Thursday, August 9, 2007

Radical Spirituality-Advanced Lessons-End of Morality-2 of 3

Duration: 647 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-30 18:23:39
User: HamsaYogi
:::: Favorites

Meet Yogiraj Live: Visit Yogiraj's website to see his tour schedule and for lots of articles, and streaming radio interview, mantras, and exclusive video of him. Are you inherently a hypocritical being or a noble being? What's deep inside the depths of your consciousness? Why are your actions one way and your thoughts another? What are the teachings of the Buddha regarding thought vibrations and manifestation? *** Yogiraj is considered an illumined living master and solar seer, and helps sincere practitioners of yogic meditation awaken to higher levels of consciousness through chakra awakening/activation and esoteric practices of Himalayan yoga. Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath was born on May 10, 1944 in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India. He has been meditating since the age of 3, and spent his early years in the Himalayas amongst the HamsaNath yogis, in whose presence he was transformed. The divine transformation flowered after his deep and personal experiences in 1961 and 1967 with the yogi-christ Mahavatar Shiv-Goraksha-Babaji, the same spiritual master described in Yogananda's Autobiography of a Yogi. He has a wife of 30+ years, Gurumata Shivangani, with whom he built by hand the Hamsa Yoga Sangh Ashram (Spiritual Retreat) outside the city of Pune, near Bombay, India. They have two sons, and two grandchildren. Yogiraj teaches yogic meditation for the evolution of human consciousness. These perennial practices of yoga are the most ancient closely guarded sacred practices of the Himalayan yogis and masters from time immemorial. They help the practitioner gradually transform him/herself into the likeness of his/her own divinity. This ancient art and science has been a way of life for rare yogis and ascetics of India and abroad who have sacrificed everything in the search for their own inner Truth, their inner Godessence. Today, Yogiraj demonstrates in his own life and livingness, that powerful spiritual practice can be integrated with family life and a career. By the blessings of Babaji, Yogiraj teaches these techniques, which he collectively calls "The Alchemy of Total Transformation" to sincere seekers throughout the world, who wish to integrate these practices into their daily life, without the necessity of giving up worldly pursuits. These techniques are called: 1. Mahavatar Babaji's Kriya Yoga (N.B., the exact same kundalini kriya originally given to Lahiri Mahasaya in the 19th century) 2. Siddhanath Surya Yoga - A dynamic osmosis of solar healing. Pranic self-healing with solar power. 3. Siddhanath Hamsa Yoga - The Way of the White Swan. If earth peace is to herald the dawn of the new age, let us all realize that: Humanity is one's only religion, Breath one's only prayer, and Consciousness one's only God. (more) (less)

yolanda21 ::: Favorites
07-05-27 05:53:39
blindterr0r ::: Favorites
Thank George Carlin.. I love you asian man.. thank you. no fear.
07-06-21 02:04:49
tWistYbrain ::: Favorites
i like the 'light and bible and dirty book' analogy:) and also the 'trying to spit at the sun'
07-06-26 18:54:59
mindwis3 ::: Favorites
Every soul is devine. Yet some will rape someone else's children or even their own. So we shouldn't care about that because it is meaningless on the cosmic scale? Ofcourse people shouldn't wonder over trivial issues but: 'did he kill the body or the soul?' that's crazy. Guilt is a human emotion and i think it serves a purpose (learning).
07-06-28 10:55:41
Piehti ::: Favorites
Turn down life to nothing but yourself is nothing but suicide to the mind. Our fate is not to sit there and think only. It's to act. And most Gurus don't seem to act in anyway but to make more money, say a lot of "wise seeming" stuff and to make more poor souls theire slaves. Real enlightment means to stand far over thoose guys. These guys are materialists deluxe. I had luck to meet one of thoose "wise man" twice. I could say at once: I'm more wisley and your motives to be here are god damn bad!
07-07-07 10:14:40
samudra80 ::: Favorites
It requires you to be wise to identify a wise. Inductive reasoning of human nature is for the shallow.
07-07-21 21:56:35
TheShield04 ::: Favorites
india is one of the most fucked up countries in the world...and you treat your women like fucking shit...
07-08-04 15:04:07
HamsaYogi ::: Favorites
That's a pretty ignorant thing to say. India won its independence through non-violence. Indians elected a female president and a female prime minister. Has the United States? I'm an american born and raised, and I've spent several months in India. Have you ever been there? It's easy to talk trash when you're anonymous...
07-08-04 23:43:36
TheShield04 ::: Favorites
no, but i have business associates who have. And you know there are whole towns in india where weaman go to die, when their husbands die. Because in india, women are useless after they are too old for kids and after their husband dies. They pretty much get thrown in the trash, and left to fend for themselves.
07-08-07 18:24:52
TheShield04 ::: Favorites
And stop making india and budism seam "more peacefull"...they have had three all out wars with Pakistan, and both nations are nuclear armed...they handle their problems with violence just like everyone else. NON VIOLENCE only worked against the british because Indians outnumbered british soldiers 100 if not 1,000 to one....
07-08-07 18:26:31

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