Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Vlog Seveneveneveneven - Tehquila and Lego.

Duration: 03:46 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-01-18 17:51:24

You what's cool? Commenting me. Read on if you want to read on... I had made a little longer one, but after losing the entire thing, I lost the will to live and threw this together in 30 minutes. Sorry about the random bits where I stare at the camera then keep talking. Hope everyone else is liking the blogs....blogs? Vlogs...shit... More Licracki madness coming up soon!!! Thanks for reading/watching. --{Andeh}--


courtesypink  2007-01-19 12:46:53

Awesome job. I feel like I can die a happy girl after seeing that lego performance. Pure genius. XX
toosicktopray  2007-01-18 18:08:14

Legend =) Nice one, one of the best methinks!! x x x

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