Friday, August 3, 2007

Closet Cases of the Nerd Kind, Pt. 2

Duration: 275 seconds
Upload Time: 06-12-22 18:38:45
User: Newdae
:::: Favorites

Some background on this - I originally posted this on youtube, mistakenly saying that it was produced by the same people that did "Hardware Wars" (which it wasn't). Then, about a month ago, I get an email from youtube user "MichaelWiese", who happens to be a producer of "Hardware Wars". His letter to me basically said they had nothing to do with "Closest Encounters of the Nerd Kind or whatever it was called. It was compiled on a Warner Bros. compilation but is not our work." However, I did get a letter from youtube saying I needed to take down another video I had posted that Mr. Wiese had actually produced. So, not only did I take that one down, but also "Closet Cases" just to be on the safe side. Now that a month has gone by, I figured it was time to put "Closet Cases" back up since I didn't really hear from anyone concerning it. Let me just say that even though Mr. Wiese, et al, did NOT have anything to do with "Closet Cases", do not let it deter from your enjoyment of it. They didn't make it, think of making it, have anything to do with the making of it, ect. Originally, I thought "Hardware Wars" was a better parody as I was really into Star Wars at the time. But now that some time has passed, personally, I think this is a better produced parody and much goofier than "Hardware Wars". Again, that's just my opinion. So enjoy "Closet Cases" - until I get another letter from youtube threatening legal action for this one.

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landamae ::: Favorites
MY word I haven't seen that in so long! I LOVE IT! Makes me laugh.
07-04-14 16:37:00
tablehopper ::: Favorites
"These lights are soooo bright!" It's scary how much brain space is taken up with all the dialogue from this. My sister and I have been quoting this thing for years! And we laugh every time! Thank you for posting!!!!! Our copy on VHS is on the brink of death.
07-05-04 16:14:34
racon2r ::: Favorites
Awesome! I haven't seen this for decades. My brother and I still quote it. Vader's "You're blocking the road" and "I was a scientist before I became a bad actor." Thanks for posting this!
07-05-08 02:05:03
ProductionX ::: Favorites
Bambi Meets Godzilla's probably kosher since Newland doesn't really care a big deal over it being up here anyway (it's been duplicated for decades).
07-05-15 15:10:59
Crusader7077 ::: Favorites
Yes Sir.
07-05-21 15:44:21
kingpin123rcs ::: Favorites
I know that number. It's PI. Genious!
07-05-27 22:52:24
videoholic2007 ::: Favorites
I also have this on tape, and was gonna post it, but thought I'd check YouTube first...and it's already here!! Do you know where this came from? Was it shown on cable TV? Thanks!
07-06-10 12:49:46
ResurrectionOfCG ::: Favorites
The Instamatic... who else remembers that?!?
07-06-11 22:16:37
Ducksquatch ::: Favorites
This is THE BEST!! I remember seeing this as a youngster. It was shown between the featured movies on HBO before it went to a 24 hour format. Yes, I am THAT old. Like the others who have posted I still quote the dialog to this day. "I am the famous French scientist sent over here to find the UFO. Ahug!"
07-06-14 22:16:14
mexicruise70 ::: Favorites
Has this this short been shown under a different title? I remeber this being called "close encounters of the worst kind" or "weird kind".
07-07-25 22:00:17

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