Saturday, October 20, 2007

Naga Siren Demo

Duration: 05:40 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-08-09 23:52:46
User: firedoomer
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This is a game of how to use Naga a 5v5 ap game.... See how i use


SuperMamiMan ::: Favorites
Gem? what has the Gem of True Sight got to do with Naga? tell you frankly man, NOTHING. Gem is only used for windwalkers and Invi heroes, Naga on the other hand uses illusions. Now, are illusions the same with windwalk? NO... Maybe you are refering to Phantom Lancer...
07-10-11 00:06:53
Gagigagu ::: Favorites
Saw the silencer got CotS. Video is instantly void xd
07-09-14 14:37:16
Sephlrothh ::: Favorites
I usually go wraith bands and a radiance for carry, THEN i get the diffusal. works good, and u wanna surround them when u net
07-09-01 12:05:07
krazydude999 ::: Favorites
Nice, but you should try surrounding the enemy you ensnare so they can't escape.
07-08-29 23:27:21
wakeupchoi99 ::: Favorites
the silencer was pretty noob
07-08-19 05:03:13
dahveh24 ::: Favorites
try naga with 4 buriza and 1 battle fury and power treads ul see a 3k per hit
07-07-31 09:25:15
kidzo3 ::: Favorites
I own with naga too but still nice vid I USALLY get MANTA Actually I ALWAYS GET MANTA STYLE
07-07-12 22:49:13
prozack1993 ::: Favorites
nice, i like the way you prevent tower kill and wat iteams did u use?
07-07-12 01:41:13
prolestgamers ::: Favorites
Awesome!!Really Awesome ~~ erm...i mean the backround music xD !!
07-07-11 04:10:22
benjaminyoyoyo ::: Favorites
nice one but when ppl buy gem than naga become very week
07-06-04 01:07:19

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