Saturday, August 11, 2007

The 5th dimension

Duration: 500 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-22 19:13:12
User: IanCrossland
:::: Favorites

We exist in all dimensions at once. We are not stuck in this third and fourth dimensional perspective. Understanding what is happening will lead us to a better sense of peace within our existance. A visual explanation of the ten dimensions: Part 1: Part 2: There are now believed to be 11 dimensions in modern string theory.

houstonpenny ::: Favorites
nice... didn't think of it that way... The 5th dimension is what DIDN'T happen in OUR dimension... in OUR 3D LIVES...
07-08-03 00:51:18
houstonpenny ::: Favorites
LOL awsome... but this dude has a serious point! Awsome though...
07-08-03 00:52:39
withinspace ::: Favorites
Really neat stuff. Great post.
07-08-03 20:48:07
jackizle ::: Favorites
its not just what you say, its also what you do
07-08-03 20:59:09
FedeMart ::: Favorites
lol so true
07-08-04 07:42:31
astroguyaz ::: Favorites
Isn't that the truth? I resonate with your thoughts, so true.
07-08-04 15:54:01
reptilexcq ::: Favorites
So what is your point?? We all know that there are all infinite possibilities out there...but there is no way in hell that human being as 3rd dimensional creatures be able to see all these possibilities and then make a take a right path afterward unless you're a 4th dimensional creatures.
07-08-04 21:59:49
hallowking ::: Favorites
its all a lieeeeeeee
07-08-06 02:23:51
mendomendo ::: Favorites
well man, if im not mistaken your ideas of what demensions are, are wrong. we exist in a 3rd demensional reality, time is not the 4th, infact i have read that in the 4th demension (in theory) there is no time or space. i just think you need to research what your talking about before you go all out with this
07-08-07 18:16:19
antilect ::: Favorites
Hi Ian! I am exactly deeply involved in dimensional understanding! I AGREE that the 5th dimension is a dimension FULLY capable (through understanding) to be controled by OUR conciousnes! I am from sweden so my english may distort the words, but my message is. I'm with you! I agree and I REALIZE the POSSIBILITIES FROM WORDS!!!! WORDS DIRECT FOCUS! FOCUS creates subconcious. subconcious creates reality after a period of time! words are magic!
07-08-09 08:14:22

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