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Duration: 02:02 minutes Upload Time: 2007-11-21 02:56:53 User: Zadoff :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Part 2 |
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y2jhbkrvd ::: Favorites 2008-01-04 11:01:20 ass kream __________________________________________________ | |
hiroto137 ::: Favorites 2007-11-21 11:16:21 get out of there! theres shrinkage. lol __________________________________________________ |
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Dudley boys stealing stuff from Y2J and Christian. Part 2
Obama Girl
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Duration: 02:48 minutes Upload Time: 2008-01-06 03:13:23 User: obamaguy :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Obama Girl and Obama Guy support this message |
Comments | |
ObamaCampaign ::: Favorites 2008-01-07 03:04:01 I like obama __________________________________________________ | |
brittneyspearsnaked ::: Favorites 2008-01-07 00:25:25 Wow. That is how obamagirl got started. __________________________________________________ |
Who Taught The Black Child Self hatred?
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Duration: 04:37 minutes Upload Time: 2007-05-20 14:15:07 User: AfroBoriquen :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Words of wisdom from Malcolm X about black self hatred, which is shown by these children in the doll test. |
Comments | |
JayyDee63 ::: Favorites 2008-01-03 16:34:10 Afronig - it looks like a truck load of watermelons ran over your face and flattened your forehead, lips and nostrils. You're one ugly monkey! __________________________________________________ | |
JayyDee63 ::: Favorites 2008-01-03 16:31:32 Afronig - it looks like a truck load of watermelons ran over your face and flattened your forehead, lips and nostrils. You're one ugly monkey! __________________________________________________ | |
JayyDee63 ::: Favorites 2008-01-02 18:11:54 Who taught the tar baby how to car jack, crack smoke, be a deadbeat dad, tv loot, abuse welfare, be morbidly obese, lay on a couch all day, smell like rotten fried chicken, not be responsible for itself, and blame others for its problems? __________________________________________________ | |
redibis07 ::: Favorites 2007-12-29 12:02:57 Take a black child (at least 12 years of age an older) to see The Great Debaters... and reclaim your black mind!! __________________________________________________ | |
BmoreMikeMc ::: Favorites 2007-12-26 21:28:56 We have flowery meadows and rainbow skies, and rivers made of chocolate, where the children dance and laugh and play with gumdrop smiles. You've missed the point of this video. Plus, you sound like a pussy. How humiliating. __________________________________________________ | |
trinaneal ::: Favorites 2007-12-26 14:10:04 I'm truely sickened.These videos aim to point something out we need to correct,yet you find ways to attack each other and completely forget the point.There's 1 race,the HUMAN race.We've been on this Earth too long to still behave this way.Thousands of years and the most important lessons have yet to be learned. (con't) __________________________________________________ | |
trinaneal ::: Favorites 2007-12-26 14:06:46 We've traveled to space,advanced greatly in technology,formed cultures.We're starting to understand the complexities of the universe and we still can't get pass the colors of our skin.How humiliating. __________________________________________________ | |
trinaneal ::: Favorites 2007-12-26 13:55:04 wow. Have you ever studied anything? Maybe Egypt? The pyramids?... Math, the concept of zero, genetics or genetic engineering, ways to melt elements into pigments so that the blue in their paintings are as vibrant today as they were the day they were painted, astronomy, time keeping... I guess civilization didn't need any of that...? __________________________________________________ | |
trinaneal ::: Favorites 2007-12-26 13:51:19 wow. __________________________________________________ | |
Kaknelson ::: Favorites 2007-12-26 05:45:39 The whites or (cavemen) came from the caucus mountains, & previous to that afrika, yet blacks strictly from afrika. Afrikans are the original founders of, sciences, hydraulics, the scripture, astronomy. Stolen by the the caucasians from the caucus mountains, devising a plan of world domination that has gone on forever and is still an agenda today. This HIS-story is actually YOUR-story. Signed whitelion, rastafari live. __________________________________________________ | |
DevilMan754 ::: Favorites 2007-12-24 23:54:25 If john white didnt want to go to jail he should have just stayed in his house and called the police. Just because it's white teens it's race related? thats kindof racist yrself motherfucker. In case you didnt follow the case, white's son made threats about Danno's girlfriend, so of course he's gonna be confronted. No hate, confrontation was inevitable. It's purely the fault of John white and his retarted threatening son. __________________________________________________ | |
ballaz1187 ::: Favorites 2007-12-22 22:44:29 Please don't say that they are dumb, because sailing is something that they didn't need. how did they manage to survive before the 1800s?? also, the egyptians were EXCELLENT at science and math and invented things that we still use today, and guess what? they're african! i agree with some of the comments that you have, but please dont generalize a whole continent of people! no offense, but it is very ignorant of you to do that (and i mean that in the nicest way possible) __________________________________________________ | |
BmoreMikeMc ::: Favorites 2007-12-22 22:38:14 wow. you satisfied with that? Is that first sentence in ebonics? LOL. Go practice falling down somewhere boy. I'm sick of schoolin you soft shoes. __________________________________________________ | |
phalanx25 ::: Favorites 2007-12-22 19:10:56 I don't have to be thankful of any thing ! there has been many that have come before, from the 'British Empire' to the 'mycenaean' many interviewing cultures and peoples, and Africa has imparted almost nothing to modern man ! 'Africans discovered sailing as late as the mid 1800's LOL. they are dumb people ! __________________________________________________ | |
phalanx25 ::: Favorites 2007-12-22 18:34:16 Please keep your ignorant comments to your self! Homosepiens originated not in Africa but in Mesopotamia ! __________________________________________________ |
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Duration: 03:09 minutes Upload Time: 2007-01-20 00:07:22 User: MiSzCooki3 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: anime characters |
Comments | |
xzAznGirlzx ::: Favorites 2008-01-02 15:00:38 so cute~<3 __________________________________________________ | |
kingmankick ::: Favorites 2007-10-29 07:31:42 onli 1 thing to say.....this vid rox.....i realli luv it. __________________________________________________ | |
Dreamcloud113 ::: Favorites 2007-09-05 15:47:41 aww cute anime pics and love the song :D! __________________________________________________ | |
xhelliexbaybiix ::: Favorites 2007-07-23 16:45:18 THiS SONG iS BUFFNESS =] i LOVE iT iNiT =] CHECK OUT MUYY ViDS THANKiES X iLY X __________________________________________________ | |
kikisake ::: Favorites 2007-05-20 12:41:11 aww,that was soooooooo sweet, where did u get ur pics frm? __________________________________________________ | |
LyenneLee ::: Favorites 2007-05-20 07:13:06 Men, I luv this song sooo much! __________________________________________________ | |
sunshiinebebe ::: Favorites 2007-05-11 23:42:48 babyyy, i jus want yuu to stay by my sii-iiideee. :) __________________________________________________ | |
lost0angels ::: Favorites 2007-04-15 00:14:08 YEA i love it favorite __________________________________________________ |
fish is Predation
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Duration: 00:39 minutes Upload Time: 2007-02-24 18:15:57 User: visman7 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Gar is Predation |
Comments | |
nematoad7 ::: Favorites 2007-12-12 19:38:36 hes talking about the bait its a dark chub __________________________________________________ | |
jokingjester ::: Favorites 2007-11-27 21:54:14 absolutly wrong. the fish's called alligator gar, Atractosteus Spatula. __________________________________________________ | |
mastrechief117 ::: Favorites 2007-08-30 08:38:17 wow, you actually found that in a river, sweet! __________________________________________________ | |
MasterRJ1 ::: Favorites 2007-08-29 21:25:37 The fish is caught on the river. It will be cheap if it purchases. scientific name: -- Zacco temminckii -- English name: -- Dark chub __________________________________________________ | |
mastrechief117 ::: Favorites 2007-08-26 09:34:24 what kind of fish is that, and where can you get them? and how much are they? __________________________________________________ | |
visman7 ::: Favorites 2007-08-20 08:21:29 Thank you for the comment. __________________________________________________ | |
IRideDolphinsNaked ::: Favorites 2007-07-19 11:21:56 :O nioce __________________________________________________ |
Pipas Cesinha - Pipas chegando na loja!
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Duration: 00:55 minutes Upload Time: 2007-12-08 21:05:43 User: jaimeteixeiraneto :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Só cocotinha! |
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Männer die durchs Feuer gehen...!
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Duration: 04:08 minutes Upload Time: 2007-06-05 16:00:38 User: ErnstlFFB :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: www.Feuerwehr-FFB.de Einsatznachstellung der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr Fürstenfeldbruck. |
Comments | |
Fireman1258 ::: Favorites 2008-01-01 10:15:16 halt blos deine fresse mein freund, lieber hab ich stahlhelme als garkeine :-D eure sind halt mit scheisse aus der schlucht gepolstert, macht sich doch gut :) __________________________________________________ | |
michaod ::: Favorites 2007-12-30 16:06:14 schönes viddeo wobei wir mit der zeit über die zentrale leitstelle alamiert werden(die sich in fürstenfeldbruck befindet) und dan nicht mehr über die polizei __________________________________________________ | |
confranman ::: Favorites 2007-12-22 17:04:47 Dont uderstand a word they are saying, but a great video __________________________________________________ | |
ErnstlFFB ::: Favorites 2007-12-20 10:36:54 Da hast du dir die Frage selbst beantwortet... Bei uns gibt es eben zwei Schleifen die 901 für große Alarme (Brand, Verkehrsunfälle etc.) und dann noch die kl. Schleife 904 da werden dann nicht alle FW´ler alamiert sondern eben nur ein Teil und je nachdem was für eine Meldung kommt ist die dringlichkeit einzuschätzen.... __________________________________________________ | |
flove1991 ::: Favorites 2007-12-20 10:32:54 Tolles Video ;) Aber wieso gucken die immer wieder auf ihre Analogen Melder?? Da steht doch nix drauf^^ (Wobei die evtl. ja gucken welche Schleife alarmirt worden ist, z.B. Kleinalarm oder Großalarm..aber das haben ja nicht alle Feuerwehren) __________________________________________________ | |
gecopage ::: Favorites 2007-12-16 08:17:57 Ja so ist es !! Wenn der DME geht dann geht der Adrinalinspiegel hoch und es zählt nur noch wie komme ich am schnellsten zum depo ! Schönes aufklärungsvideo ! __________________________________________________ | |
sassi1700 ::: Favorites 2007-12-13 13:03:32 Ich kann mich DaKortner nur anschließen.... PS:Sehr gut gelungen :) __________________________________________________ | |
DaKortner ::: Favorites 2007-12-11 14:20:18 was schreiben denn da manche idioten für scheiss kommentare rein??? des is doch derwahnsinn ich möchte echt mal euer gesicht sehn wenn ihr mal hilfe braucht und euch dann die ffw retten muss...kein ahnung von der ffw und des maul soweit aufreisen des is echt arm!!! des video is übrigens gut gelungen!! grüße aus der FFW Puchheim BHF __________________________________________________ | |
hurn1988 ::: Favorites 2007-12-05 14:21:52 nanogatt (3 days ago) (Reply) (Spam) das video is net schlecht aba was ham die bitte für helme auf...die sind ja uuua alt...nja deutschland is halt anders als österreich Gute alte Deutsche Stahlhelme halt __________________________________________________ | |
hurn1988 ::: Favorites 2007-12-05 14:18:51 Na echte Gute Deutsche Stahlhelme halt __________________________________________________ | |
Waldtrudering ::: Favorites 2007-12-03 10:36:24 Tja ob du es glaubst oder nicht es nun mal so und wer das nicxht auf dem dach kann sein auto entweder von der Pol herausgebn lassen oder gleich den führerschein abgeben __________________________________________________ | |
Waldtrudering ::: Favorites 2007-12-03 10:34:44 vollidiot wenn wir ned gas geben würden könnten wir gleich daheim bleiben. Und wie denkst sollen wir sonst zu FGH kommen wenn der pipser geht??? zufuß, mit der tram oder nehmen wir doch gleich den bus. depp __________________________________________________ | |
Waldtrudering ::: Favorites 2007-12-03 10:31:33 ja ich red ja ned von FFb sonder meine das allegmein, den ich hab erfahrung mit der BF __________________________________________________ | |
nanogatt ::: Favorites 2007-12-02 13:16:44 das video is net schlecht aba was ham die bitte für helme auf...die sind ja uuua alt...nja deutschland is halt anders als österreich __________________________________________________ | |
ErnstlFFB ::: Favorites 2007-11-29 11:51:48 Dazu kommt wenn wir die BF nachfordern zwecks sonder gerätschaft, hab die bei uns trotzdem ned des sagen, sondern die Ortsansässige Feuerwehr... __________________________________________________ |
Jubal and Cole Play Ball - July 2006
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Duration: 03:47 minutes Upload Time: 2006-07-30 16:39:15 User: AllyKatt87 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Jubal playing ball, and Cole giggling at him, in our living room in OK - July 28, 2006 |
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Red State Update on Iraq in '07
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Duration: 00:43 minutes Upload Time: 2006-11-27 23:18:54 User: travisandjonathan :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
NowPublic iraq rumsfeld saddam hussein 2007 red state update civil war republican democrat hanging
Description: NowPublic! What are they? We don't know. But we sure made a 45-second video for 'em. http://www.nowpublic.com/abc_news_and_nowpublic_want_to_know_what_would_you_do_about_iraq http://www.redstateupdate.com |
Comments | |
stitched83 ::: Favorites 2007-07-29 05:58:57 why cant you people just watch the video and enjoy the COMEDY. relax people :) __________________________________________________ | |
dragongirl724 ::: Favorites 2007-06-13 22:57:51 the good part is that this is just an innocent skit, the sad part is that a lot of people genuinely think this way. __________________________________________________ | |
oOPicklesOo ::: Favorites 2007-04-13 21:04:16 You guys crack me up! Keep it up! __________________________________________________ | |
tisiaan ::: Favorites 2007-04-11 18:01:43 made you cry? __________________________________________________ | |
mikehuntusa2 ::: Favorites 2007-04-07 23:59:11 obviously your funny bone was surgically removed at birth. maybe you thought your comment was funny. it was actually the opposite of funny. __________________________________________________ | |
tisiaan ::: Favorites 2007-01-03 10:31:22 yeay killing...it's faaaantastic...tell you somthin,why don't we kill everybody. why??? don't ask why just shoot...it's what were made for jipajajeeeey __________________________________________________ | |
ne0aes0p ::: Favorites 2006-12-27 19:51:08 lol, maybe you guys should sign up. __________________________________________________ | |
petefc ::: Favorites 2006-12-23 20:19:13 Is that Rimjob on the left? __________________________________________________ | |
blackturtleus ::: Favorites 2006-12-09 22:07:06 I like your point about the Iraqi Civil War. You guys made all the speculation about that possibility irrelevant with a single quick comment! __________________________________________________ | |
NowPublicNews ::: Favorites 2006-11-29 13:48:58 Well I am sending you boys a bill to fix my dentures... watching your video I was caught offguard & nearly swallered them, then I started chokin and dagnab it, chomped down so hard I snapped my teeth in two. Then my old girl came in and wondered whether I was laughing or crying and I didn't know myself. Darn you guys can really catch a guy off-guard. Your videos should come with some sort of warning don't ya reckon??? __________________________________________________ | |
csason ::: Favorites 2006-11-27 23:37:15 as long as the AP doesn't burn a few more Iraqis just to sell papers, we'll be ok.. that is once we hang Sadaam You fellers just keep up the good work ! __________________________________________________ |
Interceptor Jet Car
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Duration: 02:25 minutes Upload Time: 2007-03-20 16:52:21 User: snowflake3 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Interceptor cop car jet car at HRP. |
Comments | |
snowflake3 ::: Favorites 2007-04-03 01:01:41 Yeah it ran the day before because thats when we went. We didnt get to go to PINKS, oh well maybe next time. __________________________________________________ | |
xalteridemx ::: Favorites 2007-04-02 19:56:06 Dude this was the same day, I was there... unless the jet car ran the day before also? Yeah, some fool got in another's face, the whole crowd stood up. I went on that Saturday. __________________________________________________ | |
snowflake3 ::: Favorites 2007-03-28 15:38:37 No this was the day before the Pinks All Out. A guy got arrested? __________________________________________________ | |
xalteridemx ::: Favorites 2007-03-27 20:56:36 Man.... that was a great show. This was during the Pinks All Out racing. Did you see that guy get arrested? __________________________________________________ |
GHP episode 1
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Duration: 04:22 minutes Upload Time: 2008-01-02 20:40:49 User: GHProduction :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: rock on |
Comments | |
sourskittles1 ::: Favorites 2008-01-05 17:33:49 nice video katie/becca __________________________________________________ | |
sourskittles1 ::: Favorites 2008-01-05 13:09:45 ghp why did you write that comnet.i would never say that about you. __________________________________________________ | |
sourskittles1 ::: Favorites 2008-01-05 12:49:41 you roc my sox katie.love you.[sara]your frend. __________________________________________________ | |
sourskittles1 ::: Favorites 2008-01-04 13:43:41 you chicks rock.lol.love you katie. __________________________________________________ | |
GHProduction ::: Favorites 2008-01-03 00:34:06 comment me __________________________________________________ | |
GHProduction ::: Favorites 2008-01-02 22:36:45 I so roc my sox __________________________________________________ |
My Love Song For Kalbooza
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Duration: 01:02 minutes Upload Time: 2007-12-24 00:56:51 User: Stomper225 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: My Cp girlfriend kalbooza, i havent seen her for a month :( but today i saw her agian!I love her SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH! |
Comments | |
Stomper225 ::: Favorites 2007-12-25 23:07:26 lol thanks __________________________________________________ | |
kdog10009 ::: Favorites 2007-12-25 14:58:03 i give it **** stars __________________________________________________ | |
Stomper225 ::: Favorites 2007-12-24 01:33:02 BTW on the right is not really kalbooza __________________________________________________ |
Christmas is here!
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Duration: 04:59 minutes Upload Time: 2007-12-04 23:02:37 User: Stomper225 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Contest for billie joe!!! i hope i win him!!! |
Comments | |
SameriJacobrules1 ::: Favorites 2007-12-16 16:21:28 NICE VID MAN BUT I'M JWEISH LOL! __________________________________________________ | |
lovedove1453 ::: Favorites 2007-12-15 18:27:18 That was very very cute ! __________________________________________________ | |
Stomper225 ::: Favorites 2007-12-11 21:53:35 wrong one __________________________________________________ | |
Stomper225 ::: Favorites 2007-12-04 23:27:51 thanks! __________________________________________________ | |
maxy728 ::: Favorites 2007-12-04 23:20:05 i luv it!!!!! nice!!!! ill give u extra points for music! __________________________________________________ |