Friday, August 10, 2007

Love letter season 2 ep 6 last part

Duration: 448 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-03 12:16:03
User: demngamngui
:::: Favorites

:) i dont guy that Chae yeon pick. He look so weak..lolz

notpopular ::: Favorites
i prefer tei... tei and chae yeon fighting! thnaks for sharing ^^
07-08-03 13:49:33
shwethazin ::: Favorites
tei and chae yeon dont match at all.. chae yeon is like bubbly and cheerful and tei is like sad and gloomy.. lolz.. :D:D
07-08-03 19:28:15
birdywing ::: Favorites
t's cuz tei has a cool image haha xD I really love chae yeon I love all the couples she pair up with^^
07-08-03 20:27:55
bluerose14 ::: Favorites
I think tei and her balance each other out.
07-08-04 20:59:17
demngamngui ::: Favorites
even though Hwanhee is younger than her but i think they are cute together.. Tei..i dont know..I think Eric mun is the perfect couple with her.. they are both hot!!
07-08-04 23:40:37
ChinkeeWinkee ::: Favorites
is the girl competing against chae yeon that one girl from jihwaza?? is it just me lol it looks like her but with longer brown hair.
07-08-07 05:45:26

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