Monday, September 17, 2007


Duration: 03:45 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-14 00:14:01
User: DoctorMetropolis
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knock knock..BOOM!

DoctorMetropolis ::: Favorites
they did, and he is wallowing in a rubber room right now, screaming at the top of his lungs.
07-09-16 15:04:30
angryislander56 ::: Favorites
I think they already came for sean.
07-09-16 06:26:03
angryislander56 ::: Favorites
I agree mysterywalker. People constantly underestimate the stupidity of the powers that be. Hence conspiracy theories.Distraction from the obvious (but hard to fix) problems in front of us.
07-09-16 06:13:43
anakin1814 ::: Favorites
Very interesting theory my friend! Think about it...Amazon dot com and i Tunes already have profiles of my likes and dislikes...often very accurate. Of course, if we all just hid behind dark glasses, we could throw them all for a loop. Just a thought. Knock knock knock, DoctorMetroplis, this is your neighbor Gary. Got any ambient techno rap rasta country music I could borrow? Or a cup of sugah perhaps?
07-09-15 12:49:42
tyrbolo ::: Favorites
According to the spyware count, there's a lot more interest in Myspace accounts of young girls. However I'm sure their are YouTubers who appear on the giant plasma wallscreen at Langley. The one labelled "retard of the day". It does add humor to a nasty job.
07-09-15 06:51:30
lookingforananswer ::: Favorites
But at least here, we can communicate with people we might not otherwise meet, and those of you with talent have an opportunity to explore ideas and concepts, and collaborate with other really cool, talented people, and display your work for praise, criticism, or even further collaboration.
07-09-14 22:19:28
lookingforananswer ::: Favorites
In this post-Watergate age of ultra paranoia, everything we do is monitored, or potentially monitored. Electronic media has become the opiate of the masses, keeping people sedated (at least in the U.S.) so they will not be motivated enough to revolt.
07-09-14 22:18:17
lookingforananswer ::: Favorites
Humunculo's doppelganger? ...but to answer your question, YouTube is post-tv tv, a little bit of voyeurism, and a town hall or corner bar. It's a nosy, noisy neighborhood, novellas, and a nut house. It is an art gallery, too.
07-09-14 22:07:03
EarlyWyrm ::: Favorites
You have to admit it's quite brilliant. The illusion of choice - "self inflicted big brother", as opposed to the imposed tyranny discussed by orwell or huxley. Greatest trick an abuser can play is to make the victim do it to themselves. That's why I like ducks...
07-09-14 21:00:48
pwarkentin2pc ::: Favorites
Judging by the haters and spammers, YouTube is more likely to be an anti-social experiment. Good Luck controlling this lot.
07-09-14 19:16:44

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