad ::: Favorites Better to be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt. (proverb from somewhere in Proverbs) 07-08-25 11:13:23 _____________________________________________________ |
GH2007 Famosos | Carlos intenta hacer la espontánea
In The Air Tonight
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Duration: 06:43 minutes Upload Time: 07-02-27 02:02:12 User: dellul :::: Favorites |
www.davidellul.com I've been leaving a video camera on while recording my next project |
Comments | |
klu64 ::: Favorites O_O bravo 07-08-22 15:45:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
jlee620 ::: Favorites pretty damn good man! 07-08-18 18:38:34 _____________________________________________________ | |
alexandor ::: Favorites There is not word to say how you are great. Thanks for this wonderful moment ! 07-08-09 14:44:28 _____________________________________________________ | |
joelugger ::: Favorites Congratulation dude, you played this song amazing!!! 07-08-07 12:16:29 _____________________________________________________ | |
baatzjoost ::: Favorites absolutely great, which chords do you use ? 07-07-30 08:25:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
dellul ::: Favorites Dm, C, Bb I'm tuned a half step down though. I usually am. It's so some of the blues stuff I play is in the right key, and I can always capo back up if I need to. I've also got it in drop D so that I can just leave that note droning most of the time. It really helps with the big ending. When you play a gig alone, you have to figure out lots of ways to fill out the sound, and so I often change the guitar parts for that reason. 07-07-30 08:41:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
dellul ::: Favorites By the way, I'm not even sure that was the best take. It was just from the preliminary test recordings, while I was trying to get a feel for the mic setup and the room. I've just started going through the rest of them now. Been busy the last few months ;-) 07-07-30 08:43:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
shayster007 ::: Favorites that was amazing man 07-07-26 15:38:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
coddit ::: Favorites That was good. Really good. I've had this song in my head all day and I stumbled across this whilst looking for a live version of Phil Collins version. Really enjoyed this it draws you in. 07-07-18 09:56:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
xxxvolt ::: Favorites O my god..man this is a great performance...you put soul in it and that`s music my friend!!!! 07-07-17 19:23:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
ReneDupree7 ::: Favorites Good work. 07-07-15 13:25:14 _____________________________________________________ | |
sleeplessintokyo ::: Favorites i keep commin every few days... keep playing PLEASE.! thanx+ 07-07-10 04:40:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
dellul ::: Favorites You know, these were just some preliminary test recordings. I've got about 30 more, but I haven't had a chance to go through them. I've been busy ;-) Anyway, I should get through the rest of them this month. I may even have a chance to record a few more; some unfinished instrumental stuff that I'd like to put out there. 07-07-10 08:01:24 _____________________________________________________ | |
dellul ::: Favorites I'm also glad that you keep commin every few days ;-) 07-07-10 08:03:44 _____________________________________________________ | |
poolcorsa ::: Favorites nice song but dont take it so seriously, well sung, well played. 07-07-09 17:10:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
dizynstar ::: Favorites Absolutely Fantastic! Where do you play? 07-07-03 15:06:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
dellul ::: Favorites In whatever country I happen to be in ;-) Malta at the moment. Likely the UK by the fall. 07-07-06 05:33:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
LePoof ::: Favorites Wow, what a performance. 07-07-01 09:01:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
jmaxxx253 ::: Favorites awesome 07-07-01 01:48:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
VOD1988 ::: Favorites it's really great! Thank you for making good emotions. :) 07-06-27 14:36:42 _____________________________________________________ |
Valencia-Arsenal (CwC final 1980 final)-part 6
Sevilla-Espanyol uefa cup final-part 3
Re: Big bang Theory VS Creationism
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Duration: 07:55 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-01 16:50:15 User: g0at :::: Favorites |
Video Cam Direct Upload |
Comments | |
annadianes1exymomdi ::: Favorites Find a hot date at >>>> FLINGDATINGSITE dot COM <<<< 07-08-27 05:06:25 _____________________________________________________ | |
ivarbt ::: Favorites good video 07-08-03 20:04:24 _____________________________________________________ | |
stikefreedom ::: Favorites very well said! 07-08-03 01:55:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
Boanerges7 ::: Favorites I'm confused as to what exactly your position is regarding what you're talking about. Are you saying that you are taking this position of humility? Humility is revealed,outside of one's own opinion,and not self applicable. Regarding the comment you make regarding thermodynamics, is it safe to say you believe e.g. that the ozone will regenerate itself in a billion years? No evidence that's true at all. Im thinking you made a video applauding a neutral position... 07-08-02 22:38:49 _____________________________________________________ | |
g0at ::: Favorites Thermodynamics applys the the universe as a WHOLE. I do not believe that our ozone will regenerate to a " certain point" basec on the laws of thermodynamics. 07-08-03 01:58:41 _____________________________________________________ | |
Boanerges7 ::: Favorites I'd like to hear your theory on how that will come about, with something evidentary outside of a hypothesis. Is it some sort of evolutionary process that you can show evidence that this is a fact? Or is it something that will take hundreds of billions of years that you will never see the evidence of, like thermodynamics... 07-08-08 10:41:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
mejc2 ::: Favorites You are a good guy. I don't usually lay things out like this but you seem like a good kid so I will help you out. This might be a little long but here goes. 07-08-11 18:06:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
mejc2 ::: Favorites first you seem to think that creationist looked around and couldn't figure things out so they invented god. that isn't what is going on here. the bible is a compilation of 66 books with 40 authors written over a period of 1500 years and each author didn't always know what was written before him. but there is one message. that in itself is impossible. 07-08-11 18:08:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
mejc2 ::: Favorites Noah and Adam lived at the same time, so when God told Noah to build a boat there was no question of who is this God or a mysterious being Adam and his children were still alive and could very well give eye witness accounts to Noah about God. 07-08-11 18:11:05 _____________________________________________________ | |
mejc2 ::: Favorites Moses who wrote down the account of creation and the Flood was alive at the same time as Noah. The Flood account wasn't a myth to him. People that were on the ark were alive and the people alive at the time were there descendants. This wasn't whisper down the lane. 07-08-11 18:13:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
mejc2 ::: Favorites So The Bible isn't an atempt to explain the mysteries of the universe. these guys were just telling how things were and what they saw. 07-08-11 20:05:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
jbduke51 ::: Favorites Moses didnt write the account of the flood..it was written years and years after the suppossed event took place. 07-08-13 00:39:34 _____________________________________________________ | |
mejc2 ::: Favorites Moses did write the account and Moses lived years after the flood. 07-08-13 15:47:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
jbduke51 ::: Favorites We only have old tradition that moses wrote the torah. But with scholar research we can see that atleast 4 people wrote the torah.That is going by research rather than unreliable tradition. 07-08-13 19:39:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
mejc2 ::: Favorites you accept suppositions of people 6,000 years after the fact over the document's claims and the acceptance of the people that handed down the document.Yikes! 07-08-13 22:37:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
jbduke51 ::: Favorites moses was not named after the author until many years after they were written.The writting styles are too different to be written by one person. 07-08-14 00:20:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
mejc2 ::: Favorites speculation about writing styles from 6000 years ago in a language that isn't spoken today is not exactly what anyone would call hard evidence. Archaeological finds support the ancient writings.if they were bogus the oposite would be true. 07-08-14 04:29:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
jbduke51 ::: Favorites I am not refering to the text as being "bogus".I just mean when a text is anonymous than you are going on oral tradition which in the end doesnt mean much. 07-08-14 17:30:08 _____________________________________________________ | |
mejc2 ::: Favorites 66 books written by 0ver 40 authors. not all writers knew what was written before they wrote. authors ranged in status from kings to paupers. and they contain one message. you can't get 10 people that witness the same event to agree. this book is in no way a compilation of oral tradition. 07-08-14 21:27:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
jbduke51 ::: Favorites i was talking about the torah..i think you misunderstood me. 07-08-15 00:47:40 _____________________________________________________ |
GH2007 Famosos | Mariana y sus hermanas
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Duration: 03:54 minutes Upload Time: 07-05-29 05:55:27 User: DIGILOC :::: Favorites |
gh5.digiloc.com.ar Semana Nº 2: Mariana utiliza todo su histrionismo para interpretar a distintos tipos de mujeres cambiando su voz. |
Comments | |
InsonmioII ::: Favorites q grande marianaa!!! Negro pata sucia le dice al roña, jajaja Me encanto mirtha y el final!! 07-06-11 19:07:30 _____________________________________________________ |
Catania: 2006, un anno di emozioni
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Duration: 03:47 minutes Upload Time: 07-06-08 17:33:52 User: MondoCatania :::: Favorites |
Tutte le emozioni del 2006, dalla promozione alle prime gare in A. By MondoCatania.com |
Il grande squalo bianco-part 2
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Duration: 04:31 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-10 17:53:27 User: minouye :::: Favorites |
Socially Retarded 2 god guys i just caught a really shit cold. don't worry though i'll still be updating. what's up with you, though? music used with permission by casey james and the stay puft kid |
Comments | |
TheSchimmi ::: Favorites exactly. i forget names but not faces all the time. 07-08-28 00:50:08 _____________________________________________________ | |
hwndude ::: Favorites Haha, fricken hilarious. I'm right there with u bro. Must be the local water! 07-08-27 23:51:14 _____________________________________________________ | |
1demonicapple ::: Favorites hahaha...kahala mall. i have the same problem with names, it's ridiculous. 07-08-27 23:34:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
AllegroTempo ::: Favorites Amen. :) 07-08-27 23:24:59 _____________________________________________________ | |
Stanmarsh010 ::: Favorites you is the most awesome thing in youtube 07-08-27 23:19:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
bargainmom ::: Favorites I got a crush on Mikey! 07-08-27 23:07:31 _____________________________________________________ | |
SatoNiji ::: Favorites You are so right, I do the EXACT same thing. xD It happens to me a lot at parties and I'll forget the persons name. I just go over to my sister or one of my friends who's there and whisper in their ear,"What's that guy/girl's name again?" xD 07-08-27 22:07:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
bargainmom ::: Favorites That shit is RAD. 07-08-27 23:10:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
slander23 ::: Favorites um, yeah, it IS a personal affront. you're not paranoid; IT'S TRUE! 07-08-27 19:06:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
jagexmorelikefagex ::: Favorites rofl copter 07-08-27 19:05:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
vittel ::: Favorites ur fucking rofl dude 07-08-27 18:12:44 _____________________________________________________ | |
mikies85 ::: Favorites I love ur videos dude. Why do you only have 13,500 views? >:O It's funny! 07-08-27 18:08:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
lesser72 ::: Favorites That is fucking awesome. I'm so glad that you're back to making hilarious videos. 07-08-27 13:34:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
Barbareeee ::: Favorites OH MY GOD ME TOOO!! 07-08-27 12:25:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
cookiemonster444 ::: Favorites Dude!! I know!!.. i do the same!! but i just make up a name and call them that for the rest of the night... so it turns in to a joke... hey... Boris whats up? lol 07-08-27 11:02:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
Regienaaal ::: Favorites haha ur fkinng tite dude [= 07-08-27 05:44:14 _____________________________________________________ | |
feelie75 ::: Favorites Dave's not home, man! 07-08-27 04:57:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
alecton ::: Favorites For Seinfeld Fans.... Mulva??? 07-08-27 04:20:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
keepitgeneric ::: Favorites I only just discovered your account after you were featured for the "swear jar" promotion, but I'm glad I did. You have a knack for telling a very engaging life story with clever editing for emphasis. Especially the "what's up with you though" bit, really funny! 07-08-27 03:44:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
Doodsjager ::: Favorites yes he does. 07-08-27 12:22:51 _____________________________________________________ |
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Duration: 04:00 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-27 18:08:33 User: minouye :::: Favorites |
Day Six of the Obscenity of War Project What's say we clear the air a bit? Some things definitely need to be clarified. Thanks to all who have donated thus far! MY GMAIL: bobmerlign@gmail.com music by: anton glamb (used with permission) "Backing Down" MY PERSONAL DONATION SITE: http://www.homesforourtroops.org/site/TR?px=1068401&pg=personal&fr_id=1070 |
Comments | |
AlbertGX ::: Favorites So how would even making $10000 even cover tax? HUH? TELL ME THAT! 07-08-28 00:59:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
elementeezer ::: Favorites Dude, you are the Greatest! 07-08-28 00:43:41 _____________________________________________________ | |
garrymack ::: Favorites LOVELY!! its amazing though, that even an Ideas like this Obscenity of war thing attracts retarded comments. Anyway good going mike. I could see this working pretty well not just in homes but in offices/work places aswell. 07-08-28 00:34:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
sdiegobri ::: Favorites Marry me! 07-08-28 00:17:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
funwithquan ::: Favorites LOL WUT Haha this is an amazing video. Keep it up, Mikey! 07-08-28 00:06:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
usafpilot29 ::: Favorites lol, Dolphin fucker 07-08-28 00:06:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
oliverdurkan ::: Favorites Wow...some of these people must have channeled Miss South Carolina when they posted their response. 07-08-27 23:58:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
Enoki2487 ::: Favorites dont listen to all the haters. because thats exactly what they are. some people just enjoy confrontation. you did nothing but pick a charity and support it. sorry if you didnt pick the one other people want you to pick. 07-08-27 23:52:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
HazelnutInTheSun ::: Favorites It probably came naturally. lol 07-08-27 23:51:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
Zombie079 ::: Favorites haha lmao 07-08-27 23:48:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
mahoneyfan ::: Favorites you should run for senate or some shit. Awesome, great, beautiful! 07-08-27 23:41:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
HazelnutInTheSun ::: Favorites UPDATE!!! Shrimp is on death bed in the sewer system under my house. The glass thingy is now being filled with change. I've decided to solicit money from school peers and from the ground. lol No, make a video about my shrimps tale. :) 07-08-27 23:37:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
SweetOfMyHeart ::: Favorites I LOVE how you addressed those comments, by reading them exactly how they were written. That was awesome and funny. 07-08-27 23:36:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
wyu004 ::: Favorites haha dude, freaking awesome, very clever idea, I will be making my own change jar, cus God knows I have a bad habit of cussing =P Best of luck! 07-08-27 23:28:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
retsamzaps ::: Favorites im pretty sure this is my very first comment on youtube and i just wanted to say you have very entertaining videos. And what did you buy yourself when you where drunk? i didnt get to see the video before you took it off. 07-08-27 23:26:05 _____________________________________________________ | |
bargainmom ::: Favorites I know that is SOOO fucked up! I saw that shit and all I know is that War IS terrorism, period. 07-08-27 23:22:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
bargainmom ::: Favorites stop riding his dick...or just wait in line! 07-08-27 23:21:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
bargainmom ::: Favorites Dude, that's fucked up. Not everyone is a native English speaker! 07-08-27 23:21:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
ArmyWifeKyndall ::: Favorites ditto to that. 07-08-27 23:20:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
almalinda06 ::: Favorites DUDE so close to 1000 07-08-27 23:18:17 _____________________________________________________ |
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Duration: 02:28 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-13 02:13:59 User: minouye :::: Favorites |
Socially Retarded 3 yeah, i'm still sick. but also still updating! music by anton |
Comments | |
moshimoshiumeboshi ::: Favorites Mikey, I'm favorite-ing this because I have always believed that the mainland has more crazy homeless people than Hawaii does. ESPECIALLY Salem. But I've never had any of the hobos out here offer me a blow job (never mind the fact that I'm a girl), so thank you for showing me the truth. 07-08-28 00:05:16 _____________________________________________________ | |
bargainmom ::: Favorites Fun story! I'm in the Company of Bad Ass Muthafuckas, too! Ron Paul Revolution, baby! It's OUR COUNTRY and we are taking it back! Wanna join us? 07-08-27 23:06:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
SatoNiji ::: Favorites OMG. SO FUNNY! xD 07-08-27 21:56:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
bigcountry4life5 ::: Favorites u have a nice camera 07-08-27 18:30:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
heckald ::: Favorites whos better this guy or kevjumba? 07-08-27 17:27:44 _____________________________________________________ | |
KhmerAxL ::: Favorites That's a tough one. I think it's a tie. Well this guy seems nicer, so I say this guy. 07-08-28 00:59:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
yungus200 ::: Favorites once again ur the biggest faggot iv ever seen! 07-08-27 16:52:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
fieragoax ::: Favorites do you own a mirror???? 07-08-27 21:26:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
Achilles3 ::: Favorites hey man the way you talk somehow reminds me of John Travolta 07-08-27 15:20:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
jStrat7 ::: Favorites BAHAHAHAH. Did that actually happen to you? :D 07-08-27 14:33:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
soveren ::: Favorites hahahahahaha omg, u're real farni dude :) 07-08-27 13:59:34 _____________________________________________________ | |
footballmvp745 ::: Favorites lol he think he's black lol get a life 07-08-27 13:42:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
fieragoax ::: Favorites um no he doesnt 07-08-27 21:27:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
APLiquid ::: Favorites Yet another haunting video made by the Virginia Tech Killer... 07-08-27 12:57:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
EastCoastKillers ::: Favorites lmao... thats a bad thing to say but funny. Anyways funny story 07-08-27 20:45:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
sillysp8 ::: Favorites Hahahaha nice =) 07-08-27 12:44:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
ollietwsted ::: Favorites nice video =) 07-08-27 08:34:28 _____________________________________________________ | |
caboose1320 ::: Favorites hey, do you live in hawaii. because the way you impersonated the hobo sounded like pidgeon, or hawaiian slang. 07-08-27 03:00:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
insanepanda ::: Favorites HAHAHA fuckin love this comedy shit, haahahahaha 07-08-27 00:31:29 _____________________________________________________ | |
richieyu ::: Favorites finally! something i can watch aside from kevjumba! 07-08-26 23:40:45 _____________________________________________________ |
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Duration: 04:20 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-20 18:59:45 User: minouye :::: Favorites |
music by: anton glamb (used with permission) "Backing Down" wanna make a real difference? me too. http://www.homesforourtroops.org/site/PageServer |
Comments | |
TheSchimmi ::: Favorites hey, madV's video is to make people want to donate. 07-08-28 00:46:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
xXmcrgurlXx ::: Favorites dude...you're awesome... btw, there are some dumb fucks commenting up in here... 07-08-28 00:45:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
TheSchimmi ::: Favorites w00t, you speak the fricken truth. 07-08-28 00:39:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
SICKMurderface ::: Favorites 4:20 long, u give stoners a good name smarty panted big word guy 07-08-27 23:39:54 _____________________________________________________ | |
bargainmom ::: Favorites I'm afraid that these evil bastards Bush and his oil cronies AND Hitler-y, another warmonger who plans on NUKING IRAN to steal their oil....will reinstate the draft. :-( ron paul revolution! 07-08-27 20:08:06 _____________________________________________________ | |
bargainmom ::: Favorites Eileen, if we the Americans can all agree that this war is a sham, it's only a few steps to realize that this war is evil and that there are VICTIMS of this war who aren't just American troops forgotten conveniently by Emperor Bush...they are MANY women and Children in Afghanistan and Iraq that need help, too! 07-08-27 20:07:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
bargainmom ::: Favorites ATTENTION asshole johnny: We are ALL one. Get over it. This is ONE planet, one future. One Love! Sorry I said you are an asshole. Your snooty comments sounded bad, though. 07-08-27 20:04:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
NexusTK ::: Favorites Great idea, great video. Im gonna start my own jar. 07-08-27 18:43:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
Nosaer0ylno ::: Favorites Can't believe is, he's now near $ 3000. Not bad! 07-08-27 18:02:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
Wantabanana ::: Favorites I know you write down what you think. Your writing shows how unclear your mind is. Why can't you distinguish between "your" and "you're"? It's your pathetic, not mine. Take it. 07-08-27 16:56:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
Frogger0ne ::: Favorites take my dick in your mouth. 07-08-27 18:18:41 _____________________________________________________ | |
Wantabanana ::: Favorites Sorry, I'm not interested in homosexuality. I never realized you were gay or bi. Good luck with that. It can be hard in life sometimes being that way, so all the best. Do you normally engage in sexual activity with people you don't like? That's a recipe for disaster. 07-08-27 21:05:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
Frogger0ne ::: Favorites oh im sorry, my dick in your eye than. 07-08-27 21:39:49 _____________________________________________________ | |
Wantabanana ::: Favorites It's "then", you r-tard. Why would you want to stick your dick in anyone's eye? Your sexuality is warped. Be prepared to be diseased. 07-08-27 22:20:08 _____________________________________________________ | |
jay21317 ::: Favorites lol u said asshole and didnt put money in the jar good idea tho 07-08-27 16:25:25 _____________________________________________________ | |
GlamGlenn ::: Favorites As much as I don't know where I stand on the issue of the War on Iraq, due to two reasons (1. Saddam Hussein more than needed to be stopped AND 2. A Perfect Circle's third album eMotive has some good points about the war being wrong.), I think that you're doing a great thing. Minouye, if you get people to exert themselves to contribute to your idea, you'll have led a small (but great) movement into bring people a little closer and doing some good. Great work! GlamGlenn 07-08-27 16:17:10 _____________________________________________________ | |
jasonlajoie ::: Favorites I couldn't care less about what happens to all those stupid Americans like yourself who let their elected leaders lie to them and take away their freedoms. You will wake one day to find yourself in a police state where you're only freedom is to continue consuming crap made in China. Enjoy:) 07-08-27 16:10:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
sir0c0 ::: Favorites DO YOU EVER BREATH 07-08-27 15:18:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
johhnymcawsome ::: Favorites I feel the air rise up in me inside my shell I wait and bleed. I'm sorry I was listening to slipknot in an attempt to drown out the stupid in your post. The charity is for returning disabled veterans. Not for the war. Its not the "the iraq war is awesome" charity. Also way to go on misinterpreting the iraq war. Let me guess, non American? If it was for oil, why the fuck did our oil prices go up? or in your world does supply and demand work backwards? 07-08-27 14:52:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
bargainmom ::: Favorites If it's only for oil, then why did our oil prices go up...Hmmm because THAT WAS THE PLAN YOU STUPID FUCKER! If you make something limited, it goes up in price! If you STEAL oil and you OWN THE FUCKING OIL COMPANY then you LOVE WAR. DUMMY! 07-08-27 20:05:43 _____________________________________________________ |