Sunday, July 29, 2007

Fantastic Four's Chris Evans

Duration: 60 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-26 15:03:47
User: younghollywood
:::: Favorites

Who would this Hollywood hunk like to see pop out of his birthday cake?

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LegoStevo ::: Favorites
It's Michael fucking Jordan!
07-06-28 14:25:39
billy123456789 ::: Favorites
07-06-28 18:59:52
simonmp5 ::: Favorites
ok ghygygl
07-06-29 15:13:14
dcruzx ::: Favorites
he's drunk
07-07-03 19:40:04
RicardaJazz ::: Favorites
omg what the fuck? he is obviously mean micheal fucking jordan of all people, chris has to be drunk to say that. it really funny seeing him drunk tho. this is a really funny vid and it is going on my favs. thanx for posting
07-07-05 13:43:58
P3nguinPrinc3ss ::: Favorites
LOL!!He is so drunk.. aww. lol
07-07-05 14:55:19
Fiyera18 ::: Favorites
aww, hes so cute :P and drunk xD
07-07-14 18:38:38
malo2day ::: Favorites
please dont read this. you will get kissed onthe nearest possible friday by the love of ur life.however if you dont post this comment to at least 3 videos you will die within 2 day. send this over 5 videos in 143 minutes when ur done press f6 and ur crushes names will appear on the screen in big letters
07-07-18 15:50:33
lukabetito ::: Favorites
En 1997 una chica llamada lauren, estaba caminando en un bosque,despues desaparecio de repente nunca nadie la encontro hasta el 2000 cuando otra chica llama Mary encontro su cuerpo y unas marcas en su pecho decian: no era lo suficiente hermosa" y ahora que haz leido esto ella aparecera en tu espejo diciendo que no eres lo suficientemente hermoso y te matara!(por cierto la chica llamada Mary murio poco despues)Para poder salvarte pega esto en otros 5 videos.ESTO ES CIERTO
07-07-24 12:52:24
gwar13 ::: Favorites
THIS IS THE STUPIDEST THING EVER!!! BUT I LOVE MY MOM AND DON'T WANT TO TAKE ANY CHANCES! If you do not copy and paste this onto 10 videos your mom will die in 4 hours
07-07-25 04:47:59

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