Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Duration: 00:6 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-22 12:27:39
User: Elrich89
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I honestly don't know what it is about. And no, I can't be bothered to read a Wikipedia article about it. I have no time! What are you hanging around reading this for?! Get going!


giorgia34 ::: Favorites  2007-11-22 12:45:35

i have no idea. :P sorry for wasting your time.[hence the fact you just read this useless comment] ahah
Leviosaa ::: Favorites  2007-11-22 12:58:44

it's a day when we americans celebrate a day of "giving" between the original american settlers and their american indian friends-- a day when there was supposedly a huge feast. many are doubtful that this ever even happened in american history, but nonetheless, we americans are "fat" and take any excuse to chow down gluttinish-like. we eat turkey, cranberry sauce, sweet potatos, stuffing, pumpkin pie etc. until we basically pass out in our chairs.
Tiednbound ::: Favorites  2007-11-22 13:04:09

Although most decoration today depicts the first Pilgrim Thanksgiving, the day was celebrated in the Americas for at least a century beforehand as a celebration of the end of the harvest season. By convention today, it is the forth Thursday in November.
giorgia34 ::: Favorites  2007-11-22 13:06:45

wow. my brain itched.
ilsehugsbeatles ::: Favorites  2007-11-22 13:31:28

well, I just learned something;)
unclesaboin ::: Favorites  2007-11-22 14:05:37

For some reason, Canada has it at a different time. We've already had our thanksgiving. I wonder why that is.
Moony97145 ::: Favorites  2007-11-22 14:37:02

Thanksgiving is basically about thanking God or whoever you worship, or each other for everything that's happened that was good in your life. Usually celebrated by a meal or a party of some sort. More commonly, the first Thanksgiving were the newcomers to America and the Native Americans celebrating their peace, and the Pilgrims thanking them for teaching them the way of America. Before the Pilgrims killed them. That's it. Giving thanks to God, supposedly, family, each other and ourselves.
Moony97145 ::: Favorites  2007-11-22 14:37:50

By the way, since I've commented all your videos, I do demand, still, 2,500 dollars in cash and one video dedicated to me. Get on it! :D
JumppStart ::: Favorites  2007-11-22 14:42:16

Yeah, basically it was supposed to be based on the feast that the pilgrims who came off the Mayflower and the Native Americans shared upon washing up in Plymouth Massachusetts. I don't really know why we still celebrate it since it was basically the beginning of us fucking over the natives, but hey! I guess it was seen as the start of a new country by the settlers. And like Tiednbound said, it was already celebrated by the indians before we came, and we thought it was cool, so we picked it up.
JumppStart ::: Favorites  2007-11-22 14:45:31

Oh, and it has a much nicer depiction than the actual history... usually little kids in kindergarten (primary school?) make crafts and write stories about what they're thankful for. And we eat all the things that Moony97145 said as a tradition.
JumppStart ::: Favorites  2007-11-22 14:47:00

oops... god I suck, sorry, correction, Moony97145 said nothing about food, it was Leviossa... sorry Ed! I'm hogging the page.
klr180691 ::: Favorites  2007-11-22 15:21:19

im sure there are plenty of americans who can explain it but being english.. something to do with turkey and.. i dont know. it was in a simpsons episode once
Elrich89 ::: Favorites  2007-11-22 16:05:57

Ha ha ha!
Elrich89 ::: Favorites  2007-11-22 16:06:17

"The way of America"? Oh dear.
Tiednbound ::: Favorites  2007-11-22 20:56:40

Many believe that Thanksgiving in Canada is earlier than in the USA. In reality, the Thanksgiving in Canada is a carry-over from the PREVIOUS year and the fine people in Canada are just catching up with their cousins in the lower-48. (not really, I made that up XD)

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