Tuesday, August 7, 2007

basura24 para disociados

Duration: 319 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-06 20:03:45
User: kyvids
:::: Favorites

06/07/07 Bajar con http://keepvid.com/ Descárgate los vídeos ahora, no esperes a que desaparezcan http://www.aporrea.org/medios/n97711.html http://www.aporrea.org/venezuelaexterior/n97641.html escuálidos escuálido rosales

antenapez ::: Favorites
Esto si es verdad hombre me parece mal que se parodie a todos los politicos pero lo que no es normal es que se dediquen a copiar las noticias de otras webs.En el programa este de las mañana de cuatro copiaron todo a los de se lo que hicisteis los videos enteros un desastre que haya gente que le esten dando un sueldo por copiar a los demas.
07-07-07 07:32:26
kyvids ::: Favorites
Sí, lo de Gonzalito se merece un vídeo recopilatorio
07-07-07 15:16:32
kyvids ::: Favorites
aporrea. org/medios/n97711. html
07-07-07 15:10:20
generalvonbock ::: Favorites
es propaganda para chavez estan haciendo indirectamente que la gente se interece y conosca ese personaje, es lo que le pasa a globovision tanto hablar de chavez que la gente se dice : ¿cuales son las ideas de chavez? y cuando las ven realmente se dan cuenta que las cosas son otras y el humanismo es elevado...
07-07-20 19:17:23


Duration: 72 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-04 09:04:47
User: btdrln
:::: Favorites


Lustro Szkła kontaktowego 03

Duration: 97 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-09 08:30:58
User: GrzesiooTV2
:::: Favorites

Anna Fotyga, Donald Tusk, Marek Jurek, Stanisław Łyżwiński

sarkotka ::: Favorites
Jaki W. Pawlak?! Toż to był Łyżwiński
07-06-24 07:07:04
ola2492 ::: Favorites
matko, jaki ten Łyżwiński jest obleśny... A wypowiedź Jurka "Skoro widzimy posła, a go nie ma...", cóż :D Zamotał się chłopina
07-07-27 14:27:57

Compatriotas españoles ETA es una gran nación, España perdón

Duration: 503 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-16 19:38:11
User: kyvids
:::: Favorites

14/06/07 Bajar con http://keepvid.com/ Descárgate los vídeos ahora, no esperes a que desaparezcan compatroitas mariano rajoy Mariano Rajoy El Gran Wyoming El Intermedio laSexta curry curri vaenzuela himno de españa España Spain spain anthem letra lyrics bandera flag española selección fútbol Zapatero PSOE La Tarde con Cristina en la COPE, presentado y dirigido por Cristina Lopez Schlichting 100 personajes que hunden España ni de coña corulla

Dotcale ::: Favorites
uff Telemadrid que fuerte ya ni lo disimulan... a pecho abierto y cerebro plano.
07-06-17 00:09:32
rubi0 ::: Favorites
asquete dan en telemadrid... en Madrid se enteran de lo que pasa en España o se creen el ombligo del país? viendo esa mierda entiendo muchas más cosas...
07-06-27 09:04:39
infratech ::: Favorites
hombre no seas asi no generalizes que no todos los madrileños vamos de ese palo
07-07-01 18:21:08
Vascoeslovaco ::: Favorites
Tranquilo. Mira las audiencias de Telemadrid y verás como la gente pasa de ellos para informarse. En Madrid somos más abiertos de lo que os quiere mostrar Teleespe.
07-07-03 08:14:15
rubi0 ::: Favorites
Eso espero, desde fuera Madrid suelta un tufo facha que no mola nada. Sé que siempre hay de todo, generalizar es malo :)
07-07-06 03:54:09
paradisebeyond ::: Favorites
07-07-06 11:30:06
Dotcale ::: Favorites
la pregunta absurda es sobre la subida del precio de la luz o la supuesta subida
07-07-06 13:09:56
sertutxa ::: Favorites
curioso, que donde mas suba el PP sea en donde hay una manipulacion informativa descarada y desproporcionada; Madrid y Valencia con canal 9 y telemadrid
07-07-11 05:02:45
ibeolf ::: Favorites
Vosotros no veis telemadrid, si, son unos putos pelotas del PP, pero os aseguro que de manipulación bien poquita. No digais tonterías, si no, iros y denunciarlo.
07-07-13 17:01:43
desfasss ::: Favorites
ke gran bideo lo k me e reido xDDD rajoy: GORA ETA!
07-07-22 10:27:04

brassiere pad

Duration: 260 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-27 21:56:43
User: rsm1875
:::: Favorites

TV shopping

duanfan ::: Favorites
It is good
07-04-03 09:24:42
RenegadeHollister ::: Favorites
Kinda handy.. stupid to say that cause like I'd want one! ^__^
07-04-03 09:50:27
lovejapanTV ::: Favorites
saw this on japansugoi. Japanese women love their bras
07-04-05 04:16:27
adelino1z427 ::: Favorites
Youtube isnt good for porn. I like the website CAMAHOLIC DOT NET
07-07-18 17:52:16

TPM TV: April 9, 2007

Duration: 235 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-09 16:26:05
User: Veracifier
:::: Favorites

Did Pelosi screw up? Or was it a White House set up? TPM Reports. Follow all the stories at http://veracifier.com and http://talkingpointsmemo.com

Bobbymrgf ::: Favorites
Excellent Josh! God bless ya,man.
07-04-09 18:24:34
kevin22262 ::: Favorites
Great reporting! This is what real reporters are supposed to do!
07-04-09 19:09:38
LinuxRex2 ::: Favorites
Nice reporting..thanks!
07-04-09 20:49:16
Akonitun ::: Favorites
Right on!
07-04-09 20:53:47
fverona ::: Favorites
good work - very professional reporting - I would like to think that Olmert will pay a price for this in the long run because it will hurt his credibility with Congress who fund support to Israel - but only if Americans start to realize that we must have a balanced policy in the middle east and stop allowing our foreign policy to be dominated by the idea of Israel as a victim
07-04-09 21:20:48
cobwebhead ::: Favorites
Thanks again, Josh. I can't believe that tiny TPM is doing ground breaking coverage on so many huge national stories. MSM should be ashamed and you guys obviously don't get enough sleep. Please take care of yourselves, I'm afraid we're going to need you for a long time!
07-04-09 22:05:34
ErieCanaller ::: Favorites
Very fine!
07-04-09 23:28:38
TexDem ::: Favorites
Great lava lamp Josh! Oh, BTW Great Job. Now if the MSM would just report this. Yeah right.
07-04-09 23:50:57
Borodot ::: Favorites
No "Situation Room" needed.
07-04-10 13:10:14
AndyStardust67 ::: Favorites
07-04-10 18:19:49

gol anulado del barça al Beijing Guoan

Duration: 20 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-05 06:49:20
User: fcbarcelonaJAIRO
:::: Favorites

gol en propia anulado del Beijing Guoan. Beijing Guoan 0-3 barça

New!! Extreme Light Saber Battle

Duration: 100 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-27 08:15:37
User: aConaBatata
:::: Favorites

Extreme Light Saber Battle!

Ron Paul and Gen. Batiste on Iraq Surge

Duration: 263 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-28 11:33:05
User: Politicstv
:::: Favorites

6/27 Highlights from House Foreign Affairs Committee discussing Iraq Surge

WarCrime911 ::: Favorites
We can win the War on Terror by shutting down the Opium production in Afghanistan! FACT: Al Quaeda is funded by drug money! A Multi-$Billion dollar business of Heroin Trafficking! You want to shut down the TERRORISTS! FIRE BOMB THE OPIUM FIELDS! Skull and Bones was founded by Opium Smugglers! William Russell. Project Air America.
07-07-07 20:44:24
wbdubay ::: Favorites
Thank You
07-07-09 02:31:32
Fixhist ::: Favorites
TERRORISTS! FIRE BOMB THE OPIUM FIELDS! But keep doing it every year, no body should be able to reap the opium crop. But don't ask how it is meeting over 60% of US street demand.
07-07-09 06:31:30
KnightChatX ::: Favorites
I agree about maintaining global trade and being friends with countries and not forcing views on others. The overall problem, however, is very complex, no simple single solution fixes all problems.
07-07-09 21:39:31
snipsofscraps ::: Favorites
Prospector Sam I agree completely with you. I think that Ron Paul is wonderful and highly intelligent. I have done research into many subjects and have found that he is right about most things he speaks of. We need to get our soldiers out of that war and it is NOT right for them to be FORCED to stay and fight.
07-07-10 09:21:49
westlv ::: Favorites
I donated again today to Ron Paul, LOOK AT MY PROFILE TO SEE WHY...spread the word, get involved and DONATE to Ron Paul, TODAY!!!
07-07-10 14:29:28
minstral2 ::: Favorites
A War Crimes Trial against the current administration...is the solution that fixes most of America's problems. It is a crime to wage a War of agression...pas it on.
07-07-13 00:19:17
slammah2006 ::: Favorites
I just figured out... If President Ron Paul can Return the "LEO WANTA" $27.5 trillion to the American people(bypassing the fed), The Population is 302,340,823 presently. $ 27,500,000,000,000 is the amount to be returned.... That is $90,956.95 US back in the economy for every man woman and child living today...and those are real dollars, not new banker loans ... /Ron Paul\ r3VOLution \\\\\2008/////
07-07-16 02:38:47
grayboy61 ::: Favorites
Two great patriots. God bless them! Ron Paul 2008!
07-07-17 17:10:46
winnisoftballwomantx ::: Favorites
check out CAMAZONDATING dot COM for hot adult dating webcams
07-08-02 22:04:23


Duration: 33 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-01 06:43:31
User: kurohagi3
:::: Favorites


zorba523 ::: Favorites
came live to portugal paradise
07-05-24 13:11:44
MishuTaste ::: Favorites
Change the world. Take your shirt off.
07-05-25 02:35:11
beautyport ::: Favorites
いやー、実にいいビデオだ。エロと清清しさが見事に融和している。しかし、これって本当に起きたことかな? まさかコラじゃないよな? 気になる。
07-06-20 00:39:32
vktsbhjuefcdfhh ::: Favorites
07-06-22 11:32:51
beautyport ::: Favorites
07-06-23 20:13:49
roselynedark4 ::: Favorites
Finally here youtube for adults visit now L I V E P U S S Y T U B E . COM
07-07-19 23:48:34
tartamatta ::: Favorites
WOW it's better ABACUS THE FILM!!!
07-07-26 07:48:16
myturbo4 ::: Favorites
fuck that!
07-07-29 10:07:48
phillishugenymphxb ::: Favorites
CAMAZONDATING dot COM for the hottest adult webcam dating site!
07-08-02 19:47:14
jetflyers572 ::: Favorites
Youtube isnt good for porn. I like the website <B> CAMZHOME DOT COM </B>
07-08-04 21:35:18

A ten dalej swoje ...

Duration: 45 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-26 14:19:33
User: GrzesiooTV2
:::: Favorites

Pomimo że tutaj http://pl.youtube.com/watch?v=Qk9l_rsRgGA zostało wytłumaczone jak to było z prywatyzacją hut stali to dr Lepper, specjalista od liczb i ekonomi dalej swoje. Gość dnia TVP3 26062007

kikoriaki ::: Favorites
Liczby można różnie przedstawiać. Problem polega na przedstawianiu różnych liczb.
07-06-26 18:48:11
Kaczu ::: Favorites
ale mu walnęła na koniec : no właśnie - hehehhe
07-06-26 20:11:56

070803-賀軍翔 房思瑜 真愛密碼

Duration: 29 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-03 07:47:12
User: btdrln
:::: Favorites

070803-賀軍翔 房思瑜 真愛密碼

rainbowuniverse ::: Favorites
小美~cute cute
07-08-03 07:53:40
ohpooey ::: Favorites
AWW. =]
07-08-03 13:07:16
joelmaddensgirl9 ::: Favorites
yeah i'll wear that necklace with you!hahaha
07-08-03 18:47:25
pinkstylishprincess2 ::: Favorites
aw so cute thnx
07-08-03 22:22:52
quekwqf ::: Favorites
mike he<3
07-08-04 23:43:51


Duration: 210 seconds
Upload Time: 06-12-02 17:09:28
User: Politicstv
:::: Favorites

Roz talks about the creation of rootscamp and how it has evolved over the last several years. She also talks about the impact of the 2006 midterms. See PoliticsTV.com for all the RootscampDC videos.

hsimpson ::: Favorites
Progress? It is not mindless promotion of baby murder disguised under euphemisms as choice or abortion. It's not promotion of gay lifestyles. It's not the lose at any cost way of fighting terrorism. All democrat agenda's for promoting immorality and a Godless society. Get a brain! Get a life! liberalism is a mental disorder.
07-03-24 16:59:36
trichenosis ::: Favorites
Pro-choice people don't promote abortions. They just want it to be legal. I personally disagree with abortion because it's murder. People are people even when they are really small. But there is so much crap on both sides. Nobody is Anti-Choice and nobody is Anti-Life.
07-07-06 00:39:59
trichenosis ::: Favorites
Progressives also don't promote a "gay lifestyle" either. They just want to make sure that Big Government doesn't interfere with people's lives, ie who they can love. It's the role of Religion to ensure that people live lives according to moral principals, not the Government's, and it will be a scary day indeed when the goverment takes the place of religion.
07-07-06 00:40:12

Road to Istanbul - Chapter 2 - First Half (3/7)

Duration: 603 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-25 23:37:47
User: srawra
:::: Favorites

3rd part to the 2nd Chapter of this documentary. Join lfcfanatics.com today!


Duration: 65 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-20 03:13:51
User: btdrln
:::: Favorites



Duration: 28 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-06 00:40:36
User: tiinababy
:::: Favorites


Ron Paul Panics Faux Newz

Duration: 518 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-16 23:55:39
User: uneedhelp
:::: Favorites

Ron Paul Panics Faux Newz

DevBlazed ::: Favorites
07-07-27 17:12:21
zanzan36 ::: Favorites
Wow, this man can SAVE Usa from its course to total FASCHISM cheers from europe (...and Faux news, go to HELL!)
07-07-31 16:41:40
chowmeinmao ::: Favorites
At 24seconds, does hannity say "...right here in the spin room with us we have..." when he introduces the other guy?
07-08-01 03:50:39
wsmith68 ::: Favorites
To "the foreigners": sorry so many of our leaders are assholes. We love this old country doctor. When we run George Bush and Dick Cheney the hell out of Washington, the good doctor will fix America and make it a country you guys can respect again. It is the loud and stupid Americans who make us look the way we do. Very soon, you will be free of our occupation and we will no longer have to pay for your defense.
07-08-02 21:45:30
wsmith68 ::: Favorites
Who is Michael Steele? His personal reaction is no basis to disqualify Ron Paul. Furthermore, Ron Paul never said you people were at fault in 9/11. He was quoting the CIA: the policies of our government over decades have brought this wrath upon us. Do piss ants like Hannity and this Michael Steele think they know better than the CIA??? Did they read the 9/11 commision report? It says the same damn thing Dr. Paul does. The difference between Paul and the rest is this: Paul is HONEST.
07-08-02 21:53:11
PoffyTheCucumber ::: Favorites
Right--so because the public have spoken in voting Ron Paul as the winner of the debate, Ron Paul himself must have "organized his dialing." Jesus Christ and his fucking reindeer! Are these people mature adults? Why did that dipshit give a little snigger when he told us Ron Paul won the debate? Does Sean Hannity live in this dimension? What island of imbeciles is he the king of? Is he the love-child of some retard and Jay Leno?
07-08-03 06:29:18
xmm2006mm2006x ::: Favorites
How can these guys call themselves reporters?! Ronny slammed dunked them
07-08-03 12:10:34
PeterCornstalk ::: Favorites
Fox News spinning the facts?!?! Gee imagine that. LOL :D
07-08-03 22:45:00
retired06 ::: Favorites
Isn't that typical of our news media? Ask a bunch of questions and not wait for a answer. If they have all the answers, why ask? And who was that fool on the left of Ron Paul?
07-08-05 19:15:47
blinson1971 ::: Favorites
OMG Fox is scared shittless of Ron Paul, they trying every spin in the book. Poor Ron those guys didnt even let him speak.
07-08-06 07:51:32

Pretty Girl's Farting At The Gym

Duration: 62 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-29 10:46:46
User: aConaBatata
:::: Favorites

Gags Just for Laughs Hillarious public reaction pranks.

beenboredsucks26 ::: Favorites
07-08-01 02:27:30
clovisgolfermommahw ::: Favorites
Find a hot date at >>>> FLINGDATINGSITE dot COM <<<<
07-08-07 00:11:46

2007 Pepsi 400 Photo Finish

Duration: 306 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-08 03:41:54
User: wwetnaecw
:::: Favorites

The great finish between Kyle Busch and Jaime McMurray with the one of the closest margins in history .005sec credit to Matzel8

Trackmaster48 ::: Favorites
And if you don't think NASCAR is technical, they are every bit as technical as open-wheel. I'd like to see you try to setup one of these cars, any of you people who says NASCAR isn't technical. And there are corners genuis. Seriously, going in a straight-line, now THAT'S boring. lol
07-07-13 20:11:00
FallenAngels92 ::: Favorites
Man, how is this not exciting, nascar ownz.
07-07-13 23:40:24
S1apSh0es ::: Favorites
NASCAR is extremely technical. Especially tracks like Pocono and Pheonix where every corner is different.
07-07-13 23:59:55
FavreMatt ::: Favorites
wow, i guess the announcers didnt realize it was gonna be close til the tri oval
07-07-14 21:18:39
FavreMatt ::: Favorites
and i swear kyle had it at the pit road entrance 2
07-07-14 21:19:40
nadeau1064 ::: Favorites
Yeah, that's my boy! THAT'S MY BOY!
07-07-15 03:00:17
sixflags48 ::: Favorites
they, sounded so bord
07-07-17 18:35:24
gadgefan48 ::: Favorites
Aside by how boring TNT is, that was very cool to see...better than the Daytona 500 finish in February!
07-07-17 22:01:34
sixflags48 ::: Favorites
in hte daytona 500 they were excited coming to the line out of turn 4, in this race they just said busch was going to win at the line, tnt sucks
07-07-18 09:53:39
toomuchtoomuch ::: Favorites
Horrendously boring call for one of the most exciting finishes ever. I love how both Kyle and Wally already "knew" who won when they came out of turn 4. Oops.
07-07-22 22:47:17

Only Hope (piano)

Duration: 236 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-22 18:21:54
User: jyris1
:::: Favorites

Song arranged by Charles Lu http://www.myspace.com/CharlesEdwardLu Sheet music- lent it to a friend who never gave it back A Walk to Remember Mandy Moore - Only Hope There's a song that's inside of my soul It's the one that I've tried to write over and over again I'm awake in the infinite cold But you sing to me over and over and over again So I lay my head back down And I lift my hands And pray to be only yours I pray to be only yours I know now you're my only hope Sing to me the song of the stars Of your galaxy dancing and laughing and laughing again When it feels like my dreams are so far Sing to me of the plans that you have for me over again So I lay my head back down And I lift my hands And pray to be only yours I pray to be only yours I know now you're my only hope I give you my destiny I'm giving you all of me I want your symphony Singing in all that I am At the top of my lungs I'm giving it back So I lay my head back down And I lift my hands And pray to be only yours I pray to be only yours I pray to be only yours I know now you're my only hope

supergurl13131 ::: Favorites
love it!!!! :D
07-08-06 17:31:20
KillerCortiz ::: Favorites
good job! i lvoe the bridge part!
07-08-06 19:44:51
ShakespearianRobot ::: Favorites
love your music and your refrigerator :-) guess what? I'm your 100th subscriber!!
07-08-06 20:02:07
12Charissa ::: Favorites
everyone go to "2012 idol"
07-08-06 21:26:29
chris24foster ::: Favorites
The Mandy Moore version is good. It was originally written and recorded by Switchfoot and I think the original version is amazing.
07-08-06 22:42:54
poopacaboose ::: Favorites
..... i wish i had 4 hands.......:(
07-08-06 23:00:25
jaceydotlau ::: Favorites
whoaa... the three, then four hands at the beginning kind of freaked me out. Then I realized it was a duet. HAH.
07-08-06 23:29:59
IheartLatinoMen ::: Favorites
07-08-07 00:10:25
i can play that by myself
07-08-07 00:20:54
27722700 ::: Favorites
I can play it with my toes! what do you want, a medal?
07-08-07 01:01:43


Duration: 159 seconds
Upload Time: 06-07-11 17:12:58
User: arriflex01
:::: Favorites

making off a short film directed by Joeri Holsheimer

arriflex01 ::: Favorites
hey die maker van deze korte film zit ook in deze making off http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ou0xrSZxmUE
06-08-09 18:58:33
daligoddess2006 ::: Favorites
06-11-13 09:14:51
toonib ::: Favorites
hey good job!
07-08-06 12:20:27
mimiandflo ::: Favorites
os mutantes!
07-08-06 13:09:48
sumfight ::: Favorites
nice :)
07-08-06 13:42:36
VIRGUES ::: Favorites
see my video!!
07-08-06 23:16:59

dump je oude bank

Duration: 60 seconds
Upload Time: 06-08-07 05:52:31
User: dennums
:::: Favorites

Een making of van een commercial... Nu maar wachten op de daadwerkelije film... Aftellen kan overigens op http://www.dumpjeoudebank.nl

wickedstylish ::: Favorites
Wicked & Stylish!!
06-08-10 04:47:20

Farm Boy (FF7 Piano Collections)

Duration: 210 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-01 19:45:40
User: jyris1
:::: Favorites

Farm Boy from Final Fantasy VII (piano collections) kyle556 was the inspiration behind getting this keyboard and playing ff7 pieces

Tkreft1128 ::: Favorites
OMG 3 HANDS! Haha -- oh well. it sounds nice.
07-08-06 10:42:05
oyvinator ::: Favorites
sweet.. like this very much.. would love a tifa and aeris themes.. and perhaps that from ffx.. zanarkand:-) keep it up..
07-08-06 11:34:25
parkzor ::: Favorites
i love all final fantasy music....soooooooo soooo sooooo awesome good playing of it too...brought me right back to sitting with my ps1 playing this game
07-08-06 12:43:16
Daphodil17 ::: Favorites
aww it's lovely :)
07-08-06 15:31:44
ZomgEmma11 ::: Favorites
Can any of you play by yourself? lol This was great though good job.
07-08-06 15:55:17
Redcloud2112 ::: Favorites
were u in some kinda freak radiation accident when u were younger that caused you to sprout an extra arm and hand or something?? O.olol j/k
07-08-06 18:53:55
RealBlkShinigami ::: Favorites
that third hand is a dick
07-08-06 19:57:19
TaJProductions ::: Favorites
the thrid is her boy friend
07-08-06 20:52:00
jumpypride ::: Favorites
AHHH RUN AWAY FROM THE THIRD HAND! hahah just kidding ;) good job tho!
07-08-06 21:59:54
AluminumFoilHatMan ::: Favorites
Very pretty song. It's almost unrecognizable as being from FF7, though. It could be a love song to dance to. Aww... *sniff*
07-08-07 00:15:39