Saturday, August 11, 2007


Duration: 397 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-19 22:33:49
User: IanCrossland
:::: Favorites


jesciestanton ::: Favorites
Nice interesting post! But, have you seen what happens if you put diamonds in a blender? Check it out blend.lostfrog 'dot' com
07-03-08 21:01:26
HisRoyalDudeliness ::: Favorites
"I know the cage that we put ourselves into with logic." -Ian Crossland MASSIVE lulz.
07-03-12 08:13:44
duncandrill ::: Favorites
Nice interesting post! But, have you seen what happens if you put diamonds in a blender? Check it out blend.lostfrog 'dot' com
07-03-13 21:14:28
lennonfan77 ::: Favorites
So, was this an apology to the other Ian?? You really need to say, "I am sorry".....he deserves that much..
07-04-15 01:35:15
DrZarkloff ::: Favorites
Hurray for paypal. I had my tonsils and uvula removed on Friday. Wanna see? I made a video for all to see.
07-04-20 03:34:07
da0124 ::: Favorites
hey i got something very intersting for you might talk about into the future if you still around reading this stuff we call speaking but i have something that might change you perspective of seeing just talk to me on yahoo messanger my email is ill tell you but i dont know how to yet
07-04-30 06:50:53
Dmasterman ::: Favorites
Ian, stop being mad. Lay back..chill...If you don't chill you'll always be mad man...Always...let the universe flow...don't control it...
07-05-02 09:23:27
ninja100x ::: Favorites
Ian Crossland grates on my nerves. Little Pampered ass rich boy ranting about how bad life is.
07-06-06 09:08:41
clixx13 ::: Favorites
That isn't funny.
07-06-27 15:39:12
HisRoyalDudeliness ::: Favorites
I agree 100% with you. It's fucking hilarious. NAY! IT'S LULZY!
07-06-27 16:20:23

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