Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Preview of "The poorest place in America" (Warning Graphic)

Duration: 06:57 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-22 02:15:12

Animals and people are freezing and starving. The dogs run in packs and resort to eating each other. Warning very graphic. Floyd Looks for Buffalo Hand - Medicine Man, Treaty Delegate, Author Russell Means Activst Actor Author Filmed and edited by: Lucas Brown Eyes Lance Brown Eyes Lakota Brown Eyes Pine Ridge South Dakota 2008


NICOLEJETTE  2008-03-22 18:20:25

You might consider deleting this one- since you've uploaded the full version now. Some folks have short attention spans & it may work against your message if people don't go to the full version from here. Your work is amazing. The effects you can have on the Lakotah community via your movies have far reaching implications for the good of all!! Much love & respect.
eweddingvideo  2008-03-22 05:32:29

ya do it do it this was a hard shoot cold shoot please watch the full 11 min video
pushthelimit  2008-03-22 05:09:04

please refer to my page (pushthelimit) to view the full version of this documentary.
NICOLEJETTE  2008-03-22 04:02:02

Lucas, Lance & Lakotah: It brings my heart such joy to see you helping to enlighten others about the reality of Lakotah life at Pine Ridge. Lakotah life as shown in this movie is why Russell is SO important. You are part of the younger generation that will help lift your people. Much respect to you for showing the world why Lakotah need sovereignty. I wish you MUCH success- always.

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