Sunday, September 16, 2007

DJ Sara Freestyle Scratch Session

Duration: 02:48 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-04 09:52:06
User: sarascratch
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insanityisagift ::: Favorites
'Mazing. I'd be totally impressed if she was an adult who'd been doing DJing all her life.
07-09-16 07:33:48
djandyl ::: Favorites
coooooooooool!! but a change in sample sumwhere wud ov been better
07-09-16 05:55:20
DJpilsonKorea ::: Favorites
wat do their parents teach them? playing DJ? lol
07-09-16 05:09:02
entocheets ::: Favorites
yup - thought of qbert when watching these kids. new generation!!!
07-09-16 04:59:00
rjinla ::: Favorites
Heavy Grinder is all looks and no skill. Sara already has her beat :P
07-09-16 04:09:57
kings2099 ::: Favorites
She's going to be the next DJ Heavy Grinder!!!
07-09-16 03:12:55
losturban ::: Favorites
hey little dj, your quite sick, enjoyed the list look forward to hearing more.
07-09-16 02:07:39
jts201 ::: Favorites
Oh my, she's soo good.
07-09-16 01:05:46
onetimepeace ::: Favorites
simpy amazing dj sara i am blown away you are a prodigy wow wow wow.!!!!!!!!!.You are a giant in my world awesome.
07-09-16 00:48:59
xmensuckballs ::: Favorites
wow that was a good q and a. I would to sara do a q and a with dj flare.
07-09-15 19:43:05

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