Monday, September 3, 2007

Alcohol Smuggling - Iran

Duration: 07:40 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-26 07:18:52
User: journeymanpictures
:::: Favorites

June 2007 Fine wines. French cognacs. Scottish whiskies. In the Islamic Republic of Iran, all alcoholic tastes are catered for. We join the Kurdish smugglers keeping Iran's drinkers well lubricated.

SoranKurd ::: Favorites
Kurds like Iran(as a people) but are in love with Kurdistan
07-07-21 02:15:12
hashmakh38 ::: Favorites
As a contractor I also worked for this awsome Kurdish guy once who had a huge factory in the outskirts of Tehran. He was manufacturing and exporting chemical devices to Dubai, making loads of money and making jobs (which he would mostly give to Kurdish people). In this other place I used to work, there was this Kurdish girl I totally had a crush on. But I never had the guts to talk to.... Why am I telling you this crap!
07-07-20 20:22:36
hashmakh38 ::: Favorites
When I was going to university, I was looking for Kurdish room-mates because I knew they are good people. Not like people from some other provinces (like Mash'had). I used to have a Kurdish class-mate who used to tell us jokes about how Kurdish men have excessive masculine demeanors. We'd laugh so much. Ahh, the good old days.
07-07-20 19:53:15
hashmakh38 ::: Favorites
I praise the fact that you love your heritage and your people. But don't be biased and biggoted. Don't draw a conclusion and then switch off your mind and not let any new information in. Do you really think that those cheering the sepratists on really care for the Kurdish people. All they want is to destabalize the region so they can gain some political points. The same people that cheer on the sepratists today won't hesitate to butcher inocent Kurdish people when in power.
07-07-20 19:28:56
hashmakh38 ::: Favorites
What do you mean "and a job?". Hell yes! I used to work for one of Tehran's major technical research institutes. The place was sprawling with so many Kurdish people that I had learnt a few Kurdish words by the time I was leaving. The head of the chemical department was Kurdish. And through out the other departments there were loads of seniour faculty members. Go see how many Kurdish researchers were working on the Mesbah project; Iran's first satellite.
07-07-20 19:23:22
SoranKurd ::: Favorites
and i think that Persians are kind people, but the current iranian regime has to change NOW, into a democracy.
07-07-20 02:10:31
SoranKurd ::: Favorites
And a job? The filthy Iranain Regime does not give Kurds jobs. THere was an article writte by an English reporter,and he said that it was kind of ironic that the only companies in Iran that accepted Kurds were the foreign companies(European mainly). THe Iranian Regime does not want Kurds to be educated, and they try to thin the herd for kurdish education to the point that it is impossible for a kurd to get accepted by a University or find a job. I am glad we had this discussion,
07-07-20 02:10:27
hashmakh37 ::: Favorites
I do understand the circumstances of the Kurdish people, they have to live frugal livestyles. But whether that is more connected to the Iranian regime or the general poor economic state of the region in which they live I am not sure. But what I do know is that a Kurdish kid growing up in a poor Kurdish town chose the hard path and made it into university and reached exciting places.
07-07-19 18:52:08
SoranKurd ::: Favorites
I dont think you know the circumstance of the Kurdish people underthe Iranian Regime. Only a few Kurds are doing well in IRan, the rest are living in pure poverty. I dont think you understood the message of the video
07-07-19 18:18:35
hashmakh37 ::: Favorites
Yes it is the exciting, invigourating, stimulating and easy way out. The mundane and hard, but proper, way out is to work hard, educate your self and your loved ones. Not filling a donky with booz and sneaking across the boarder.
07-07-18 22:55:17

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