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Duration: 01:07 minutes Upload Time: 07-02-14 16:32:00 User: SpiritusSancti070 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Francisco Rodriguez Header assisted by Ramon Morales against Cruz Azul |
Friday, September 28, 2007
Maza Cabezita
cnn news
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Duration: 02:31 minutes Upload Time: 06-11-28 13:24:33 User: detserva :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: инсайдерские новости |
Comments | |
shuralemetal ::: Favorites В точку . 07-09-28 04:54:24 __________________________________________________ |
De profesión, mis castings
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Duration: 00:35 minutes Upload Time: 07-09-11 08:06:39 User: rtve :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Casting de EL REY DE LA COMEDIA en Vigo. Beatriz García-Durán Hermo Envía tus vídeos a www.elreydelacomedia.com |
La Mosca Tse Tse - El demonio esta en esa mujer
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Duration: 04:14 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-24 12:40:19 User: xinoku1977 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Aqui una cancion que es un temon para los fanaticos de la Mosca Tse Tse que es un clasico y no fue muy difundida . |
Comments | |
VVARAZ ::: Favorites porfavor cuelga "al otro lado de los cuentos", esa cancion es de la puta madre, porfa amigo te lo voy agradecer un monton. bye 07-08-25 17:02:39 __________________________________________________ |
4^ Giornata Serie A 23-09-2007 Tutti i Gol
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Duration: 03:25 minutes Upload Time: 07-09-23 17:24:41 User: sportuber :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: tutti i gol della quarta giornata di serie a di calcio. |
Paula Abdul during her first QVC appearance
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Duration: 01:24 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-26 22:07:59 User: shutupihatemyself :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Ah, the good old days. |
Comments | |
boxelder27 ::: Favorites haha what a psycho 07-09-24 23:55:39 __________________________________________________ | |
Sublimey123 ::: Favorites How much does that stuff cost. I liked the wishbone. 07-09-16 12:57:12 __________________________________________________ | |
srs0731 ::: Favorites fuddlingfuddlingfuddling Thank you, Rich. 07-09-07 11:21:22 __________________________________________________ | |
abebayehu99 ::: Favorites and people don't ever call me drunk cuz i act the way i do when i'm sleep deprived! 07-08-20 22:25:11 __________________________________________________ | |
hamburgerfries ::: Favorites This video made my life complete. When it dissapeared, I went into a stage of denial. But now it is back. Love. 07-08-01 12:18:16 __________________________________________________ | |
hystericredcoat ::: Favorites exhausted, my ass. 07-07-28 01:19:24 __________________________________________________ | |
abebayehu99 ::: Favorites if u've ever seen her show, and what she does and how long her days are, damn u'd be exhausted too!!! being a celebrity is not all shopping, free stuff, and being photographed, it's about being an entertainer and being a good rolemodel to the people who look up to you. if u did all that she does, u'd be acting like that too, cuz u'd be sleep deprived. hell, i act like that when i don't get enough to sleep! 07-08-20 22:22:58 __________________________________________________ | |
Sublimey123 ::: Favorites The only thing that makes someone an addict is whether it ruins their life and career. So even if a person does drugs if it's not doing any harm or does good than it is good. Like Ryan Seacrest for example, he is all coked up (larry king) 07-09-16 12:58:33 __________________________________________________ |
Muchachada Nui Promo Rappel
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Duration: 00:48 minutes Upload Time: 07-09-04 13:49:40 User: rtve :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Promoción del nuevo programa de Ernesto Sevilla, Joaquín Reyes y los suyos. Muchachada Nui, los miércoles a partir de las 23.15 en La 2. |
Comments | |
Reincidente159 ::: Favorites Que cracks xD 07-09-25 11:23:21 __________________________________________________ | |
linkades ::: Favorites en la dos ke van a poner? Animales? jajajaja 07-09-21 06:54:33 __________________________________________________ | |
ohcan2 ::: Favorites tell me more xD 07-09-19 15:28:53 __________________________________________________ | |
gotenksupersaiyan ::: Favorites GAAAAÑAAAAAAAAN 07-09-17 14:23:55 __________________________________________________ | |
chusomartorellensis ::: Favorites xDDDD 07-09-17 10:35:11 __________________________________________________ | |
febris1936 ::: Favorites chananteeee!! 07-09-17 06:26:10 __________________________________________________ | |
bbillmurray ::: Favorites CARLOS ARECES muy grande 07-09-16 08:17:08 __________________________________________________ | |
Gambitero88 ::: Favorites Confirmado por Informe Semanal: Miércoles 19 a las 23:00 por la 2, primer episodio de Muchachada Nui No os lo perdaiirrrr... 07-09-15 16:41:08 __________________________________________________ | |
elhijodeptinto ::: Favorites Esto apunta a obra maestra 07-09-15 15:15:32 __________________________________________________ | |
tve1 ::: Favorites Qué destrozo de logotipo el de abajo, le faltan picos. 07-09-14 16:37:00 __________________________________________________ |
Muchachada nui Promo Chu Norris
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Duration: 00:43 minutes Upload Time: 07-09-05 09:07:49 User: rtve :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Promoción del nuevo programa de Ernesto Sevilla, Joaquín Reyes y los suyos. Muchachada Nui, los miércoles a partir de las 23.15 en La 2. |
Comments | |
SainNemi ::: Favorites se llama turning japanese, pero no se de quien es. 07-09-24 14:43:44 __________________________________________________ | |
Krapinov ::: Favorites Satisfaction. De los Rolling Stones. De nada. 07-09-19 16:40:34 __________________________________________________ | |
quiqueee ::: Favorites le han quitao el chandal a clicli!! 07-09-17 16:03:11 __________________________________________________ | |
ernestibiri ::: Favorites son the vapors y la cancion es turning japanesse 07-09-15 13:33:52 __________________________________________________ | |
jonasjawa ::: Favorites Como se llama la cancion esa que aparece al final un poco tipo japonesa, tambien salia en la pelicula de jackass 07-09-15 11:28:46 __________________________________________________ | |
elosoestudioso ::: Favorites Q cuerpos, que caras, que morbo! soy un gambitero enfermo! jajajaa 07-09-14 04:50:49 __________________________________________________ | |
LPSpeppers ::: Favorites chanachanachanaaaaaaaanteeeeeee. espero q esa palabra no se pierda en el olvido! es buenisima! 07-09-13 16:53:47 __________________________________________________ | |
migueltapiaruano ::: Favorites Seguro? La he bajado de Internet y no me sale esa. Tal vez es un remix? Vivan los gambiteros!! XD 07-09-13 02:45:39 __________________________________________________ | |
AlexKidd91 ::: Favorites La música que suena de fondo es ''Set The Controls for the Heart of the Sun'' de Pink Floyd 07-09-11 16:41:46 __________________________________________________ | |
IsiLMoonKiller ::: Favorites Jorl!! Esto lo vi en la tv mientras comía. Juro que casi me atraganto de la emoción XDDD. MUCHACHADA NUI POWAH!!! Por cierto, ¿alguien sabe cómo se llama la musiquita esa que suena cuando salen las letritas de MN? 07-09-11 06:11:01 __________________________________________________ |
Controcampo: Intervista a Totti dopo Inter - Roma 1-3
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Duration: 05:23 minutes Upload Time: 07-04-19 10:59:34 User: teladoiotokyo :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Il Capitano della Roma Francesco Totti intervistato subito dopo la vittoria di Milano. Tutte le notizie sulla Roma su http://www.marione.net |
Comments | |
iDUX90 ::: Favorites Bravo ti meriti un UP... fenomenale ihi 07-09-23 17:06:02 __________________________________________________ | |
antoniocherry ::: Favorites iDUX? Sei di un'ignoranza senza fondo: Totti non puo' essere burino, essendo romano. E che significa bega? Potresti consultare un'enciclopedia e un dizionario prima di pubblicare? Grazie, spero riesca a capire cio' che ho scritto. ahh,dimenticavo, il nome iDUX viene dal fatto che sei pure fascista? 07-09-23 09:00:37 __________________________________________________ | |
dominant82 ::: Favorites Non sono invidioso delle vostre vittorie!vengono attraverso i soldi che sperperate!VERGOGNATEVI!!! FORZA ROMA! 07-09-19 14:30:07 __________________________________________________ | |
dominant82 ::: Favorites e poi senti chi parla!!rubbentini (vergogna mondiale) interisti (neanche un italiano in squadra) milanisti (al vertice del palazzo) napoletani (vergona italiana)...la ROMA con 2 lire fa il calcio più bello d'Italia..voi con i miliardi ROSICATE o se vincete non è la stessa cosa che vincere a ROMA...E ANCORA C'AVETE IL CORAGGIO DI PARLARE???? 07-09-19 14:20:35 __________________________________________________ | |
dominant82 ::: Favorites tutti i commenti contro TOTTI sono tutti ROSICONI che hanno sempre sognato un CAPITANO e un giocatore COSI'in squadra!continuate a ROSICARE ma fatelo in silenzio!!!come vi rode!!!proprio tanto!!!occhio che ci potreste anche rimanere STECCHITI! 07-09-19 14:15:48 __________________________________________________ | |
dominant82 ::: Favorites GRANDE CAPITANO (UNICO CAPITANO) con quelle dichiarazioni!!!Mughini mangialamerda ancora parla dopo quello che ha combinato la rubbentus e mosca..che rimanga posato sulla merda... 07-09-19 14:11:45 __________________________________________________ | |
mOOd4skA ::: Favorites E' vero Totti non è stato il solito Totti ai mondiali. Sembrava di vedere in campo uno con la gamba mezza rotta e un ferro dentro... controcampo è LA vera merda. Sei grande Capitano. 07-09-19 04:26:01 __________________________________________________ | |
davidecmr ::: Favorites sn gia emigrato, abito in inghilterra. ribadisco: totti ai mondiali ha fatto la vacca e lo facevano giocare solo per gli sponsor e era l'uomo in meno. zitto poveraccio 07-09-18 12:39:56 __________________________________________________ | |
Sghicetto ::: Favorites eh sticazzi.....il problema è un altro: la gente come te e come tanti altri non merita di respirare la stessa aria che respiro io.....emigra buffone.... 07-09-18 06:05:32 __________________________________________________ | |
pieroooo ::: Favorites totti grande giocatore,testa a forma di pene. 07-09-16 14:03:27 __________________________________________________ |
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Duration: 00:37 minutes Upload Time: 06-09-18 00:52:18 User: SpiritusSancti070 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: 58th min. Barcelona vs Levski Sofia 5-0 Champion's League September 12th '06 |
Switzerland3:4Japan 2/2
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Duration: 08:31 minutes Upload Time: 07-09-11 20:26:40 User: oinarisan :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: friendly match |
You're beautiful...
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Duration: 00:44 minutes Upload Time: 07-09-20 09:51:52 User: rtve :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Casting de EL REY DE LA COMEDIA en Córdoba. Rafael Marín Envía tu vídeo a www.elreydelacomedia.com |
¿Dónde está la bolita?
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Duration: 01:26 minutes Upload Time: 07-09-20 11:07:57 User: rtve :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Casting de EL REY DE LA COMEDIA en Santander. Higinio Ángel Envía tu vídeo a www.elreydelacomedia.com |