Saturday, August 11, 2007

Pulling apart religion

Duration: 369 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-07 23:52:39
User: IanCrossland
:::: Favorites

examine it bit by bit. we're all human so grab a shovel. I include atheism in the group of religions. I find its structure pins people down. Saying there is no god is as unsure as saying there is a god. It is the word god that will benefit us to examine. Key to the locks on the chains.

drewbiez ::: Favorites
god bless you :p
07-08-10 17:32:04
ailime1000 ::: Favorites
You say we should turn christians into normal people, but what exactly is normal? Also...what is so bad about waiting for something? It offers hope and comfort and sometimes thats all what a person needs. Living a in a world that is cold and even scary...knowing theres something better out there is a blessing. But then then it is YOUR opinion...but analyzing something from the outside and living in it and knowing it from the inside is a whole different story.
07-08-10 18:04:17
bowchickawow1 ::: Favorites
OMG YOU ARE MY FUCKING HERO!!! IT IS SO TRUE!!! All religion does is cause war, give people an excuse to hate eachother, make people believe in something that isn't true, etc., etc. Go science!
07-08-10 18:35:00
outskut ::: Favorites
isn't it interesting how you can only talk this lucidly and profoundly when you're drunk
07-08-10 18:42:35
XxXEmOcHiCk5941XxX ::: Favorites
You're hot...damn...that's the only reason why I'm watching your videos.
07-08-10 19:21:05
Shoekree ::: Favorites
dude its not religion that cause war its more like status. Its more like skin color, sexuality, money, possessions. that causes war. LIke the war Iraq does that have anything to do with religion??? no! its the possessions of mass distruction. If the world had no religion, no race, no sexuality, no possessions, no presidents, no king, no prime minester then we would be in peace.
07-08-10 19:32:11
UniversalBrother108 ::: Favorites
you have been reincarnating through the ages as a deep philosopher, keep up the thoughtwork.
07-08-10 22:27:30
boldia ::: Favorites
may allah bless us all and may sid bless natty's batty
07-08-10 22:33:19
tomlmc ::: Favorites
do you even know what you are talking about man? you don't have a single train of thought here.
07-08-10 22:39:00
poisonaddicttt ::: Favorites
your vid & others are kinda freaking me out. bc what those Xtians are saying & believing might just be true. doesnt it say in the bible about the world becomeing uniform. one power one government one religion..THE ANTICHRIST! arent you saying that? and arent others agreeing? it's fulfilling prophecy. we are that much closer to world's end
07-08-11 00:16:57

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