Monday, September 17, 2007

MizzDAIZYD- Nobody ( Original )

Duration: 05:40 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-20 03:04:56
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MizzDAIZYD - Nobody ( Original ) This is for everyone who wants to realise their dreams. if you guys like this song, please show your support and SUBSCRIBE to my channel! THANK YOU! GUIZELLADAY as MizzDAIZYD.

evoben87 ::: Favorites
i have to say this songs isnt as great as Jaded . . It seems this songs isnt right with your kind of voice. . but your expression to this songs is deep anyway. .
07-09-17 08:08:24
donkeyballs131 ::: Favorites
She's pinay. looks like happyslip. stop wearing shit on your head.
07-09-17 06:14:07
FaizIsSuper ::: Favorites
beautiful...just beautiful
07-09-17 06:08:24
infantileretard ::: Favorites
no one cares about her voice, those who do are probably linken park fans to begin with so lose/lose gl whore
07-09-17 05:47:10
th3aznboi ::: Favorites
shut up and suck mine teaweed.
07-09-17 05:12:34
Blizary ::: Favorites
Stop singing trough your nose, it must come frome your stomake, or whatever its called. Sing from your heart,
07-09-17 05:05:26
verntech ::: Favorites
i think shes filipina!
07-09-17 04:22:08
verntech ::: Favorites
hater.. get a life!
07-09-17 04:21:55
teaweed ::: Favorites
the fuk are u saying bitch....just put this dick and ur mouth and suck it...
07-09-17 04:11:38
j4f2c7 ::: Favorites
lemme guess, Korean? am i right, am i right? :D
07-09-17 03:33:47

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