Saturday, August 11, 2007

The Moomins 1977 (Thingumy & Bob)

Duration: 294 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-20 17:27:17
User: luckyboy19
:::: Favorites

The Moomins Part 1 (Thingumy & Bob) This is a great series! Very well made, a little on the scary side for small kids...But highly addictive! Most stories run over 2 episodes and are excellently narrated by Richard Murdoch. I would recommend these as a must for the DVD collection! The disks also come with full German episodes.

TinyTinselFairy ::: Favorites
Used to watch this a teeny tiny kid i loved it but it made me scared of the dark .... still great though :-)
07-07-28 17:26:15
Spillage66 ::: Favorites
This was excellent! The fucking Japs fucked it up with the anime/manga shit. That pissed me off. Those cartoons are so crap in both quality and style. I hate how they are all the same! I also hate how popular they are! The Moomins are a classic and shouldn't have been prostituted to anime! THanks for posting it mate. ;)
07-07-28 19:21:35
luckyboy19 ::: Favorites
No problem! You've really made me smile :o) I think a lot more effort was made in making this version! As to which version is best...I think it's all down to what you grew up with...These are the Moomins I remember and like best...I've tried to watch the anime version but it just didn't work for me either...haha!! Thanks for commenting :o)
07-07-28 19:35:54
Bigspiderbaby ::: Favorites
cool! Far superior to the modern version - love the tune, reminds me of being a kid, cheers
07-07-30 14:06:53
WarzSchoolchild ::: Favorites
I won't get a wink of sleep now, thinking of that terrible "Groak" creeping up on me!.....shudder!
07-07-31 04:21:59
luckyboy19 ::: Favorites
I know just how you feel! I don't think I've ever stopped being a kid...haha!! Thanks for commenting :o)
07-07-31 22:19:02
CloneGoneWrong ::: Favorites
Everyone is saying the Japanese version was crap. Maybe it wasn't as genuine or accurate as previous versions, but the anime cartoon is what I knew as a child. I always thought it was amazing.
07-08-03 01:35:46
luckyboy19 ::: Favorites
Well said! I've said this before...but I like the felt Moomins because they are the ones I'm familiar with from my youth...I'm sure I would feel the same about the later cartoons if they were my era...Everybody has the right of choice and yours is valued! Thanks for commenting :o)
07-08-03 06:43:51
Andeiros ::: Favorites
Awesome animation I miss the old cartoons.
07-08-03 19:44:01
emskiandlily ::: Favorites
i loved this when i was a kid, i feel old now. :o)
07-08-08 03:51:32

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