Saturday, March 29, 2008

Random Naruto Online Chat

Duration: 02:20 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-12-02 22:43:53

this is my first Naruto Chat it might be crappy but dont flame it


Worgak  2007-10-20 14:45:18

Where do ja get youa pix? dude thest are good
snoopy0133  2007-04-02 21:56:07

gaahhh i hate this song!!! but good chat
kinaarashiano  2007-01-21 12:55:10

narutoroxoutloud  2007-01-15 17:25:09

o.O wtf
sasukex25  2007-01-15 15:59:29


George Bush Responds to Chris Crocker's 'Best video EVER!'

Duration: 00:5 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-25 01:44:05

'It truly is the best video EVER!' -George W. Bush


MisumiKuro  2008-03-27 16:15:29

Pouya86  2008-03-27 16:14:52

motherfucking spaminator one of these i swear to holy god i shall smite thee down and the rest of your kind
juicr500  2008-03-27 15:57:06

Comb yer hair, Georgie.
t3hspaminator  2008-03-27 15:00:39

The Spaminator has struck again! Muhahahaha!
t3hspaminator  2008-03-27 15:00:27

The Spaminator has struck again! Muhahahaha!


Duration: 02:14 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-02 17:27:11

me mary bo jessa and joanna


Thanks to My Subscribers

Duration: 09:12 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-10 04:50:57

Thank you to all of you who showed me that I am not alone in my fight on apathy.


ecstatica23  2008-03-12 00:57:49

where would we be without youtube?? but really it's the people that truly make it special. I'm happy that you've found such great people on here that have helped you along the way. Peace and Love
razellicious  2007-11-13 17:22:24

No worries just glad your watching out for me. Cya later. <3
TheColorOrange621  2007-11-13 11:44:17

Aw thanks :) Hehe good luck with that "business partner" ;) Yeah sorry I was busy this weekend so I just watched this video now. <3, Melissa
razellicious  2007-11-13 02:12:35

Thank you Nicki! *BIG HUG* <3 Razelle
tearsofred  2007-11-13 01:46:19

So so glad you're staying on youtube :-) Wonderful shoutout video. Out of all the people you mentioned, I only know Froggy and Mandy, but I know they are amazing people who would be willing to try and help no matter what. Hope things are going better for you. Take care. Hugs, Nicki.

Western Diamondback Rattlesnake

Duration: 02:17 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-19 15:07:15

From relocation 08/16/07, Mesa, Arizona


risingconviction  2008-03-18 13:19:23

Hate to say it, but that is simply not true. A Mojave will NOT chase down anything. I've experienced over 100 in the wild in the last 3 years and not one has ever given chase. Why did they give your dog penicillin for a snake bite?
YogaNate79  2008-03-18 02:42:57

My parents have a ranch in Kingman, AZ and get Mojave Green encounters all of the time. Bit one of their dogs too and almost killed the poor thing. Had to administer penicilin to her. I was told that Mojave Green's will actually chase or hunt down whoever they intend to bite no matter the circumstances. Whereas, a traditional D-Back only strikes when it feels threatened in it's immediate surroundings.
risingconviction  2008-03-18 02:04:57

... maybe. In my experience with both species, the mojave is indeed a tad more aggressive. I would point out, however, that a disproportionate number of atrox encountered were resting or otherwise preoccupied, so real comparison isn't possible. Do you have any information showing the 'green' scuts from Western AZ or Eastern CA to be more aggressive than others? Sounds to me like local mythology.
YogaNate79  2008-03-18 01:48:33

The Mohave Green Rattler is more aggressive and dangerous than this snake. Remember, rattlesnakes are pit vipers.
brnleague99  2008-03-15 21:18:41

Damn, he's up in the "S" formation. That means that snake is pissed.

Apresentação Salazar

Duration: 03:38 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-29 08:40:04

Apresentação pessoal, parte 1


dakshinamurti  2007-10-06 07:11:54

No, thank you! It's a real pleasure being your subscriber. I appreciate your sincere views, and I always give them honest consideration in my decidion-making process.
manoftruth  2007-10-06 03:33:28

Thanks for subscribing to my videos. manoftruth
dakshinamurti  2007-09-29 12:38:10

Errata: Onde se ouve Associação nacional de jovens "empresariais" deve ouvir-se Empresários.


Duration: 02:58 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-30 07:04:43

Remix von ein paar WWE Themes. Dabei sind : D geneation X , John Cena , Rey Mysterio , Shawn Michaels , Mark Henry , Randy Orton , Triple H , Undertaker , MVP , Hornswoggle , Batista , Stone Cold Steve Austin , Kane & Edge


wzl63  2008-03-28 18:59:19

you suck it is y2j
JohnPhilCena  2008-03-23 18:01:25

sorry , i like the undertaker , but i thing the music is not good for thaht video , only DONG DONG , du you understay? xD
undertaker4000  2008-03-23 14:16:00

why is undertaker's so short
GrEeCeHoNeYKaTeRiNa  2008-03-17 07:00:14

rey mystereio warum bist du so lange dran
doodsaqa  2008-03-13 08:59:16

This is not a remix, its songs cut up. Sucks extrememly bad too. You sucks.

Genki Sudo K-1 Entrance

Duration: 02:40 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-12-10 00:04:37

Genki Sudo's crazy ass entrance at K-1-Premium 2005 Dynamite vs Norifumi ''Kid'' Yamamoto


Mortido  2008-03-28 04:46:25

I respect both fighters a ton. Norfumi is one of my favorite fighters, but personally, I think Genki did get robbed. He was clearly conscious and defending himself. He was kicking Kid away. Plus, that ref has had a history of controversial calls.
leedsninja  2008-03-27 20:55:53

hah i love Genki so much!
RynoZ  2008-03-24 13:19:36

Still think the STOPPAGE was OFF. Genki was clearly conscience and his eyes were focussed. Bad call!
steveN111333  2008-03-22 15:25:15

did you see at 1:17 to 1:21 ? he looks a bit nervous there :( Probably knew he was about to get his ass handed to him !
marc8717  2008-03-21 18:37:30

it's an amazing entrance ...! anybody knows who pays for the dancers ? or how that works ??

Clark Talent Show - Snow ((Hey Oh))

Duration: 02:24 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-27 02:05:35

A band playing Snow ((Hey Oh)) by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. They won second. Singer: Martin Guitar: Cody Bass: Doug Drums: John What do you think? :)


Max320Ci  2008-03-20 06:25:12

Its a little bit too fast. Well done!
bossymossy13  2008-03-19 20:00:29

holy shit waaay too fast and a bit sloppy but alright for you kids
argharghargh132  2008-03-08 06:59:47

Bit fast:P But still good
cholo11  2008-02-28 01:22:52

I wish my school had something like this, it would be fun to play something up there.
guitarkid5353  2008-02-27 20:31:23

check out my vid of under the bridge

Chris Norman - Some Hearts Are Diamonds

Duration: 04:40 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-26 15:36:09

Produced by Dieter Bohlen Visit


dhing46  2008-03-22 08:28:13

kamukha sya nong crush ko nong high school
florinsanduchestorsf  2008-03-16 07:34:31

amazing voice,magnificent song!
rossrou  2008-03-14 17:21:21

He was actually big all over the continental part of Europe, more in the Nordic countries but also Central Europe and Russia. His Smokie time was real great but later he still remained successful with pieces with somewhat different flavour.
adelonp  2008-03-05 10:35:41

grabe ka gana gajod ini na kanta ma inlove man gajod ako tapus maka hunahuna ta sa ato mga crush...salamat sa kanta ug sa nag up load sa vidoe naini.. this is adelon glo prado...
DavidoffeQQ  2008-02-29 16:33:28

Chris Norman is the best singer I love his all music :)