He's the living embodiment of Sheffield steel -- a semi-legendary, tough-talking, 26-year-old poet-songwriter, and the powerhouse behind Reverend And The Makers, whose album The State Of Things was the greatest UK debut of last year. Formerly in a band with his close pal and sometime flatmate, Arctic Monkeys frontman Alex Turner, Jon McClure is unapologetically political, the scourge of bands with nothing to say, his native city's beating heart and conscience. So how do the pair get on? "I wrote a song on Favourite Worst Nightmare [the second Monkeys album] and Alex and I still share a place," says Jon, "but he's got his thing going and I've got mine, and he's moving to London. You get into different things as you grow older, but we're still mates. "Do I wish he was more political? Yes, but it's up to him -- between him and his own mind. But it's not just Alex. I wished everyone in music thought about the issues more, because we're melting ice caps, slaughtering people in Iraq and looking to Iran."
Activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali tells Dallas crowd of Islam honor killings Dallas Morning News Dallas TX USA Ms Hirsi Ali described a cult of virginity in Islam directed only toward women wherein men are absolved of their sexual urges and are charged with Bank Islam scheme to ease home loan burden Malaysia Star Malaysia KUALA LUMPUR Bank Islam Malaysia Bhd has introduced an innovative financial plan to reduce burden on home financing customers who can opt for a A Journey From Islam to Christianity Christian Broadcasting Network Virginia Beach VA USA more he learned about Islam more he began to feel distant from god of Islam That was beginning of a quest to find out more about Jesus Comment Still searching —Farish A Noor Daily Times Lahore Pakistan If in past Muslim preachers were happy to preach universal values of Islam using an idiom and discourse that was replete with local cultural Islamic stronghold in Pakistan goes secular Christian Sci nce Monitor Boston MA USA It has led many to herald these elections as a victory for secular democracy and as a sign of failure of Islamic parties governance It s Islam lite as Kosovars shun extremist Muslim dogma EuropeNews Helsingør Denmark Faith in Islam can coexist with a fondness for a beer at local in country seen as Europe s bulwark against radicalisation Islam and West; Turkey and Shariah International Herald Tribune France In their op ed column Integrating Islam into West Views Feb Phillip Blond and Adrian Pabst use misguided proposal by Archbishop of Islam Dreams and Old Clothes On Faith Washington DC USA At US Islamic World Forum that just wrapped up in Doha Amr Khaled was everywhere with his message that faith is a powerful force and motivator for Malaysian Groups Want Islam Bolstered Newsday Long Island NY USA By AP AM EST February KUALA LUMPUR Malaysia Some Islamic groups in Malaysia call ed Wednesday for wider powers for Shariah courts and Malaysia Still Looking for an Islam to call Our Own? American Muslim Bridgeton MO USA emergence of dreaded moral vigilantes of exclusive Muslim lobby groups and NGOs calls for more Islamic norms to be inculcated in conduct Soft Pedaling Radical Islam New York Times Discovers MSA By Muslims Against Sharia Muslims Against Sharia Neil MacFarquhar s latest paean to radical Islam appeared in Thursday s New York Times For Muslim Students a Debate on Inclusion in which he praises a known radical leader of Muslim Students Association as some kind of DEMOCRATIC ISLAM IS AN IDIOTIC IMPOSSIBLE APPELATION Farsi with By Alan Peters Alan Peters While speaker has other videos providing revisionist history specially about Mossadegh whom he supports video below attacks Mojaheddin for proposing an Islamic Democracy for Iran Not so much an attack on them as an Jordan Wikipedia and Prophet M hammad By Amira Al Hussaini More than worldwide have joined an online protest claiming images shown on European language pages and taken from Persian and Ottoman miniatures dating from th th and th centuries are offensive to Islam Court favored Islam in America Or will they first fall victim to Islamic penalty for those who leave Islam -- on American soil? And why isn t American justice system working to protect these young men from that horrific possibility? Must we always take action Jg TDs cqdl jAWBF OkFsR r Farish Noor Malaysia Still looking for an Islam to call our own? By jedyoong From Malaysia Today Malaysia needs an Islam to call its own Just as it needs a Christianity to call its own a Buddhism that is its own and a Hinduism that is its own Why? By Farish A Noor historian's lot is a sad one in Malaysia