Friday, March 28, 2008

Adventure Mode (2/2) History Behind Super Smash Bros. Melee

Duration: 09:28 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-03 23:10:15

Explains Adventure Mode, but everything after Mushroom Kingdom and Underground Maze. I don't explain things that I've already explained in other videos. I cut it up to keep the quality decent.


Aerial009  2008-03-27 18:19:54

um, the title says 2/2.
Raveevil  2008-03-27 12:31:33

He probably already has it, and it is spelt rules not "RULZ"
MrDrowningPerson  2008-03-25 15:31:38

I think the "Big Blue" Course isn't based on the NES version of F-Zero because the developers of SSBM wanted at least one track to be newer, So the based the "Big Blue" course on SSBM, They based it on the GameCube version of F-Zero.
giodoli93  2008-03-24 13:45:02

pleaaaaaaaaaaase make #3???????????????????????
SSSJ4GOKOU  2008-03-23 17:34:31

omg bring on # 3 please

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