Saturday, April 5, 2008

cronulla riots new video

Duration: 00:56 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-11-26 08:37:31

shot dec 2005- from a balcony in downtown cronulla. Shows a mob chanting and walking down the street


IrishDroog  2008-04-02 20:09:19

yea i was being tongue in cheek, but the way your worded it does look like you're saying you're proud to be white. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but in today's PC world, it's a touchy claim.
basmman  2008-04-02 17:35:41

no bro i was just stating that i was white, and i am an australian and proud to be one. thats not being racist mate.
IrishDroog  2008-04-02 11:02:54

At least when white people participate in a race riot they dont destroy their own neighborhoods, i.e. blacks in los angeles.
IrishDroog  2008-04-02 11:02:02

Whoa dude, you just said you're white and proud of it?? You're a fucking racist mate.
dillydally666  2008-04-02 05:53:32

strke69 - have you forgotten that it was the Aussies who fought for this country,to stop the Japanese from invading??? I didn'thave any relos who fought for this great land, but geez I'm glad we still have it. Abos can stick to their petrol/glue sniffing,hunting and living in primitive ways, no-ones stopping 'em.

NHL Hockey - More Big Hits

Duration: 05:43 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-19 01:52:04

Here's some big hits from 03/04 - Music - Drowning Pool - Step Up


Runescape Clan video

Duration: 04:01 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-07 15:24:32

if you want to join this clan you must ask me aka fatmoleman2 or coolchris139 or madcowdie or 2iamtheone2 or even dymm halo But you must be an active member you can join our irc chat #Pure_skillz u can from mirc swift switch or swift kit but you must set the server to swiftswitch server for mirc join the clan now if ur 90 + subscribe and add me:D


rsTandT  2008-03-28 19:58:30

wow this clan bl0ws
mafkadet  2008-03-10 13:14:30

Awesome vid u made there jamie <3 :P
mybigjimmy  2008-03-07 20:27:10

an average acc
alawoo01  2008-03-07 20:04:58

pure skillers or like me? a average acc

Scott and Julie making Ramen

Duration: 02:59 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-17 18:00:33

yum yum yum yum yum !express# !metadata#!version#v1.0.r291!/version#!format#1.001!/format#!totalTime#475848!/totalTime#!width#400!/width#!height#300!/height#!maxSceneSize#3436!/maxSceneSize#!clientPublishTime#Thu Jan 17 16:57:41 GMT-0600 2008!/clientPublishTime# !/metadata# !scenes#!scene# !asset path="" type="TransitionContent"#!stamp time="0"# !display#false!/display# !direction#stop!/direction# !duration#0!/duration# !z#5!/z#!/stamp#!stamp time="8536"# !display#true!/display# !direction#forward!/direction# !duration#1000!/duration#!/stamp#!stamp time="9536"# !display#true!/display# !direction#reverse!/direction# !duration#1001!/duration#!/stamp#!stamp time="10537"# !display#false!/display# !direction#stop!/direction#!/stamp# !/asset#!/scene#!scene# !asset path="" type="TransitionContent"#!stamp time="9536"# !display#false!/display# !direction#stop!/direction# !duration#0!/duration# !z#5!/z#!/stamp#!stamp time="18698"# !display#true!/display# !direction#forward!/direction# !duration#1000!/duration#!/stamp#!stamp time="19698"# !display#true!/display# !direction#reverse!/direction# !duration#1001!/duration#!/stamp#!stamp time="20699"# !display#false!/display# !direction#stop!/direction#!/stamp# !/asset#!/scene#!scene# !asset path="" type="TransitionContent"#!stamp time="19698"# !display#false!/display# !direction#stop!/direction# !duration#0!/duration# !z#5!/z#!/stamp#!stamp time="52370"# !display#true!/display# !direction#forward!/direction# !duration#1000!/duration#!/stamp#!stamp time="53370"# !display#true!/display# !direction#reverse!/direction# !duration#1001!/duration#!/stamp#!stamp time="54371"# !display#false!/display# !direction#stop!/direction#!/stamp# !/asset#!/scene#!scene/# !/scenes# !asset path="finished/5534621E6DF10493-0AFA53A0D95C1AAE.flv" type="VideoContent" desc=""#!stamp time="0"# !mute#false!/mute# !height#300!/height# !display#true!/display# !position#0!/position# !width#400!/width# !volume#0.75!/volume#!/stamp#!stamp time="475848"# !display#false!/display#!/stamp# !/asset#!/express#


nlpackers  2008-02-17 14:34:18

Um ok you guys are crazy dudes
awkward4us  2008-01-17 23:13:04

watch us

Mit 17 hat man noch Träume - after Peggy March

Duration: 03:53 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-07 03:01:29

Mit 17 hat man noch Träume Da wachsen noch alle Bäume In den Himmel der Liebe Mit 17 kann man noch hoffen Da sind die Wege noch offen In den Himmel der Liebe Doch mit den Jahren wird man erfahren Daß mancher der Träume zerrannen Doch wenn man jung ist, so herrlich jung ist Wer denkt, ja, wer denkt schon daran? Mit 17 hat man noch Träume Da wachsen noch alle Bäume In den Himmel der Liebe Junge Leute fragen nicht, was man darf und kann Junge Leute sehen die Welt mit eigenen Augen an Und ist diese Welt auch oft fern der Wirklichkeit Wo ist der, der ihnen nicht lächelnd das verzeiht? Mit 17 hat man noch Träume Da wachsen noch alle Bäume In den Himmel der Liebe Doch mit den Jahren wird man erfahren Daß mancher der Träume zerrannen Doch wenn man jung ist, so herrlich jung ist Wer denkt, ja, wer denkt schon daran? Mit 17 hat man noch Träume Da wachsen noch alle Bäume In den Himmel der Liebe


Jackkeule  2008-03-29 11:54:35

Lovely too than your other Version. I love it!!! Greets from Germany.
CNZ19  2008-03-20 09:18:42

hey I'm much older than 17 ^^ Chris :o)
wenarto  2008-03-20 09:15:21

you are too young :-0
CNZ19  2008-03-20 09:14:18

That was a nice song. I haven't known it... 5***** Chris :o)
Twirretwarre  2008-02-07 18:27:09

In Dutch it is: Dank je wel, Roeleke... Dank je wel Wenarto!

Shed Seven - chasing rainbows - live

Duration: 03:08 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-09 07:10:40

shed seven live at notts rock city 3 dec 08


Tom Dooley

Duration: 03:21 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-14 17:51:05

In 1958, the then-unknown Kingston Trio revolutionized popular music in America when a radio DJ in Salt Lake City began playing a single cut from the group's debut album over and over and calling other jocks around the country and getting them to do the same. Popular demand for the song prompted a reluctant Capitol Records to release the song as a single; its sales quickly hit a million units, shot up to two, and kept going. The song, of course, was an old North Carolina folk song, "Tom Dooley," the ballad of Civil War veteran Thomas Dula, who was hanged for a murder that many believe he did not commit. The hit song was the direct impetus that led to the boom in interest in acoustic folk music, both traditional and popularized, that swept the US in the late 50's through the mid 60s, leading in turn to folk-rock and singer/songwriter waves that later dominated the air waves. This rendition by The Chilly Winds (from the 2006 Mountain Music Festival in Colorado) attempts to capture the feel of the original album cut by the Kingston Trio and was presented in response to a request from the audience by a young lady who was born much too late to remember the original but was far too fetching to ignore. Bass accompaniment and additional vocals by Rick Jarusiewisc. You can visit the Chilly Winds online at their homepage: and on MySpace:


AMVeller  2008-01-09 11:05:18

NICE! Check out our videos let us know what you think
bosnia91  2007-12-31 15:20:55

if you think about it, this song is a bit sad actually. But everyone take it for a happy song.
DaraghPhelan  2007-12-27 16:47:50

Great song well sung!!
saully1966  2007-11-26 01:34:15

Sensei, I am looking for a recording of "Southcoast" by the Kingston Trio. I think my father was a fan in the 50's. He used to play it all the time on his guitar. He may have also been a DJ in a small Utah town at this time. I'm trying to help him tell his story.
capt777737  2007-11-01 13:17:58

Chilly Friends you're not amature, you are PROFESSIONAL. I speak as a musician. You should come to our bluegrass events we got going in Wyoming. We were at BBQ/Bluegrass up in Worland on Aug 18th with Lights On Bluegrass Academy out of Thermopolis, and we picked with some of the best bands there including Packway Handle Band out of Athens GA.

TheSportsStuff (TSS) and Chiefs Camp 5-day review

Duration: 09:29 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-30 22:19:27

I am asking you guys to join and hit up our message boards and phone lines. I also review the Chiefs 5-Day camp.


jahvid231  2007-10-24 23:27:11

nnumber 1 larry was not in camp, number 2 priest is way better than bennet even with a fucked up knee, and lastly priest is still there bcus they want a backup 4 larry.
TheAfroThunder  2007-09-02 11:06:21

with his pfreformance last year no he doesn't
Ether165  2007-08-16 23:18:00

CASEY PRINTERS 4 STARTER!!! PRINTERS 4 STARTER!!! if u havent been watching this guy in the preseason than u gotta check dis guy out, he can scramble, he throws the ball at the spot it needs to be, he doesnt make many mistakes, and he puts the ball on the receiver's chest, Damon Huard had a lucky season last year cause everyone was tryin to stop LJ, and left receivers open, and damon makes bad, rookie mistakes. PRINTERS 4 STARTER!!! (spread the word)
okk12  2007-08-06 11:30:21

you have a horrible voice.
Busbrain1  2007-08-03 19:44:50

I realize Carl has to sign him. But look at Herm. The relation shop between Herm & LJ is not very good and that is no secret. Herm is already in love with Priest and Herm says he will only let the people at camp play...then again its not the first time he broke his promise...I hope I'm wrong tho..I'd take LJ over Priest anyday.

Tony Hawk's Underground 2 GBA

Duration: 03:35 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-24 07:53:17

Tony Hawk's Underground 2 dla konsolki Game Boy Advance


BsvMutants of Brukup@Apollo

Duration: 02:22 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-09 22:14:39

Da young vets led by ghost&rain get there First there tv apearence Betty Spagetti, The Conqeror,Killa K as the mutants of bruk up


alister12  2008-03-27 22:21:12

BSV is the truth.. Big Up to BEtty SpAgeTti, keep doing ya thing.
kjmarlo  2008-03-21 17:01:28

ohhhhh ok
BSVGhost1  2008-03-21 01:39:35

that was the conqueror
kjmarlo  2008-03-21 00:41:36

oh shit Ghost lit his foot on fire......I watched this vid like 5 times and I didn't even see...oh shit!
odearuded  2008-03-19 18:16:02

wtf at :55 i just realized he lit his foot on fire wtF?!@?!@!@?1