Monday, November 5, 2007


Duration: 00:33 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-24 20:30:14
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hahahhha Here we see President Bush at a press conference today bumbling around, drinking water and wiping bird poop from his suit. LOL


EmoneyMaker28 ::: Favorites
Ron Paul would be a better president.
07-08-28 16:05:09
dondopa ::: Favorites
wow you guys seriously hate your president that much who would you think would be a better president 1.Bill Clinton 2.Anyone
07-08-17 00:37:21
mikegarlicbread ::: Favorites
07-07-28 14:00:28
iluvmyb3 ::: Favorites
Just like arabs do.
07-06-30 11:51:44
SmokescreenNinjaz ::: Favorites
i think it was satan's ejaculate.
07-06-29 20:54:21
RobinHood1969 ::: Favorites
Even the birds know he's full of shit anyway!!
07-06-27 06:12:12
monkeeeman666 ::: Favorites
I totally and complete;y agree with you
07-06-26 23:25:54
des070776 ::: Favorites
It's too bad cows don't fly!
07-06-24 10:28:12
abcmole ::: Favorites
Isn't that how you get bird flu? O_O
07-06-08 01:13:22
Jamsie567 ::: Favorites
Smart Bomb FTW!!
07-06-02 15:48:44

Super Soaker Flame Thrower

Duration: 00:49 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-12-13 04:38:46
User: gongchan86
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Holy hell... i want one


desertgaara0402679 ::: Favorites
who pays attention to dont try this at home? if everyone did, then there wouldn't be any other super soaker flamethrower videos on youtube. still, this is awesome!
07-11-01 22:38:58
eviltwin777 ::: Favorites
yeah thats smart trying a flamethorwer in doors
07-10-31 21:16:55
KazooiesDragoon ::: Favorites
Yah? Why not
07-10-30 21:38:20
DavieFlow ::: Favorites
read the caption dumbass "do not try this at home" -_-"
07-10-28 22:29:25
scorpian2 ::: Favorites
the laziness of going outside to have fun dumbass could have burned the house down
07-10-27 23:58:25
inyorosho1 ::: Favorites
thats thowed
07-10-27 23:43:37
manuputcha ::: Favorites
how did u get the flame to be on the super soaker. when i tried this, i had to hold the match infront if it. that was pretty cool though.
07-10-27 23:19:54
CVcatgirlCA ::: Favorites
Blink, I love you. :)
07-10-23 18:49:47
ElPresidente101 ::: Favorites
a supersoaker flamethrower, or any flamethrower for that matter, cant explode. its physically impossible. there is an extreme lack of oxygen in the barrel so the flame cant ignite the tank. here, watch this vid : "Super Soaker Flamethrowers CANT Explode"
07-10-21 21:38:37
blinkdrumer808 ::: Favorites
talk about supersoaking that ho..lmao
07-10-20 21:33:46

booty shaker

Duration: 03:44 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-04 05:56:29
User: blackscandowhatever
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i can shake my a**


hottie3111 ::: Favorites
i said some (most) so dont bo hatin. if u went 2 my school u would agree with me 2
07-10-27 20:15:39
stonebridge999 ::: Favorites
Nerdy and fat? Speak for yourself you stupid cunt...
07-10-27 03:40:08
hottie3111 ::: Favorites
also i pefer blacks than whites. most of us white folk r nerdy and fat
07-10-23 15:46:26
hottie3111 ::: Favorites
pedro05432 im not black so im not as offended but that was mean. i bet that u wony say that 2 their face either. cause theyll kick ure pale white ass
07-10-23 15:43:53
dannim06 ::: Favorites
Ying Yang Twins - Shake
07-10-22 21:16:29
akinwales258 ::: Favorites
Youtube isnt good for nudity. I like the website _TIME4CAMZ.COM_
07-10-08 22:32:00
subdubn833 ::: Favorites
There are a ton of amazing cam girls at TIME4CAMZ DOT COM
07-09-29 18:17:03
supateka ::: Favorites
whats the song called?
07-09-28 01:10:56
mattringer11 ::: Favorites
could u do this on me?
07-09-18 23:54:16
adoggred ::: Favorites
yo fuck you punk ass bitch
07-09-09 09:31:55

Heroes SNL "Dear Sister" Digital Short Parody

Duration: 00:58 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-02 21:50:07
User: phmontag
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A parody of the SNL Digital Short "Dear Sister" which is making fun of The O.C.


shady300 ::: Favorites
Hide n Seek is the name of the song
07-11-03 22:02:03
Tatolita ::: Favorites
i want that song!
07-11-03 15:26:27
PEYTOONIE ::: Favorites
Stupid stupid people, if you actually WATCH the show, he was supposed to aim there. To NOT kill him. It was a plan. Now get on with it.
07-11-03 10:45:00
2998Alex ::: Favorites
The dude was 3 feet away. why not aim for the heart?
07-11-02 20:03:48
lordjin ::: Favorites
look up dear sister SNL
07-11-01 13:15:14
lool911 ::: Favorites
Claire is Hot :D
07-11-01 07:54:53
jctopie113 ::: Favorites
best parody of the parody i've seen yet
07-10-31 17:49:04
excalibur316 ::: Favorites
I was waiting for this to happen. :p Great job.
07-10-31 08:07:40
bostonfan1211 ::: Favorites
If you want to see the original Dear Sister Digital Short from Snl, it is uploaded on my profile
07-10-30 18:51:01
gossipville1 ::: Favorites
ahhh! i need to find the real snl version! everyone is saying its hilarious and they don't even have it! i want to see it!
07-10-30 17:14:29

Punch in the face

Duration: 00:21 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-29 06:16:32
User: CMBurnsLB
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Guy agrees to be punched; is owned.


T2793R ::: Favorites
wow...who's next?
07-10-22 23:26:18
linux96 ::: Favorites
que tiene de lindo este video ,!! son o les falla???
07-10-12 20:53:22
jesusbuddy ::: Favorites
he hit him in the fucking eye, you get ur fucking friend in the
07-10-12 19:36:03
RickyUK100 ::: Favorites
Well, thats what he wanted! HaHaHa
07-10-09 18:06:37
Knyajo ::: Favorites
Misleading tags. I hate that. On the other hand this is FREAKING hilarious and my new favorite video.
07-10-01 22:20:19
bitterbetterbatter ::: Favorites
ok, now it should be hte other guys turn to get punched, where is the bitch?
07-10-01 01:04:09
KrfNYC ::: Favorites
mad funny
07-09-30 09:19:00
dolphinspirit845 ::: Favorites
poor fucking guy! looked like he was crying before his fist even hit him
07-09-28 03:46:17
alexisonfireruleee ::: Favorites
he swing like a fag =D
07-09-21 21:25:28
Jtrev57 ::: Favorites
Fucking idiots
07-09-19 22:32:21

Bloodelf Paladin

Duration: 00:26 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-09-06 03:19:39
User: granskog
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blood elf paladin hand of ragnaros omg wtf


Tzoni ::: Favorites
-250 dkp NOOB!
07-07-13 09:25:33
ForTheHorde13 ::: Favorites
well that was a waste of my life, darkmage700000,gamerman2k5,and roseofsharyn1 you guys need to chill the hell out
07-07-10 12:50:42
hamugle555 ::: Favorites
07-07-09 20:10:44
user197 ::: Favorites
don't get it <.<
07-04-30 20:59:56
roseofsharyn1 ::: Favorites
07-02-21 22:48:40
HateCrew4Life ::: Favorites
you mean bought?
07-02-15 20:02:18
Prodigy91691 ::: Favorites
No he is on a private server...there is no NPCs or anything good job retard
07-01-29 23:28:17
roseofsharyn1 ::: Favorites
Hes not lvling that that movie has been posted september06 2006---TBC cames out on Tuesday, January16 2007...hes like Chinese or German..idk but hes not from here...or proly he buyed it on the net in China...GAMER!!!
07-01-28 17:06:48
jukkarasm85 ::: Favorites
lol! that was nice :D
07-01-24 16:13:06
trans82 ::: Favorites
coool how u lvl that fast
07-01-24 01:02:22

50 things I've done in my 17 years of living

Duration: 10:58 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-06-22 18:55:49
User: HollisterBabii
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PLEASE READ THIS!!!!! My video was orignally 16 minutes long so I had to edit it ALOT!! Now its just under 10 minutes yet it i don't say "hello" in the begining or "goodbye" at the end because I don't have time. Nonetheless, please watch it and tell me what you think :)


makihikorain ::: Favorites
i called the fire department cause it was foggy i felt so dumb
07-10-21 01:51:00
WaitnOn2morrow ::: Favorites
OMG, I seriously watched this whole thing... I'm so weak that you actually listed 50 things you've done. And the thing about the guy "hitting" on you going though the drive through with his wife and baby...heres the thing, I encourage my husband to say something charming and sweet to the sad-looking drive thru girl's all the time, because they always look like they need someone to make their day. But I have the ring and we're just leaving you with a smile. You should've have thanked the wife ;)
07-10-11 23:39:21
iAirsoft ::: Favorites
07-07-12 21:41:17
suckmydamdickbitch ::: Favorites
07-05-16 00:31:06
gabjam ::: Favorites
Hahaha that's really cute :p
07-05-06 17:40:29
sanjay52504 ::: Favorites
07-05-06 11:06:01
kawkaw14 ::: Favorites
it was interesting butyou talk like malibu barbie , yes I know barbies can't talk but it's soow like legaly blondish kind of talking ! , but whatever the video was interesting , good job ! x x x
07-04-01 15:02:29
greis2006 ::: Favorites
51-I will be stuck making youtube videos...
07-03-19 22:52:04
paulchapa12 ::: Favorites
Looks like you're (I don't know if this word exists in english) EGOCENTRIC or maybe EGOCENTRIST. it means that you love YOURSELF TOO MUCH!, and want everyone to love you, and want to be watched all the time!, bue, now i'll see what you said, and nothing. (i based on your TAGS and screenshots of your other videos)
07-03-07 08:32:21
windwaterfire3 ::: Favorites
too much about people hitting on you! jeez we get it, old dudes are creepy, enough!
07-02-23 23:06:53


Duration: 08:00 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-10 04:11:30
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PART 3:MANCHESTER, N.H. -- Presidential candidate Sen. Mike Gravel shared his views on the war in Iraq, health care and affordable housing with an audience of New Hampshire voters. Gravel answered questions in "Conversation with the Candidate," an ongoing series produced by WMUR-TV in New Hampshire in which the candidates for president discuss issues on the minds of voters. Gravel said that he wants to bring Americans into government as partners with elected officials. His plan is called the National Initiative for Democracy, and he said it would allow policy issues to be decided by the people. "There's only two venues. There's the government or the people," Gravel said. "We know the problems lie in government right now, so we have no choice but to go to the venue of the people and say, 'Do you want to be empowered to be a lawmaker?'" You can watch the entire program as it aired on WMUR-TV along with a special, online-only bonus half-hour by clicking on the links above. Hear Gravel give his thoughts on the war in Iraq, universal health care and veterans benefits in front of a studio audience.


Coot876 ::: Favorites
he had me up to this crap about a carbon tax. carbon is what the plants breath its a life gas. over 90% of carbon is from the ocean and volcanoes and that none man made stuff. Carbon tax and the regulation is going to kill the poor and give the government too much control
07-11-04 19:13:20
colonicvillus ::: Favorites
he's radically democratic which is the last time we need
07-09-15 17:41:52
puppydogbreath ::: Favorites
Gravel NOT invited to the LGBT debate hosted by LOGO cable network. Complain/protest here: Dana L. Campbell, Member Services Assistant Human Rights Campaign 202.216.1500 (p) 202.216.1505 (f) LOGO: 212 654 3005. This is an answering machine. Be brief and clear. The sponsoring organization is called "Human Rights Campaign": 202 628-4160 Toll-Free: 800/777-4723
07-07-12 22:23:18
hamsterpoop ::: Favorites
Vote Mike Gravel for 2008 Don't fall for rhetoric... research Mike Gravel. Stop electing these rich people that don't care about us... TAKE INITIATIVE! SPREAD THE WORD!
07-06-27 14:32:57
TexasRounder ::: Favorites
Why a carbon tax though, why not just stop subsidizing the oil companies?
07-06-05 16:04:13
kardentyrell ::: Favorites
taxing carbon directly makes it able to establish a fund, wich can be used in coalition with other nations to move from carbon based fuel, into alternative forms of energy. Gravel had it right, carbon emissions is not just 1 countries problem, it's a the worlds
07-09-11 21:44:14
bradgburch ::: Favorites
Thanks for this - very good program!
07-05-20 00:01:56
TheFobster ::: Favorites
Gravel 08!
07-05-11 06:21:06
keithburgun ::: Favorites
keep spreading the word about gravel. we need him
07-05-10 17:46:03
TRUEADONIS ::: Favorites
07-05-10 04:53:16

Kobe Bryant - Cant be touched

Duration: 04:33 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-07-08 20:56:11
User: nolimitxp
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Kobe Highlight Vid Plz Comment


SamuraiSwoosh ::: Favorites
BTW, nice "shammgod" by Bryant @ the 00:22 mark on Dunleavy.
07-10-29 20:07:58
djswang169 ::: Favorites
roy jones jr cant be touched
07-10-26 15:25:19
SamuraiSwoosh ::: Favorites
Whose this song by, son?
07-09-07 20:21:28
guitarjackgates ::: Favorites
hes the best forget mj
07-08-27 06:28:50
streetbasketballguy ::: Favorites
07-07-26 08:08:24
damnnothingisgood ::: Favorites
kobe is the best i hope he stays with the lakers there's been a lot of talk lately that he is going to dallas for dirk nowitzki or chigaco for ben gordon luol deng kirk hinrich and the 19# draft pick i hope he stays
07-05-31 17:39:21
8anton8 ::: Favorites
although i aint a fan of ur videos at all, this one is pretty sick.
07-04-21 14:01:48
playplaybo ::: Favorites
u just hate him so u dun like him ur the one people should kick
07-03-17 21:55:35
dominiktracy99 ::: Favorites
kobe one of the best in the game
07-02-20 00:37:04
tysonakamrsmooth ::: Favorites
KICK ASS kobe the REAL mvp
07-02-04 05:29:00

Blow Everything Up Net Demonstration CTF

Duration: 01:29 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-08-19 10:40:45
User: qvadi
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I've uploaded new trailers of my game. There are a few moments of CTF game (joined). See:


qvadi ::: Favorites
See the Movie Video!
06-10-31 07:35:38
qvadi ::: Favorites
I don't think so.
06-10-30 09:27:25
hlava33 ::: Favorites
jwag35... are you Capswe? ;]
06-10-30 08:13:57
capswe ::: Favorites
(= 0 = ) i'm here~!!!
07-08-13 01:59:48
jwag35 ::: Favorites
that was cool. what game is that?
06-10-29 09:37:24
qvadi ::: Favorites
Blow Everything Up Net. You'll find it on Enjoy if you find some servers with players :)
06-10-29 15:08:01
qvadi ::: Favorites
hostuję Official Servers... Codziennie. Trza mnie złapać.
06-08-20 11:56:36
hlava33 ::: Favorites
Tylko dlaczego nie ma serwerów?
06-08-20 11:52:46
Powerslave18 ::: Favorites
A ściągaj, ściągaj. Super giera ;]
06-08-20 10:53:28
hlava33 ::: Favorites
Super gra! Już ściagam i gram! :P
06-08-19 11:09:41

Mike Cammalleri Ultimate highlight video

Duration: 03:23 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-21 12:18:59
User: leftkinger
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OptimusPrime1355 ::: Favorites
complete sniper lovin the the skilled players on this team
07-11-02 23:54:39
squintykiller ::: Favorites
omg ur not his fuckin cousin all you want is attention your pathetic
07-11-01 21:33:05
leftkinger ::: Favorites
I don't know if you were jokin or not but i don't know many players in the NHL that could shoot the puck like MC. They probably look like "garbage" because he makes it look so easy. Your telling me that the last shot against brodeur was "garbage"?
07-11-01 20:19:26
gamezky ::: Favorites
those were all garbage goals. has'nt he scored any nice ones? I live in Canada so he doesnt get alot of exposure playing in the west. The goal from his knees was nice, but the rest ???
07-11-01 08:32:37
leftkinger ::: Favorites
Rob Dougan - Clubbed to Death
07-10-18 00:54:42
crazylittlekid ::: Favorites
whats the name of this song
07-10-17 22:57:46
16amanda23 ::: Favorites
i no he's my favourite player to he's my cousin
07-10-15 19:14:40
16amanda23 ::: Favorites
Hi this is my cousin mike i miss you mike can't till you come home
07-10-15 19:10:45
funkadelic905 ::: Favorites
one of my favs best goal against thw ild on his knees amazing!
07-10-01 20:10:06
rapturedsound9 ::: Favorites
omg I love michael cammalleri
07-09-07 06:58:04

Tibetan 98 drugi koncert po powrocie Johna

Duration: 05:20 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-25 06:47:42
User: johnfru
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Dzięki skróconemu występowi grupy Pearl Jam, Red Hot Chili Peppers mogli zagrać ten 3-piosenkowy występik. Give It Away z przepiękną solówka Johna. Enjoy!


goaliekidd1 ::: Favorites
yea Seven1973 has a vid of Power of Equality
07-10-29 09:58:01
javiercamafeo ::: Favorites
the chord actually is E minor
07-10-01 20:58:05
circuscircus2 ::: Favorites
lol anthony is just strumming the a chord like a motherfucker :D
07-08-23 15:47:52
rattlehead316 ::: Favorites
June 14, 1998, Washington D.C.
07-08-14 19:35:44
acr12000 ::: Favorites
I believe that it's Jeff Ament's Amp. Pearl Jam gave up half of their set to let them play because of a huge storm that was coming.
07-08-10 22:47:46
robertboy ::: Favorites
what amp is flea using it looks like its made of wood. not his usual mesa boogie for the time
07-08-07 20:05:22
RHCPMV ::: Favorites
Holy shit! I could feel their rejuvenation through this video! I wish I could've made a Californication concert, by the time my dad decided to allow me to go, it was sold out!
07-08-04 03:00:43
chlebachce ::: Favorites
shit ;/ something such special and only 2000 views ;///
07-08-02 16:08:47
linguafranca86 ::: Favorites
For A second I thought it was a sound engineer comming after Anthony, because he just smashed a guitar in am million peaces.
07-07-18 17:07:10
Fik0n ::: Favorites
07-06-01 12:40:48

D.N.Angel All about Us

Duration: 03:01 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-08-10 08:49:35
User: RikusDarkness
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I don't make this Video! Give credit to darkboy!


skyrider14 ::: Favorites
i usually hate yaoi amvs to heck but this was just well made. i give it 11/10
07-11-04 18:30:47
xXDemonShadowXx ::: Favorites
this is sooooooo cool =3
07-11-03 17:25:13
XxShikabutoxX ::: Favorites
awosome ^.^
07-11-03 15:07:06
inuyashababygurl ::: Favorites
*stares into space* i have been hypnotized
07-10-20 05:40:45
245376 ::: Favorites
tatuu, tatuu xD coooll
07-10-13 03:57:23
senatorpadme ::: Favorites
DArk is freaking hot! I love this!
07-08-30 20:06:08
natalitheinnocent1 ::: Favorites
T.A.T.U sings this song! ^.^
07-08-05 01:48:27
darkjoker21 ::: Favorites
who sings this song? I can't remember...>///<.
07-08-03 00:17:05
Rikuharadasanfan ::: Favorites
I love this vid!!! ^^
07-07-25 13:31:15
Rikuharadasanfan ::: Favorites
His name is Dark
07-07-25 13:30:58