Thursday, September 6, 2007

The Adventures of Batman and Robin... and Jesus (Episode 3)

Duration: 03:47 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-26 07:22:48
User: thepineoakslodge
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A jilted Robin meets up with a familiar friend. While Batman gets even closer to Christ.

frigginguest ::: Favorites
friggin great shi...errr stuff!!!
07-09-06 00:51:24
voidletfrog ::: Favorites
hehe, this was cute. I must have been very close to some of this when it was being filmed- I noticed the LOST panel at one point.
07-09-06 00:15:23
ducky13 ::: Favorites
oh wow Jesus and the flash same guy
07-09-06 00:02:01
Iloporieno ::: Favorites
Haha, great ending
07-09-05 23:51:49
MonsterSlayer14 ::: Favorites
lol "wheres your lightsaber?"
07-09-05 23:50:51
PaulsOpinion ::: Favorites
...Meh, funny at parts, but you could barley hear the dialouge.
07-09-05 23:32:44
icerahkshi ::: Favorites
obi-wan + jesus = (oh, there is your light saber)
07-09-05 23:11:08
silver007drgn ::: Favorites
oh Jesus Christ you're the best friends I've ever haaaaaaddddd....... akward...
07-09-05 22:52:12
Treemeadow ::: Favorites
:Hug it out....hug it outtt..." "Only coz Jesus said so!"
07-09-05 22:43:27
Thelovelychristina ::: Favorites
07-09-05 22:08:18

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