Monday, September 17, 2007

My Rats - A true tale of ordinary madness.

Duration: 04:39 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-07 16:31:29
User: stebunn
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This was a collaboration between two guys who have never met. Illustrations by whirlysquirrel (now SquiggMonster) Written & edited by stebunn Music by steve cloutier Visit SquiggMonsterl's channel at:

spricket24 ::: Favorites
Very cool! :) Karen
07-06-05 21:08:40
azh01e ::: Favorites
HOLY CRAP, very nice.
07-03-25 22:40:03
lozafj ::: Favorites
07-01-30 01:32:48
crazymml ::: Favorites
Great job you guys! Really top notch. Loved it!
06-12-23 21:18:26
MikeNature ::: Favorites
What a team! I love this video, and it rings true to my ears too. I have a wonderful garden but the rats think it's paradise too :-) Fortunately late at night when they're out and about, no one else is. Thank you for honoring me with this creative art video response. 5 starzzz --mn--
06-12-04 16:41:13
stebunn ::: Favorites
Hey Clereece- Thanks for your nice comments! Check out whirlysquirrel's "Alien In My Bedroom".
06-12-04 07:02:46
Clereece ::: Favorites
HAHA - I LOVED this - saved to comedy favorites. Will check out whirlysqurrel as well!
06-12-04 00:33:00
MGB1000 ::: Favorites
This was excellant, thanks for sharing. Well done!
06-11-21 20:10:55
LizBizToo ::: Favorites
LOL 10 stars!
06-11-20 09:17:09
FlyingHorseKnuckles ::: Favorites
All God's chillin' gots us rats in our basements! It's up to us, each'n evr'y one to learin' to embrace the rats in our lives... tell it all, Brother! BYW milesre, you left one off your list; Stan Ridgeway.
06-11-12 07:36:55

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