Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Live on the Moon: Campaign 2008

Duration: 03:07 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-27 04:53:06
User: GoRemy
:::: Favorites

Live on the Moon is probably my favortie Ernie song. I thought it'd be fun to make a Campaign 2008 version of the song (as the title indicates). I hope you enjoy it. If so feel free to subscribe! The special effects in this video are quite possibly the most spectacular feat this world has ever witnessed. And, remember, it's a JOKE!

superior1212 ::: Favorites
It´s nice and funny...and I like more than your rap...
07-09-04 20:14:56
nintendoelf ::: Favorites
nothing much! and no problem ;)
07-08-26 05:29:18
ShadowWolf6868 ::: Favorites
lol, sup? ^-^ thanks for sending me this vid, by the way! ^_~
07-08-26 01:14:18
nintendoelf ::: Favorites
lol hi shadow
07-08-25 21:46:14
ShadowWolf6868 ::: Favorites
lol, ha! Good vid! ^_~
07-08-25 18:56:44
givelivelovecocacola ::: Favorites
Remy your songs are amazing :)
07-08-18 22:15:35
QOTU ::: Favorites
Gore purchases carbon credits. Do you?
07-08-17 01:48:04
demon135 ::: Favorites
im a fan of u now..xD
07-08-16 04:27:41
dakgoalie38 ::: Favorites
Vote for Ron Paul. He's the only Republican who's against the Iraq War, and he's not even a flip flopper. He was always against the Iraq War.
07-08-14 02:00:27
nintendoelf ::: Favorites
btw little mess up on like probably the last moon ppart im not sure what one but the moon appeared before you did lol
07-08-12 06:09:56

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