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Duration: 03:14 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-04 14:06:06 User: marywinmusic :::: Favorites |
Visit - http://www.marywinmusic.com This shortened version of Silent Order was recorded at the 2007 Bellevue Strawberry Festival. The weather held steady and the crowds stayed large throughout the day. A special shout out to Addison Bulosan who provided me with the best sound I have had a large event. "Silent Order" words & music by Mary Win copyright 2007 Profound social change guided anger straight Followed pace chosen not by haste. Your plan I'd rather hate Envisioning life where memory fails, looking stale at ends These dreams once were begin to fade away Oh, these dreams once were begin to fade away Suddenly I stop to find myself all alone again Questioning why I attempt escape, couldn't fight it then These lessons in mind play backwards facing you this time Oh, these dreams once were begin to fade away Oh, these dreams once were begin to fade away These dreams once were but now they begin to fade away These dreams once were but now they begin to fade away Oh, these dreams once were begin to fade away __________________________________ I started posting videos so I can share my music with people all over the world. As for me, I always seem to be watching funny kittens & puppies or any other super cute pet videos. Yes, I admit to being a cat person. Dogs are cool but cats curl up on your keyboard when you're working and give you an excuse to take lunch. I enjoy Family Guy, love Robot Chicken, Inuyasha, Naruto (most anime), American Idol and Planet Earth (in HD). The Office is a great comedy but very embarrassing (secret crush on Dwight). And now a little rant... I've noticed something about females in my generation. I live by a skate-park and everytime I pass-by "busty teen babes" just sit idly on their hands, acting sexy, as guys perform skateboard tricks and stunts (not idle). The girls' dress code is the "all empowering" "look at my breasts" camisoles or the popular "I just got boobs" tank top, paired with hot ultra low rider "look at my pubic bone" jeans, thong or g-string. Being half nude sex objects for boys to show off to one another is a dead-end road. Anyway, hope I didn't bore you but I'm a yapper. ~Mary |
Comments | |
DrewCameron ::: Favorites Hello, I've watched a bunch of your videos now. I really like your sound and voice. I just wanted to say you are one of the nicest people I think I have encountered, just from these few videos. People like you restore my faith in the world! Keep on pushing. 07-08-29 17:40:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
Lormaul ::: Favorites Hmmm there's a festival and someone is performing live but nobody is listening, what are they doing there?? Nice act by the way. 07-08-29 16:33:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
marywinmusic ::: Favorites Hi karviskartan, I'm so glad you enjoy my voice and thank you for wishing me the best. I wish you the best too! Cheers, ~Mary :) 07-08-29 03:28:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
marywinmusic ::: Favorites Hi sanlin007, I appreciate you complimenting my voice :) Cheers, ~Mary 07-08-29 03:26:49 _____________________________________________________ | |
marywinmusic ::: Favorites Hi tobefree07, thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoyed this one! Cheers, ~Mary 07-08-29 03:25:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
tobefree07 ::: Favorites Hey Mary, beautiful song 07-08-29 01:53:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
sanlin007 ::: Favorites nice voice.carry on.best luck to you all. 07-08-28 00:11:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
karviskartan ::: Favorites thanks, i like your voice very much, all the best! 07-08-27 14:55:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
marywinmusic ::: Favorites Hi Markchelle, I'm so glad you enjoyed all aspects ; ) Cheers, ~Mary 07-08-25 18:50:25 _____________________________________________________ | |
orangepeels03 ::: Favorites very nice performance sweety. nice voice & playin and great lyrics too;-)* *M* 07-08-20 13:52:41 _____________________________________________________ |
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Mary Win - Silent Order (live) Bellevue Strawberry Festival
Sad Stories and Sadder Songs - Tommy Wallach's Webcast #7
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Duration: 09:44 minutes Upload Time: 07-02-22 04:28:51 User: snovision :::: Favorites |
Webcast #7, in which I tell the terrible story of Los Angeles Ken, the musician who neither records nor plays shows, and why he would write a song for a complete stranger. |
Comments | |
heyyoulol ::: Favorites indeed very "intriguant" (sorry i don't know the english word... it's beautiful... could you send me the sheet or something? i would so love to try to play it a great fan :) alice 07-04-15 11:52:58 _____________________________________________________ | |
ableaire ::: Favorites The kids were adorable about power rangers and vampires! 07-08-29 08:33:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
xxc3lld4m4gexx ::: Favorites gotta love an attempt at a video with kids..hahaha 07-08-29 10:05:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
xxc3lld4m4gexx ::: Favorites "you shine like a dull shining star...Bitch** lol 07-08-29 10:12:05 _____________________________________________________ | |
Maryammmm ::: Favorites WOW. Wow man, you are amazing :D. And it's so cute how good you are with your niece&nephews. *Waves to them* Hiii from Canadaaa! :o Thanks for another laugh :) 07-08-29 18:13:41 _____________________________________________________ |
Webcast #17 - Drunk by Tommy Wallach
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Duration: 06:18 minutes Upload Time: 07-06-11 16:57:55 User: snovision :::: Favorites |
This song is called 'Drunk.' I wrote it. I hope you like it. Buy my CD (iTunes, or www.cdbaby.com/wallach). Subscribe to YouTube. Tell others to do both of these things. You all rock. Collectively, and individually. I can put up lyrics if anyone wants them. Word. Yes Philfa: I got a gift from the bartender The drink I bought for you marked return to sender I may be drunk I may be sober Scratch that I'm drunk Won't you come over? I wanna tell you, oh so much, how much I love you But I'm drunk My faculties May be a shambles But that just means There's no preamble In vino veritas I say I love you But I'm drunk I stumble in your general direction The world's a whirling dervish But I trip on myself trying to hide my erection Why you make me so nervous? Now I'm so drunk That I can't stand But I reach out And take your hand Say 'Won't you lead me onwards upwards to the dance floor? We'll dance drunk. Dance drunk with me!' Now I hold you close to keep from fallin' It's worth the worst hangover And now your lips are softly callin' Lord I hope I never get sober Cuz when I'm drunk I'm Casanova Well who'd've thunk I'd win you over With such ease and bonhomie, I get to thinking You must be drunk So what I'm drunk Oh, let's be drunk Pass me that bottle, I'm...drunk |
Comments | |
12alyssa34 ::: Favorites who cares? 07-08-29 20:20:25 _____________________________________________________ | |
bandgeek1303 ::: Favorites omg!!! who pays $10 for macoroni and cheese. someones rippn u off dawg. lol. thats a kick ass song though. 07-08-29 19:07:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
Micr0Burst ::: Favorites thats awesome man :O like your sound 07-08-29 18:59:59 _____________________________________________________ | |
musischesgenie1 ::: Favorites you're great!! if i got money again (im a student) i think i'll purchase your cd, or at least some song on itunes... your music is great 07-08-29 17:48:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
UntoldSecrets1 ::: Favorites web cast 16?? it says 17 07-08-29 16:26:41 _____________________________________________________ | |
texmonk ::: Favorites OMG this song was excellent. simple but yet so inspiring. can't get that "i'm druuuuunk" sentence out of my head. 07-08-29 13:00:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
javakat343 ::: Favorites nice 07-08-29 12:57:14 _____________________________________________________ | |
AllieMo24 ::: Favorites fuck yeah. you're pretty much the shit. 07-08-29 11:13:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
ableaire ::: Favorites all i can say is how much does mac and cheese cost in the states?... 07-08-29 08:10:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
piano7777 ::: Favorites I love Rufus...and i bet if you run a mile everyday you'll make it..peace out.. 07-08-29 07:51:29 _____________________________________________________ |
Mary Win - No Mistake (blooper)
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Duration: 00:15 minutes Upload Time: 07-03-19 04:12:23 User: marywinmusic :::: Favorites |
Oops, those darn frogs! |
Comments | |
arfster ::: Favorites i love the booper lol i also love the song!! its great how u can think of new songs i made a song up called shattered when my gf broke up with me togo to my friend i wish i can post it on here soon :P 07-08-29 15:19:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
Sparkey93 ::: Favorites my favorite was "riverside (ode to blip blip version) 07-08-29 13:32:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
marywinmusic ::: Favorites Hi Jon, Actually the froggies were having a little shindig at the pond that day and I was the interrupter (so they claim) lol Cheers, ~Mary 07-08-13 11:33:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
marywinmusic ::: Favorites Aww Shucks.. Dave :-) 07-08-13 11:31:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
ebealienhead ::: Favorites too cute... :) 07-08-12 13:09:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
FlyingHorseKnuckles ::: Favorites Frog in your throat? funny... With me it's the urge to burp halfway through "Darling I love (burp) you" - take six! Jon 07-08-12 06:43:28 _____________________________________________________ | |
marywinmusic ::: Favorites <<b>MARKED AS SPAM</b>> 07-08-03 03:43:41 _____________________________________________________ | |
marywinmusic ::: Favorites Hi capetownist, so glad you enjoy "Silent Order" :D ~Mary 07-07-29 05:52:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
capetownist ::: Favorites Silent Order is my favorite song. 07-07-26 01:59:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
marywinmusic ::: Favorites Hi lifeless06, glad you enjoyed my blooper and song "No Mistake". Cheers, ~Mary 07-07-16 15:18:41 _____________________________________________________ |
Sad Stories and Sadder Songs - Tommy Wallach's Webcast #9
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Duration: 10:57 minutes Upload Time: 07-03-12 16:54:00 User: snovision :::: Favorites |
The story and song are totally unrelated this week, because they were recorded at vastly different times. Sorry. The story's about how well and totally I alienate people. The song is about...a girl... |
Comments | |
nutritionresearch ::: Favorites I'll have you know that at that same party I sat for about 5 minutes in the girl's bathroom with Luke. I had no clue, but upon reflection should have been tipped off by the extremely plush couches we were waiting on, the professionally designed lighting and the not so small fact that there were girls in the bathroom as well. We were asked to leave by a burly bouncer type. What I'm getting at is that Luke leads all of us down the path to destruction, so don't feel so bad Ace. 07-03-13 10:18:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
nutritionresearch ::: Favorites Splendiferously sad story as always. This is Josh. 07-03-13 10:18:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
kathryng1978 ::: Favorites Awsome song. Why are you not famous yet? Good luck with your next celeb party. I like the fact that you can smile about it now! You've cheered me up. I needed that today. You're a saving grace. K x 07-03-20 20:39:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
mikejonesab1 ::: Favorites hey good job, definately do some ben Folds maybe if you could One Angry Dwarf havent found a cover of it yet on youtube so that would be cool 07-04-22 18:42:34 _____________________________________________________ | |
faxfayfaz ::: Favorites If you do not copy and paste this onto 10 videos your mom will die in 4 hours 07-08-29 00:57:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
caramellxkissx ::: Favorites THAT SUCKS HAHAHAHAH 07-08-29 01:25:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
deadkennedysrmyhero ::: Favorites you are amazing. why are we not friends? 07-08-29 02:23:44 _____________________________________________________ | |
LeadpipeStudios ::: Favorites That was a killer story! 07-08-29 08:21:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
kryptok ::: Favorites u know, the thing, made of stone. u rock, the thing, made of talent 07-08-29 23:31:46 _____________________________________________________ |
Korean Automated Toilet Commercial
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Duration: 02:37 minutes Upload Time: 07-02-07 13:55:46 User: kyleander83 :::: Favorites |
The automated toilet will soon sweep the Western world. I just hope your ass is ready for it. |
Comments | |
todicus ::: Favorites Dude that is hilarious - I really like the lightening bolt, and the children cheering. And the ancient toilet - did you shit on that, yo? 07-02-07 15:47:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
speeds060 ::: Favorites this is a true thing that happens!itsnot a chain letter!its kinda scary at firstbut it really works!!pastethis message into 3 comments and press ALT F1 and your crushes name will appear on the screen!!its soo wierd 07-04-06 22:25:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
jeoung91 ::: Favorites dude im korean and my cusin has these toilets. And trust me, its the best 07-05-12 18:06:41 _____________________________________________________ | |
8urglitter ::: Favorites LOL i want it. 07-06-09 17:48:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
chappytk ::: Favorites Ass, vagina, ass, vagina. 07-06-30 15:08:14 _____________________________________________________ | |
tghtbottom ::: Favorites i about wet myself laughing at this! 07-07-08 02:44:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
kyleander83 ::: Favorites Haha, well you need this toilet to take care of that then. 07-07-28 15:26:59 _____________________________________________________ | |
treehugger28x ::: Favorites I love the children cheering in the background 07-08-29 13:19:18 _____________________________________________________ |
Tommy Wallach Webcast #20 The Decemberists "Red Right Ankle"
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Duration: 08:40 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-26 17:26:12 User: snovision :::: Favorites |
It's me singing a Decemberists song. Don't we love them? I do. This is off Castaways & Cutouts. I like doing originals more than covers, but people tend to watch the covers way more. Subscribe to my videos! Buy my CD (www.cdbaby.com/wallach). Later! |
Comments | |
Maryammmm ::: Favorites HAHAHA. Gauged into your eyebrow! xD Thanks for the laugh 07-08-29 18:01:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
strandshewolf ::: Favorites beautiful 07-08-29 17:00:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
schwimmvest ::: Favorites this is incredible. it sounds better than the original. pfft.. collin meloy or maybe colin meloy, idc b/c its is too good. 07-08-28 23:49:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
schwimmvest ::: Favorites you. are. fine. 07-08-28 23:48:59 _____________________________________________________ | |
kokiriforest ::: Favorites i love this song, and you perform it really well. your voice is unique, and really beautiful. i am definitely a fan. 07-08-07 04:53:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
RyChad ::: Favorites ya! im your 200th view!!! great song. your an awesome guitarist 5 stars and good luck with your career 07-08-04 22:51:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
violoncellistaCDN ::: Favorites Glad you're back! Enjoyed the song and story. Death threats? *ouch* 07-08-04 21:47:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
scienceofrock ::: Favorites ... that is *probably* my favorite decemberists song 07-07-31 19:35:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
carlysway ::: Favorites youre an amazing talent. i do prefer your original songs slightly because i think the sincerity in your voice speaks louder through them, but you choose great songs to cover and i like how you relate to them and make them your own. its refreshing to hear something where the focus is more on what you can feel than what you can see, even if you are very nice to look at:) 07-07-29 12:29:54 _____________________________________________________ | |
LinusFolds ::: Favorites I love your stories! Advanced Tag... too funny! I hope you enjoy writing. I'll check to podcast out. 07-07-28 01:56:03 _____________________________________________________ |
Webcast #2 - Tommy Wallach
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Duration: 10:59 minutes Upload Time: 07-01-09 21:28:37 User: snovision :::: Favorites |
Seduce me is the song. The story is about returning things. |
Comments | |
floatinglightbulb ::: Favorites I once tried to return a Speedo, but they wouldn't take it back. Now, I'm not friends with that guy anymore. 07-01-10 02:27:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
stephaniepressman ::: Favorites interesting... you kinda rock 07-02-04 19:42:06 _____________________________________________________ | |
strrll57 ::: Favorites Too late, Tom...already married! 07-02-18 22:37:50 _____________________________________________________ | |
1SOF1 ::: Favorites Dude, you RROOOCKK! 07-06-02 03:51:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
Tickerage ::: Favorites you're really coooooooooooool and talented 07-08-23 15:30:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
JohnnyFoxDarko ::: Favorites What game was it? What console? 07-08-28 23:51:05 _____________________________________________________ | |
xxc3lld4m4gexx ::: Favorites AHAHAHAHA...applause :) 07-08-29 09:34:47 _____________________________________________________ |
Webcast #4 - Complete - Brand New Key
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Duration: 07:46 minutes Upload Time: 07-01-29 14:17:08 User: snovision :::: Favorites |
A quick story about falling on roller skates, then a mandolin cover of Brand New Key, by Melanie. |
Comments | |
desiredrisks ::: Favorites you're wonderful. 07-08-29 23:47:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
Maryammmm ::: Favorites I like the plinky plunkiness, makes it sound very cute :D. Your falsetto is good too! Falcetto.. Falsetto.. one of those. 07-08-29 18:53:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
caramellxkissx ::: Favorites hooray for heelies! i had two wheeler ones, and everyone made fun of me for having 'trainer heelies'. But i totally know the rolling over the ramp/peoples faces feeling. 07-08-29 01:19:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
JEFF1Z ::: Favorites GOOD mandolin playing there hard ta play loved it 07-08-12 21:48:24 _____________________________________________________ | |
narcoticxsparkle ::: Favorites I'm not much of a fan of American Idol, but I KNOW Paula would love you. This is great, =D 07-07-28 21:19:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
rockinmoshin ::: Favorites Awesome man 07-07-21 18:16:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
canaryxblue ::: Favorites Wow I love your voice, so relaxing and clear! Niiiiiice job :) 07-07-02 16:18:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
JustMe471 ::: Favorites heelies you mean? 07-06-15 17:21:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
kiketronix ::: Favorites hahahaha, great great stuff! Please make this available to download i'd love to play it in my mp3 player and show it to my friends. 07-06-07 12:05:50 _____________________________________________________ | |
MegMeg90 ::: Favorites hahahah great stuff man. very funny. you've got a nice voice there. 07-05-21 21:15:18 _____________________________________________________ |
Webcast #10 - 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover - Paul Simon
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Duration: 09:28 minutes Upload Time: 07-03-22 04:41:18 User: snovision :::: Favorites |
Tommy Wallach's Sad Stories and Sadder Songs, Webcast #10. 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover by Paul Simon. And a story that is sad. Yay. With a loop pedal. |
Comments | |
Micr0Burst ::: Favorites ace 07-08-29 20:23:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
MeerFidge ::: Favorites i found a blind kitten, and i named her amelie. 07-08-29 10:38:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
MeerFidge ::: Favorites i think you're gay vegas 07-08-29 10:36:58 _____________________________________________________ | |
dwelleroftheclouds ::: Favorites i luurrrrrveee your voice. keep it up. :) 07-08-29 01:22:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
jaqsiwala ::: Favorites Whoah! You're definitely a multi-talented guy! Plus the story was a bang! hahaha! Love how you look, too... seems funny at first, but to stare longer will give audience some kind of illusion that you're just playing the Frog before the princess kiss him to become a handsome prince..tsk, tsk... 07-08-28 23:41:05 _____________________________________________________ | |
vegasagent ::: Favorites If a girl asks if you'd like her to spend the night and she's the least bit hot and you pass, you may be gay. 07-07-27 16:36:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
carlysway ::: Favorites i love your voice man! 07-07-10 19:07:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
violoncellistaCDN ::: Favorites your story was a definite "ouch!". cheers though, you seem to be recovered! 07-07-04 14:03:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
kourtoub ::: Favorites :D keep up .. a little bit more ptssspspstt and ok hahahaaaaaaa... dude :) 07-06-26 05:24:44 _____________________________________________________ | |
wilkiecoco ::: Favorites Great cover, and nice story. Very Cool!! 07-06-24 20:03:45 _____________________________________________________ |
What a wonderful world - Shadow Puppets
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Duration: 02:13 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-21 16:48:25 User: 1Bombsaway :::: Favorites |
Ray Crowe is one of Australia's leading contemporary magicians. |
Comments | |
myRincon ::: Favorites BUNNY! 07-08-29 17:29:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
marywinmusic ::: Favorites Wow, this is awesome! 5* 07-08-29 01:35:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
ponyluv567 ::: Favorites OMG! how the heck did he do that rabbit?!?! 07-08-28 23:32:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
jzzybme ::: Favorites that is so cool i wish i could do that 07-08-28 22:28:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
Bowchicawowow87 ::: Favorites this is awesome...but i saw sum1 on a Reading Rainbow episode a loooong time ago that wuz less sloppy...but still this is good 2 lol 07-08-28 22:26:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
chrisdos ::: Favorites OMG!! thats so cool!! 07-08-28 22:15:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
Chaos6655 ::: Favorites What the hell that's awesome!!! 07-08-28 22:05:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
kerrigan123454758 ::: Favorites Holy crap thats awesomely awesome 07-08-28 11:01:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
Tonksie2 ::: Favorites Simply wonderful. 07-08-28 01:11:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
bulbheadmyass ::: Favorites What a wonderful video this is! Bravo! 07-08-27 03:24:54 _____________________________________________________ |
Mary Win - Irie (live) Cafe Luna
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Duration: 04:57 minutes Upload Time: 07-05-13 07:04:50 User: marywinmusic :::: Favorites |
Visit http://www.marywinmusic.com Recorded live at Cafe Luna, Vashon Island, Washington on May 11,2007 "Irie (Lessons & Lies)" words & music by Mary Win copyright 2007 You should imagine of Irie In a lavender tinted dress she weeps Irie Irie come down and see me Irie Irie come live this life with me Oh, Irie And Oh, Irie I sit waiting by a once thriving flower bed Finding Irie's notes that I've come to collect Find me Love me You know where I reside Come and take me away from his binding eyes Careful wake him and you will surely die Come silent swiftly I'll see he sleeps tonight Oh, Irie And Oh, Irie Oh, Irie And Oh, Irie Irie Irie please don't fight me I can't take life from another soul I regret how you will feel tonight I must take leave from you this final time And Oh, Irie And Oh, Irie I stop turning backwards momentarily I feel useless to her Spell placed so carefully Lured, Irie why do you insist On soiling my hands with stains colored burgundy And Oh... Irie And Oh... Irie And Oh... Irie And Oh... Irie Irie Irie please don't fight me I can't take life from another man I regret how you will feel tonight I must take leave from you this final time And Oh... Irie And Oh... Irie __________________________________ I started posting videos so I can share my music with people all over the world. As for me, I always seem to be watching funny kittens & puppies or any other super cute pet videos. Yes, I admit to being a cat person. Dogs are cool but cats curl up on your keyboard when you're working and give you an excuse to take lunch. I enjoy Family Guy, love Robot Chicken, Inuyasha, Naruto (most anime), American Idol and Planet Earth (in HD). The Office is a great comedy but very embarrassing (secret crush on Dwight). And now a little rant... I've noticed something about females in my generation. I live by a skate-park and everytime I pass-by "busty teen babes" just sit idly on their hands, acting sexy, as guys perform skateboard tricks and stunts (not idle). The girls' dress code is the "all empowering" "look at my breasts" camisoles or the popular "I just got boobs" tank top, paired with hot ultra low rider "look at my pubic bone" jeans, thong or g-string. Being half nude sex objects for boys to show off to one another is a dead-end road. Anyway, hope I didn't bore you but I'm a yapper. ~Mary |
Comments | |
marywinmusic ::: Favorites Hi MMM, Mary Win really appreciates your kind compliments so very much. I started off writing poetry in middle school and it led into songwriting. Dream well this week : ) Cheers, ~Mary 07-08-25 18:58:50 _____________________________________________________ | |
MysteryMusicMaker ::: Favorites The MysteryMusicMaker loves your Irie-Song very much Mary Winni. The lyrics are very mmmmhhhhh ..... very poetically. You are writing poems too? If not than do it. Oh, i must go to bed and stand up early. Thats very poetically again. Lets see what i'm dreaming! 07-08-24 18:33:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
marywinmusic ::: Favorites Hi LeilaniRocks, thanks for ploppin' by : ) I must find out who Morrison is now(typing him into the tube on another tab : ) ! Cheers, ~Mary 07-08-17 18:12:44 _____________________________________________________ | |
marywinmusic ::: Favorites Hi zzzzzzzzap, aww.. that's so nice that if you visit Seattle you'd see me on the side. If you do I must have you play too! I really do appreciate you visiting my website, that's very kind. Cool Jim Morrison! Cheers, ~Mary 07-08-17 18:11:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
LeilaniRocks ::: Favorites IMHO... you are spot on with the Morrison comment. 07-08-15 00:12:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
zzzzzzzzap ::: Favorites OK.. I'm saving up for my ticket to Seattle.. If this is what your 'coffee shop' performance are like I'm coming to experience it live .. love how on your site you write that you 'hibernate in the winter'.. I get something of Jim Morrison from this song.. not sure where I got this from :/ .. hope it's not a too way out remark. Peace.. 07-08-13 08:55:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
marywinmusic ::: Favorites Hi MMM, if you would like to do something with song just to tell me and I can give you a much higher quality recording for you to play around with : ) 07-08-08 19:33:25 _____________________________________________________ | |
MysteryMusicMaker ::: Favorites This song is great, and i wish to hear this song complete with the backgroundmusic, all sounds and perfect recorded. I know that's not so easy possible Mary, but i hope one day it will be true that you can record all your songs with all musiceffects how YOU like and think. 07-08-08 19:18:06 _____________________________________________________ | |
joeshowallme ::: Favorites He was no doubt playing keyboard because he was too stoned to stand up. Pity. Irie? Beautiful song. 07-08-05 11:21:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
marywinmusic ::: Favorites <<b>MARKED AS SPAM</b>> 07-08-03 03:50:30 _____________________________________________________ |
I Ain't A Cowboy Anymore - Tommy Wallach - Piano Rock
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Duration: 04:09 minutes Upload Time: 06-08-03 13:32:59 User: snovision :::: Favorites |
I'm playing another song of mine over at Kulak's woodshed. |
Comments | |
4442715 ::: Favorites awsome man ...awsome! 07-08-29 20:59:29 _____________________________________________________ | |
bandgeek1303 ::: Favorites woo....im ready!!! save a horse ride a cowboy!! YUM 07-08-29 20:33:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
Maryammmm ::: Favorites w-w-wow o_o 07-08-29 19:05:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
pandajenbway ::: Favorites You are SO incredibly talented!!! 07-08-29 10:48:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
foshohomes ::: Favorites that was really great 07-08-29 08:52:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
billiemorini ::: Favorites Tommy, all your song videos are good, but this one is extra special. 07-08-29 00:12:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
chloeencore ::: Favorites just great keep giving these tunes and having a great time. from: chloeencore 07-06-07 21:07:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
strrll57 ::: Favorites Love this one! 07-02-18 22:41:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
stephaniepressman ::: Favorites you are awesome! 07-02-04 19:40:59 _____________________________________________________ | |
gaggy18 ::: Favorites one of the most beautifull discoveries on youtube superb 07-01-24 20:43:48 _____________________________________________________ |
Tommy Wallach WC. #3 - Maxwell's Silver Hammer - The Beatles
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Duration: 05:34 minutes Upload Time: 07-01-20 03:53:47 User: snovision :::: Favorites |
Me playing another cover. Go watch the whole video at my site: www.tommywallach.com. Then you'll understand why I have Gaston on my arm. |
Comments | |
garabe78 ::: Favorites Dankkkkkkk 07-08-29 19:10:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
valkyr3003 ::: Favorites nice! 07-08-29 02:52:16 _____________________________________________________ | |
Janzah ::: Favorites talent 07-08-29 02:48:31 _____________________________________________________ | |
pianorollkid3 ::: Favorites that is so cool 07-08-27 14:11:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
Makksor ::: Favorites sounds pretty gay 07-08-26 06:01:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
baskervylle ::: Favorites OK...I stand corrected. I looked up pataphysical, and it makes more sense. Thanks mate. 07-08-24 22:27:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
jkbbr549 ::: Favorites It's pataphysical. 07-08-24 17:54:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
baskervylle ::: Favorites Very cool...by the way it is "metaphysical" sciences which Joan studied in the first verse. It sounds like you said "petaphysical" or something. 07-08-24 13:26:14 _____________________________________________________ | |
stonedinsect ::: Favorites technically good but killed the song sounds like the sound track to a harold loyd movie 07-08-19 17:24:16 _____________________________________________________ | |
axeman75 ::: Favorites Great stuff man, and that's coming from a guitarist! 07-08-19 16:57:03 _____________________________________________________ |