Monday, November 5, 2007

Super Soaker Flame Thrower

Duration: 00:49 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-12-13 04:38:46
User: gongchan86
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Holy hell... i want one


desertgaara0402679 ::: Favorites
who pays attention to dont try this at home? if everyone did, then there wouldn't be any other super soaker flamethrower videos on youtube. still, this is awesome!
07-11-01 22:38:58
eviltwin777 ::: Favorites
yeah thats smart trying a flamethorwer in doors
07-10-31 21:16:55
KazooiesDragoon ::: Favorites
Yah? Why not
07-10-30 21:38:20
DavieFlow ::: Favorites
read the caption dumbass "do not try this at home" -_-"
07-10-28 22:29:25
scorpian2 ::: Favorites
the laziness of going outside to have fun dumbass could have burned the house down
07-10-27 23:58:25
inyorosho1 ::: Favorites
thats thowed
07-10-27 23:43:37
manuputcha ::: Favorites
how did u get the flame to be on the super soaker. when i tried this, i had to hold the match infront if it. that was pretty cool though.
07-10-27 23:19:54
CVcatgirlCA ::: Favorites
Blink, I love you. :)
07-10-23 18:49:47
ElPresidente101 ::: Favorites
a supersoaker flamethrower, or any flamethrower for that matter, cant explode. its physically impossible. there is an extreme lack of oxygen in the barrel so the flame cant ignite the tank. here, watch this vid : "Super Soaker Flamethrowers CANT Explode"
07-10-21 21:38:37
blinkdrumer808 ::: Favorites
talk about supersoaking that ho..lmao
07-10-20 21:33:46

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