Saturday, August 11, 2007

Connecting the universe

Duration: 463 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-04 21:52:21
User: IanCrossland
:::: Favorites

We are connecting the universe.

Elsa5Silver ::: Favorites
how about we just quarantine Earth.....why send our dysfunction anywhere else
07-07-06 16:51:53
Hypnotyze ::: Favorites
Haha. This fucking guy is stoned. The Matrix + The Lion King philosophy = Standard Crossmack vlog.
07-07-08 04:20:01
PaulBuffalo ::: Favorites
Scuse me, didn't quite get that. I wouldn't mind a vlog dreaming and speculating on what the future might be, space travel, an exercise in imagining or thinking about ramifications of the net. The possibilities are indeed exciting, but to jump from the rich will be fleeing wars in spaceships, the aliens will love us and we'll be living and ripping into new dimensions in the internet ether and individualistic thinking and decriminalizing marijuana. Is it me?
07-07-08 15:14:03
jemmons ::: Favorites
Of course we want to build a spaceship!!!!
07-07-19 09:16:01
jemmons ::: Favorites
stupid ass potthead
07-07-19 09:16:24
Gyrkin ::: Favorites
Were you stoned? If you were that kind of rich, your life would be so good that it's far less than likely that you'd actually leave here. Also, people don't want to leave here. They want to control others, tell them what to do. The only way we'd ship people out is as a punishment... and that costs far more than killing them so... exhale. Now, all that said, dude, can ya hook me up with your supplier?
07-07-24 18:09:23
IntoxicatedFreakshow ::: Favorites
Ha, you're fucking stoned.
07-08-03 04:17:29
BigFatBetty ::: Favorites
The universe is shaped like a nautilus shell. Only the closer you get to the center, the bigger it gets on the inside. Part of the reason why extraterrestrials haven't contacted us is that we are operating on a faulty model of the universe. Spiral or nebulus galaxies are only what is IN the universe. The universe itself is wound around itself. That's why there is a space time continuum.
07-08-10 19:45:37
BigFatBetty ::: Favorites
and even Einstein realized that time travel was possible by means of transcending the lateral folds the universe makes(think the nautilus shell). Time is "concentric." Not linear. Time isn't like a ruler. Time is like a pebble dropping into still water, and the ripples going out from one another, only instead of dissipating continue outward, each ripple containing the ripple before. Can you grasp this?
07-08-10 19:46:40
BigFatBetty ::: Favorites
Because time travel will not be possible with a linear perspective of time, but rather with a concentric perspective of time. Even planets and astronomical objects have circular or elliptical orbits.
07-08-10 19:47:30

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