Monday, November 5, 2007


Duration: 04:36 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-01 16:08:50
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Four Years After 'Mission Accomplished' There may be no more vivid illustration of the collapse of President Bush's public image than the changing perceptions of his "Mission Accomplished" moment. Four years ago today, Bush flew aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier in "Top Gun" style, stood under a banner proclaiming "Mission Accomplished," and proudly declared: "Major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed." The event was initially hailed as a brilliant act of White House stagecraft, showcasing Bush as a powerful and resolute leader. But as time passed, the "mission" was exposed as a delusion. There were no Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. And there is little sense of accomplishment.


bce5150 ::: Favorites
"terrorist killers" LOL!
07-09-19 11:57:33
yemenarGTR ::: Favorites
he used to be the dumbest kid not only in his class, but in the whole fucking school!! - he only knows how to spell one thing... W.A.R
07-09-14 21:03:26
KCL0k0t3 ::: Favorites
Actually he's not an idiot at all, he's pretty smart by fucking Americans' minds
07-09-06 19:56:09
m60darew1 ::: Favorites
Bad enough he's an idiot, what's worse are the idiots who vote for him.
07-08-16 14:40:36
Grimhilde7 ::: Favorites
Nothing Accomplished.....
07-08-16 05:42:47
RbtG ::: Favorites
OMFG Mac and I FINALLY agree on something!!!!
07-07-14 17:41:44
norand99 ::: Favorites
Im sure we're reggretting having himbe elected president
07-07-11 01:40:24
macblasta ::: Favorites
FANTASTIC!!! Bush is the WORST President in American history!!! I love the riot scene!!! The only thing missing was a "Charlie Manson wannabe." I saw the "Mission Accomplished" speech live & knew that it wasn't over... not by a long-shot! No doubt he cheated! Ohio in the '04 election was equal 2 Florida in the '00 election! TFG he is leaving next year!!! Don't let the door hit u in the ass on the way out asshole!
07-07-05 06:36:16
Karletto555 ::: Favorites
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED ANNIVERSARY! sounds like some movie trailer
07-06-29 03:55:25
erazertf ::: Favorites
"I call upon all nations to stop these terrorist killers." So basically he is calling upon all nations to stop terrorist killers AKA soldiers?
07-06-12 15:45:35

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