Thursday, September 6, 2007

Steve Harvey Spiritual Side of Hollywood

Duration: 00:39 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-06 18:05:04
User: hollywoodtv
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Steve Harvey Spiritual Side of Hollywood

Prom Queen Episode 50: More Than Willing

Duration: 02:11 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-21 03:38:14
User: promqueentv
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Jill and Ben get closer.

koreangirl12 ::: Favorites
everyone knew this was going to be one of the episodes!!! THAT WAS NASTY!
07-06-28 05:04:44
j3nnn00 ::: Favorites
07-06-23 07:38:34
katiej88 ::: Favorites
lol this is turning into milf porn.
07-06-23 01:31:50
TH1991 ::: Favorites
tramp, slut, skank, whore, hoe, prostitute, many names for jill
07-06-20 14:06:51
mynamehasnoletters ::: Favorites
jill has been sending ben the messages. he is the only student she has as a friend on myspace (even though they arent real myspaces) and in some episode when he left out the room with courtney at school, she looked out the door at ben and she looked pissed
07-06-04 20:21:27
Kahtiihma ::: Favorites
So being a slut is genetic.
07-06-03 16:05:13
rachiereay278 ::: Favorites
HAHAHAHA ist the lost music at the end ahahah
07-05-27 07:52:59
RaquelTheGreat1 ::: Favorites
07-05-25 15:24:39
ninjapl3ase ::: Favorites
ughhh jill is soooo weird! i feel bad for lauren... id hate to have jill as my mom!
07-05-25 12:44:21
jojoisamofo ::: Favorites
yuckyyyyy, sick mom. but everybody knew this was coming.
07-05-23 21:22:06

Habbo Xmas 8 - "Rasta Santa in... No Snow Yet"

Duration: 01:03 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-21 19:51:59
User: HabboWolf
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A Brave Habbo Rastaman's Struggle for the Xmas Snow - Episode 8 of 25

king creosote - bootprints - coke advert

Duration: 00:29 minutes
Upload Time: 06-07-27 10:43:18
User: jonburn
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king kenny anderson blesses coke with his lovely music

robo523 ::: Favorites
do you happen to know the song name as well?
07-06-17 17:07:45
mu0c ::: Favorites
Gotta love King Creosote. He's a Fifer like myself. He played at my parents wedding back in '86, a long time before he was famous. Laterz
07-03-12 06:42:20
jonburn ::: Favorites
king creosote
06-11-23 05:23:37
indecine ::: Favorites
who's king kenny anderson? is he the musician? i looked the guy up but cant find him.
06-11-22 14:13:12
craigrose2006 ::: Favorites
love it!
06-10-25 05:44:20

The Adventures of Batman and Robin... and Jesus (Episode 3)

Duration: 03:47 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-26 07:22:48
User: thepineoakslodge
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A jilted Robin meets up with a familiar friend. While Batman gets even closer to Christ.

frigginguest ::: Favorites
friggin great shi...errr stuff!!!
07-09-06 00:51:24
voidletfrog ::: Favorites
hehe, this was cute. I must have been very close to some of this when it was being filmed- I noticed the LOST panel at one point.
07-09-06 00:15:23
ducky13 ::: Favorites
oh wow Jesus and the flash same guy
07-09-06 00:02:01
Iloporieno ::: Favorites
Haha, great ending
07-09-05 23:51:49
MonsterSlayer14 ::: Favorites
lol "wheres your lightsaber?"
07-09-05 23:50:51
PaulsOpinion ::: Favorites
...Meh, funny at parts, but you could barley hear the dialouge.
07-09-05 23:32:44
icerahkshi ::: Favorites
obi-wan + jesus = (oh, there is your light saber)
07-09-05 23:11:08
silver007drgn ::: Favorites
oh Jesus Christ you're the best friends I've ever haaaaaaddddd....... akward...
07-09-05 22:52:12
Treemeadow ::: Favorites
:Hug it out....hug it outtt..." "Only coz Jesus said so!"
07-09-05 22:43:27
Thelovelychristina ::: Favorites
07-09-05 22:08:18

Comic Con 2007: Beard Review!

Duration: 02:16 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-25 01:29:19
User: thepineoakslodge
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With a special guest cameo from Brian Posehn (Just Shoot Me, Mr. Show, Comedians of Comedy).

bananagirl113 ::: Favorites
omg lol!! goat...and the blond guy had no idea what to call it!! hahaha. that was really funny.
07-09-05 21:36:07
mrescuba ::: Favorites
beards R US
07-09-05 17:32:24
llloooowwww ::: Favorites
1:06 looks like the bad guy from 5th element lol
07-09-05 15:19:45
Ish55 ::: Favorites
07-09-05 14:16:47
Ifoundher ::: Favorites
07-09-05 13:44:49
omanowen ::: Favorites
1:27, wasn't that the creepy guy from just shoot me?
07-09-05 13:41:58
KaiToTheN ::: Favorites
haha coool
07-09-05 13:34:04

The Adventures of the Black Cat

Duration: 02:20 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-29 15:08:34
User: thepineoakslodge
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15 artists at ComicCon 2007 created a story by connecting their sketch to whatever drawing came before. Started by the Fables team, Bill Willingham and Mark Buckingham, the adventure unfolded into a wild tale of a Black Cat.

INDColtsFan18 ::: Favorites
who said it was meant to be funny?
07-09-05 21:27:21
sanafabich ::: Favorites
not very funny...
07-09-05 16:50:15
Ish55 ::: Favorites
07-09-05 14:32:26
mrmatthewkelly ::: Favorites
Hilove the vid - Sorry 2do this way bt I'd luv2 show this@for amnesty international (youtube messagin rubbish!)in kingston, UK. We're doing night of live music to film.thought your film would be great coz done couple similiar projects +are2people singin songs bout cats with accompanyin vid!!+if wanted could do somelive music 2the film (or not!)please let me know what u think.cheers, matt matt(at)semble(dot)co(dot)uk
07-09-05 08:32:07
doubtitsammich ::: Favorites
search 'dewvein' and if you laugh at his funny vids, SUBSCRIBE!!
07-09-05 03:31:08
pocketacespictures ::: Favorites
Thanks!  Feel free to link to the YouTube video! Nice site.
07-09-04 10:56:22
pocketacespictures ::: Favorites
each artist was only allowed one page, but I took some liberty in breaking up the page to help tell the story.
07-09-04 10:55:57
markc6710 ::: Favorites
It worked out great, 15 artist one video, Wow.
07-09-03 05:01:59
goheadtry ::: Favorites
Nice vid and good art I like it you should visit my site it has videos, games and a forum _TechnologyForever.com_ This video is sweet Add your videos to my site
07-09-03 01:00:12
cenarsystems ::: Favorites
07-09-02 13:41:12

Downsouth 06

Duration: 03:44 minutes
Upload Time: 06-08-25 06:27:29
User: swatstuff
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The opening sequence for a family film. I made this film for the family after we all got together in Melbourne for the holidays. This opening sequence was created using after effects.

moondy11 ::: Favorites
wow all this for a family movie...nice
07-06-28 04:25:07
joshpodcast ::: Favorites
this kind of reminds me of the Eureka intro on scifi. I love it!
06-11-15 08:24:10
ethicks ::: Favorites
is aftereffects a hard program to use?
06-11-02 00:51:38
Ridiculi ::: Favorites
You are very, very good!
06-10-28 10:07:46
kendallr12 ::: Favorites
wow this is so impressive. i cant imagine being able to do that. your home videos must be extremely fun to watch
06-10-22 13:40:40
swatstuff ::: Favorites
mostly after effects and final cut
06-10-14 12:54:35
kebmann ::: Favorites
At last! Someone who's unable to make crappy YouTube films. See you got a mac, but what kinda progs do you use?
06-10-14 12:48:14
combatfilms ::: Favorites
That sequence was a lot of fun. Good work and thanks for sharing Combat Films
06-10-03 12:26:23
jeykall ::: Favorites
Your work is some of the most inspiring and artisitic... cripes, those words don't even come close to what you can do. Keep up with the good work man, you are going places.
06-10-03 01:18:04
jezuez47 ::: Favorites
I LOVE IT! and the song by the Thrills! you = amazing
06-09-30 04:01:38

Mrs Prime Minister- Old Parliament House

Duration: 00:29 minutes
Upload Time: 06-07-18 01:53:11
User: kenbuchan
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This ad features a 1950's cardboard cut-out visual style animated by eyecandy animation, using material from the Mr's Prime Minister exhibition to creatively advertise the event. The ad dramatises the role of a Prime Minister's wife which is undefined and often lonely and features highlights of the exhibition from Sonia McMahon's famous White House dress, romantic love letters from Joe and Enid Lyons and a shanghai slingshot owned by Pattie Menzies.

kittyxproductions ::: Favorites
how neat.
07-03-08 22:25:18

Solo Mobile Ad

Duration: 00:30 minutes
Upload Time: 06-08-05 17:15:50
User: andrejdwin
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funny cell phone services ad for walkie talkie feature

xDSxSYLARx ::: Favorites
07-08-31 19:50:49
snobordrdluk ::: Favorites
haha NICE i found it lol. I'm one of the extras for this ad.
07-08-02 00:53:02
dramaqueen104 ::: Favorites
does anyone know how to find the phone ad with "awsome party"!! and the guys house burns donw?
07-07-25 20:10:17
ladiferente666 ::: Favorites
haha halerious. lol
07-05-26 14:08:58
DukTape1009 ::: Favorites
i have the phone! =D whats cool is that Solo has unlimited internet =p
07-04-20 22:17:12
BlahIhateyou ::: Favorites
Heh I saw this on TV alot last year lol...And then I got that phone! =D
07-01-22 23:52:31
randomclassic ::: Favorites
I saw this on Funniest Commercials of 2006. I died laughing.
07-01-17 23:19:06
ChoconanaShake ::: Favorites
haha lol
06-12-28 01:09:44
sexybubblez01 ::: Favorites
06-12-16 22:04:48
stugro ::: Favorites
06-12-03 09:10:40

OFF Commercial

Duration: 00:43 minutes
Upload Time: 06-08-11 06:03:05
User: swatstuff
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TV commercial for a fictitious film festival - the Overnight Film Festival

seattleshaman ::: Favorites
beautiful video and its message is multiple. great song too... I teach dreams and i always tell my students, i can look in your chart and see when you will 'wake up' and not a day before even though you think you know everything... so the video was great in my perspective of what i do for a living. : )
07-02-27 17:52:40
seattleshaman ::: Favorites
love it...
07-02-27 17:30:05
ToiletsInJapan ::: Favorites
I watched your other stuff as well.. Awesome!
07-01-30 16:44:12
TES4Akis ::: Favorites
wow... beautifull... O.O
06-10-23 19:37:26
CleverDjembe ::: Favorites
I'm sorry I gave this 4 stars. On a second viewing, I think it's is definitely worth 5! Oh, well...
06-10-20 21:14:14
CHASEoBASE ::: Favorites
Awesome. I would love to see you direct a music video. Your work reminds me of Spike Jonze and Michele Gondry, but remains completely individual.
06-10-11 20:15:52
hawa12588 ::: Favorites
anybody know what is the title of the song??? great vid man...
06-10-11 11:55:26
FRaNxUARaNDa ::: Favorites
06-10-11 05:04:12
Sorrento04 ::: Favorites
Mate! i love all of your work! keep it up! i can feel the melbourne vibe in it, too! love it!
06-10-06 17:43:50
emgeko1983 ::: Favorites
yeaahhhh this is sooooo great !
06-10-06 15:59:50

White Blacula

Duration: 06:48 minutes
Upload Time: 06-05-08 17:03:58
User: justicerough
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The last five vampires in the world, all Dracula knock offs, hire an image consultant to help them intergrate into human society. Also Scott Bakula is there. A mockumentary created by the comedy group Rough Justice. Winner of Best Comedy at the Emerson college Campus moviefest. Shown at Zebro Show. More Videos at

nispen ::: Favorites
Ohhhhhh. Pooor little white Blacula ....
07-07-17 12:20:03
peppergod ::: Favorites
John Lennon?
07-07-11 19:02:21
N1GWANNAC1G ::: Favorites
I want my 6 minutes back
07-07-10 20:24:31
justiceisrough ::: Favorites
nobody doesn't like Quantam Leap
07-06-20 11:29:51
AttheCircus ::: Favorites
I like Quantum Leap.
07-06-19 19:28:31
zombigrlbitesyou ::: Favorites
07-05-26 18:16:40
watercooler ::: Favorites
Scott Bakula would never wear Chuck Taylors.
07-05-09 10:36:11
McGonigle666 ::: Favorites
lol, great!
07-03-27 20:33:21
XRateD308 ::: Favorites
Nice! enjoyed watching it... at first i thought it was crap, but after a while it got intresting :) Keep up the good work
07-03-17 13:47:54
Yatouh ::: Favorites
Genius. Very nice skit.
07-03-12 06:55:15

Gunshop Showreel 2007

Duration: 02:32 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-23 17:02:51
User: Harrison880
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Gunshop is a design-based production company dedicated to bringing brands to life with motion graphics, live action, design, illustration, character and 3D animation. Gunshop fabricates top notch work for advertising, broadcast and corporate clients For more info check them out at


Duration: 01:01 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-22 09:25:45
User: chuwichuwi
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This latest HP spot features nutbar dream director Michel Gondry doing what he does best, which is everything, including talking about himself. Directed by his brother Olivier Gondry for Goodby, Silverstein & Partners, San Francisco. It was the last commercial produced by Partizan New York before Gondry switched to Paranoid for US representation.

2432615184 ::: Favorites
Oh man, the video description made me laugh :-)
07-06-12 07:50:06
MoshiMoshiYoshitoshi ::: Favorites
wtf ever. i just hope he doesn't stop dreaming
07-06-06 01:50:33
guacobey ::: Favorites
he use linux on a mac. he is french.
07-05-26 15:38:43
futurelevel ::: Favorites
as if he doesn't use Macs.
07-05-25 22:53:06

Damsels in Distress

Duration: 02:22 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-25 20:25:42
User: thepineoakslodge
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Superheroes attending Comic Con were surprisingly unaware of the damsels in distress all around them.

deLobt ::: Favorites
i think no one helped because it was clearly fake/half-hearted strangling. if there was a real-seeming struggle i'm certain people would've tried to break it up.
07-09-06 00:55:43
mrob9456 ::: Favorites
07-09-06 00:06:49
TransylvanianPeach ::: Favorites
Don't diss comic-con girls. They're actually some of the coolest and smartest people you can meet, unlike the "hotties that were elsewhere" who were probably staring at themselves in the reflection of someone's car window...while failing to notice that the owner of the car, was still inside. *sighs* oh the humantiy... I support you comic-con girls!! :3 you'll find your hero!!
07-09-05 23:28:28
daxtinator911 ::: Favorites
Wow, I am never trusting a superhero to save me again. XD
07-09-05 22:28:09
recklessmob ::: Favorites
Yeah, Mario was the reason i clicked it too
07-09-05 21:24:33
cococolakid ::: Favorites
i only watched this because i saw mario
07-09-05 21:14:01
KazeOrion ::: Favorites
This is true...Sad, but true
07-09-05 20:23:51
fenterson ::: Favorites
This is so stupid
07-09-05 20:05:18
BIgJuice555 ::: Favorites
that was gay -_-
07-09-05 19:25:06
uscstudent13 ::: Favorites
of course there is no rescuing without obstensibly stupid cleavage
07-09-05 18:07:17

Triple J - Moonlight Commercial

Duration: 00:31 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-07 10:46:21
User: swatstuff
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My entry into a competition run by the alternative Australian radio station, Triple J. Music: 'Kinlock Avenue' by Margaret Helen King

BathingFrankyTv ::: Favorites
Cool - Congrats on the SF job brutha!
07-09-05 21:47:23
purplepeace123 ::: Favorites
That was really cool!!!
07-09-05 12:03:44
debpoli ::: Favorites
original, fantastic, creative, awesome! 5 stars :D
07-09-05 12:01:05
designx86 ::: Favorites
Really good. I love the music too.
07-09-05 00:15:14
moondy11 ::: Favorites
did you win?
07-06-28 04:20:29
kraznadar ::: Favorites
Did I hear you say that it's after effects that you use? you're ridiculous man
07-06-06 17:20:08
inersha1981 ::: Favorites
Amazing! I love every single video you have done!
07-04-23 21:51:50
artettina ::: Favorites
Already saved last vid to my favorates!! Love this one as well!
07-04-17 22:17:47
cordlox ::: Favorites
very nice. did you do the goyte clip?
07-04-08 20:31:59
jeykall ::: Favorites
I love your movies man... amazing.
07-04-04 20:47:36

The Adventures of Batman and Robin... and Jesus (Episode 4)

Duration: 03:32 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-26 07:25:47
User: thepineoakslodge
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The Thrilling Conclusion???

frigginguest ::: Favorites
a haaahahahahahaahahahahahaha! so friggin' funny!
07-09-06 00:55:29
zoeyzou ::: Favorites
"robin slap?" " batman kick in the balss"
07-09-06 00:26:40
DudesonWoosa ::: Favorites
the ending is awesome. especially at 2:00 robin screws up the line lol.
07-09-06 00:26:31
xXmakenaXx ::: Favorites
eh, i guess it was HILARIOUS!! loved it
07-09-06 00:00:52
Wolfmantom87 ::: Favorites
Batman's style of acting is too reminiscent of Will Ferrell methinks...
07-09-05 23:51:17
ShinSenshi ::: Favorites
HAHAHA! awesome
07-09-05 23:45:25
Elvisdogg ::: Favorites
hilarious! 5/5 It'd be just very slightly better if the films were linked to each other as video responses.
07-09-05 23:43:26
TheJacobGarrShow ::: Favorites
our new best friends are the same best friends! batman and robin and Jesus, hilarious
07-09-05 23:39:23
crewball15 ::: Favorites
frickin hilarious, robin slap!, can't get enough of it lol!!
07-09-05 23:29:12
iKayle ::: Favorites
But it's truue
07-09-05 23:28:29

Traffic Jams of Crowded Trams

Duration: 04:31 minutes
Upload Time: 06-08-10 10:58:10
User: swatstuff
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It was a uni assignment and was meant to be a dream like sequence reflecting my first year of living in melbourne. (Note: the original title was theory journal)

debpoli ::: Favorites
gave me goosebumps. your work is amazing (for lack of better word)
07-09-05 12:07:24
12sck ::: Favorites
You are so talented!!! I love to watch your films! Thank you for sharing!!!!
07-09-02 22:47:59
crumsnatcha ::: Favorites
Found this video on here probably almost a year ago now, and I still come back to watch it everytime I need to draw inspiration. You've taken the simplest things which anyone could go out and film, shot from different intricate angles, and edited it into a beautiful work of art. I truly admire this piece...thank you for sharing it.
07-07-14 09:15:42
pmasters8941 ::: Favorites
and also at 3:00
07-07-11 18:49:19
pmasters8941 ::: Favorites
who sings the song around 2:30?
07-07-11 18:48:29
swatstuff ::: Favorites
For this video i used my now old sony handicam and fixed up the footage in Final Cut
07-02-18 22:31:10
chant121 ::: Favorites
sweeet stuff here mate ,,, what cam was used to get that professional look ? ..
07-02-18 14:14:25
kittyxproductions ::: Favorites
this is always my favorite.
07-01-01 20:09:05
curtayne ::: Favorites
Absolutely inspiring stuff! So good to see Melbourne too-made me wanna jump on a plane and go back..ahh one day seriously well done
06-12-27 11:06:19
WollnyInta ::: Favorites
I've seen this movie a few months ago but after looking it once again it's more tremendous. Keep uo that good work!
06-12-03 06:20:06