Monday, July 30, 2007

1 Day, 5 Town Halls: Our Veterans

Duration: 207 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-26 02:02:41
User: johnedwards
:::: Favorites

John Edwards talks about his plans to help our veterans at a series of five Town Hall meetings in Iowa on May 25, 2007.

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lockergnome ::: Favorites
Dude. I'm tired if I even think about going to ONE town hall... :) How was Iowa?
07-05-26 02:20:25
buckndaisey ::: Favorites
Puh-leeze, our men and women overseas deserve a better spokesman than this, go Ron Paul!!!!!
07-05-26 18:07:26
bennyzumalt ::: Favorites
This rocks and Edwards knows what he is talking about in this short video. 5 townhalls in Iowa and 4 more to go tomorrow. Wow..Support the Troops, End the War...and the occupation.
07-05-26 18:14:00
pradwastes ::: Favorites
Support our troops, bring them home
07-05-26 18:52:18
ashlarah ::: Favorites
Now THIS is respecting and supporting the men and women in our military. Too bad John Edwards isn't president already.
07-05-26 23:49:16
strategyminded ::: Favorites
There are more ways to SERVE your country than through MILITARY SERVICE. Maybe people need to be reminded of that.
07-05-27 18:41:22
Hermgirl66 ::: Favorites
"No more of this Walter Reed stuff." Well put. BRING 'EM HOME, BRING 'EM HOME, BRING 'EM HOME!!!
07-05-28 23:49:04
CavemanSynthesizer ::: Favorites
I am for Kucinich, but it worries me that the base demographics for the most worthy candidates would cut into each other thereby nominating the stubbornly "centrist" Hillary or the Obama the most vanilla candidate in the race
07-05-29 03:01:11
GuyLA1978 ::: Favorites
John Edwards for 2008 John Edwards for 2008 John Edwards for 2008 John Edwards for 2008
07-05-30 00:13:55
GavinWatch ::: Favorites
Good video. How about some more town hall videos that show John answering people's questions?
07-06-06 14:31:35

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