Monday, September 17, 2007

MizzDAIZYD - I Can ( Original )

Duration: 04:33 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-20 03:30:36
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MizzDAIZYD - I Can ( Original ) This is a song i wrote about self destruction. if you like it, please show your support and SUBSCRIBE to my channel! THANK YOU! GUIZELLADAY as MizzDAIZYD.

evoben87 ::: Favorites
You have a strong voice, I love the lyrics by the way. . its Awesome anyway. .
07-09-17 08:05:40
petertherock24 ::: Favorites
You reminded me a lot of Utada Hikaru, very beautiful voice. If only I am a record company executive, I will sign you right away.
07-09-17 07:44:51
mansterforever ::: Favorites
that make make me want to know how old are you?and where are you living?
07-09-17 07:32:38
citlalimstar ::: Favorites
I love this song. Your voice is amazing.
07-09-17 07:01:05
738021 ::: Favorites
way cool songs ;) really like your voice and the songs.. they're super great!!! hold on to your dream, girl. someday, you will be famous
07-09-17 05:37:15
GSpocK1 ::: Favorites
yor are not trying to be like any one ether. realy good not as fun as the others but realy good. dont do american idol they will take all your money. try to get as short as term as posible also. realy pure talent realy nice DD.
07-09-17 03:20:39
jalfredo1964 ::: Favorites
U R very prettyyyyyyyy bb
07-09-17 03:19:29
jalfredo1964 ::: Favorites
u r beatifull great singer keep continuos w, dream
07-09-17 03:18:10
danblink ::: Favorites
freakin powerful voice. keep it up there! cheers mate. Dan (:
07-09-17 02:59:59
DeathByMonkeys18 ::: Favorites
Yeah, your voice is beautiful and your spirit is absolutely amazing.
07-09-17 02:39:52

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